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1、Consumer Loyalty A Case Study ofApparel Stores on Taobao Abstract: During recent years, Chinas on-line shopping business has bloomed tremendously. Taobao, as the largest Chinese online auction company at present, shares twice as large market as eBays, which used to be dominant in the Chinese market.

2、 And the consumer to consumer (orC2C) apparel stores, which have taken up the largest part of all e-shops on Taobao, have attracted more and more customers every minute. The on-line shopping, which provides a new transaction method between the sellers and the customers. To manage this wholly new mod

3、e of transaction, it seems to be necessary for all the C2C e-store clothes sellers to understand the advantages and disadvantages of apparel stores operation on Taobao and discover the secret for successful operation. To keep and have customers loyalty is becoming the most important for those appare

4、l stores on Taobao. Because of the differences between traditional commerce environment and the on-line commerce environment, it is more demanding and complex for the owners of apparel stores on Taobao to raise and retain customer loyalty. This article aims to introduce the features and the determin

5、ant factors of customer loyalty, and tries to suggest some effective countermeasures of successful customer loyalty management through a case study of a representative apparel store on Taobao.Key words: E-commerce, Taobao, C2C, Consumer Loyalty, Consumer satisfaction 24毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承

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9、上购物环境有着许多的不同之处,淘宝上的服饰经营者们也就更难提高和保持顾客的购物忠诚度。这篇文章目的就在于介绍顾客忠诚的特点及其决定因素并且通过对一家具有代表性的服饰店的案例分析对成功的顾客忠诚管理提出有效的方法及建议。关键字:电子商务 淘宝 消费者对消费者电子商务 顾客忠诚度 客户满意度CONTENTSAbstract:I摘 要II1. Introduction12. Definition of Key Concepts12.1 Definition of E-commerce and C2C E-commerce12.2 Definition of Consumer Satisfaction

10、22.3 Definition of Consumer Loyalty22.4 Distinction between Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty33. Related Theory and Decisive Factors in Consumer Loyalty Evaluation43.1 Social Network Theory43.2 Consumers Behavioral Intention Theory54. A Case Study of the Specific Apparel Store on Taobao94.1

11、 Brief Introduction to Taobao and its Status Quo94.2 Brief introduction to the specific apparel store104.3 Reasons for Choosing the Apparel Store and How it Succeeds104.4 Secret to the Success of this Apparel Store through Analysis125. Advantages and disadvantages of apparel store operation on Taoba

12、o125.1 Advantages125.2 Disadvantages156. Measures for improvement of Consumer Loyalty of the apparel stores on Taobao177. Conclusion19Reference20ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS211. IntroductionWith the rapid growth of international network, Chinas C2C electronic market has been flourishing in recent years. Taobao

13、shares twice as large market as eBays, which used to be dominant in the Chinese market. People can buy whatever they want on Taobao from article for daily use, clothes to luxury goods. In todays competitive marketplace, customer loyalty is serious business. And apparel stores, as the largest compone

14、nt of the whole Taobao and the main profit contributors, have to spare no effort to raise and maintain customer loyalty under the unique electronic commerce environment. In this article, the author first explains the definition of key concept of the paper, and then introduces related theory which wi

15、ll be used in the article and offer detailed information about the decisive factors in customer loyalty evaluation. To further analyze the importance of customer loyalty in the operation of apparel stores on Taobao, a case study of a specific and representative apparel store help to find out the secret to the success of the specific apparel store. Later, through the detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of apparel store


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