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1、小学英语at集锦1 at ryou ding nwWha are you ing nw? m radingow.Whtar you doing nw? am jumpng no.hatareyou dg no? m running w.Wat rey ong no? am lahing nw.Hi h hh hahha ha h.2.Es ears nomouth chntEyes.yes. ccuahaErs ,eard. engeg engNos,nose sh s shMouh,mouth. m u3. Hello songHelo hello how a ou, fn , ine, f

2、e,hank .Hell helohow aeou, oh oh just so.Hohellohow are you, n o am terible.4. Rabbt songLef ,lft ,riht ,rih ,g ,ur aungo go go!5. Everyting ismoignwEverythng is moingnw . Ltmesow you howMhead is sakin,shakin ,shkin, haking.Myarms are wing, swing ,swing ,swig.My gs ovi, mving, ovin,vi6. Habgeraurgra

3、mbrerunrndHamuamurger touch the groundHmur hambge reh up highambgrhabre och t ky mer chantPoin up,point dow ,ow e oetad p ,it dn, ow e twoClap your hns and tap yor fet,show m thre.istent e lsten to her. show e fur.ite A , wite ,showme fi.Helpoctr doctor help elurue soo shot shotBuzz!uch.9.Wht can ou

4、seeLok ,lo hat cn ysee?canseea ir n he treeI can ee a mokeydrinking ea.I cn seea tier tchigTV.Ha Ha Ha10Tae bhYou are dit , ou ardiry.Are dirty , are wetyTeaah.tk bath.eya ya .Heyya yaI a cla.1 Appl SogAppl rud, pl red, ppe uic, apl swet,Appl,appe, Ilvey.Appe sweet I love to at12. Bg um upig tub u,i

5、gthub don, clp ur as,tun ound;i tubup, big thumb dwm, smp our et, turn around;Bi hmb u,bithmb don, coe hee, , go bck sit dow13. ig badwolWhfraid of he Bg BadWlf, ig a olf, BigB lf,Who afrad the ig Bad Wolf, LHaa Ha Ha.(s g bac)4EeantElehant, han,whs yu nose solng?Thats beaus mmthes ns is aso vrylg.1

6、5. Ian ysOne ttle,wolte,hre lttle Idians;four litte, five itte, six litle Iias;Seven lite,eihtle, etleIndins; e litle Indian Boys (From 10 to 1)16. ondon BrideLonon Bge i fali dwn,fallg dw, allinown,Lndn Bridg is fallng dow,yair ady17. Waling SonA. alki, walking, walkig, walin;Ju, jump,ju, um,jm,jum

7、p;ning,running, uning, runing, runnng; runing, now we top.B.Walking,walkng,alkng, walng;one pls one, one pus ne;Runni, running, ruing, uning, runnig, runnin; quals two, equals to.18 Happ ongIf yore happ, anyo owt, yuclaporands;if your hapy, and youkno it, yu lap your hands;f ureapy,d yokno , a youre

8、allyat t so t,fyue hap ad ou ow i, ou ap ur hnds.(stampur eet, gieme a kss, say “rh”)19. Hed shoulrs knees nd toesHea, shouldrs, knees adtoes, knes ndtoe,Hed, shulers, nees d ,nees adoes,ys, ars, ut and nos,ad,shules, knees andte, nes and tos.20. Eyes, EysEyes,eye,shua.shuar.huar; ars,ers, AhAA.;Nos

9、e, nose, n, no, no; oth, oth, (kss), (kis), (kis)Hans,hns,(cp), (la), (cl); eet,feet, (stamp), (stamp), (stamp),Angy, angry,er, Hen,Hern; hy, shy, Hern, Hern, HernCry, cry,Wuu, Wuu, Wuu; appy, hpy, aa, aa,Haa21. here humbkin?Wheei tun?Wher is tumbn?ereI am HerIHw re y thimornin? Verywe nThanyou.Rn a

10、way, n aa. (pointer,all an, ng a, pnky)22Rain,n, go waRain, rain, go awa, Comagai aoher day,Lttle kay ants t ply, (littles/ciren)ain, a, go awy.2. eehiveere is behive, wh re th be,Hidden away, an noy sees, wch d ee them om o of the hive,One,wo, tree, four, fie, zzzzz.4 ry to ndagoo frindFr tfid,ry t

11、ofi, t o in a gofriend,Solio and heyour hand,yo adI aregoo riend. Fier finger, 1fier, tu turn un, turtowat, tur t abush, sha sh shua2figr, inger,urn turntur, turn what, tur to a rabit, jumpjmp jum figer, 3fing, tn turn trn, turn to at, tur to afrk,yummy yummy yumy4 finer, 4finge, tun tun un,turn t h

12、at,trnto ct, mo mow mew5 inge, 5finge, turn tunturn, tun to wt,tr oa tigr, ouuu ouu uu6 fe, fige, u trn urn, turn to wha,tu to a w, murnurnn urnn7 fing, 7finger,turn turn tr, trn t ha, trn toanake, ss s8 finger, 8inger, tur turn tur, tun to wh,tur a g, un unn bu9fi,9finger,tuntun tr,ur twhat, turno ahook, 1 2



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