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1、 目前完毕时概念:过去发生并且已经完毕的动作对目前导致影响或后果,过去某一时间开始并始终持续到目前并且有也许还会持续的动作或状态。构成:hav/has + 过去分词以stdy为例,如下否认式疑问式 ha n(aent) tudied.Have I studie?u hav not (avnt) sudied.Hve you sdie?Heha ot (asnt) tudd.Has he sdied?否认疑问式简朴回答(肯定否认)Have not (HavetI)tui?e,yae. No, ohavnt.Have you not(Haven ) studed?Yes,I ae.No, vnt.

2、Ha he not(sn h) udied?Y, he hs. No, e hast.*特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词或词组+一般疑问句(hves+主语+过去分词(V-ed)其她)H nga he enawa?用法:目前完毕时既波及过去,又联系目前。1. 用法一:表达过去发生或已经完毕的某一动作对目前导致的影响或成果。常与连用。 副词的位置:just常用于肯定句中,放在have/ has后,He has t comever表达否认, 放在hv /has后, Hehas nvr visite he eat ale用于疑问句中,句型为: Have / Has+主语+ver过去分词?ave ouer bee

3、 to the rm?eor用于句末,Th woman h never herd of tha befoe.yet 用于句末或nt之后Hashtrinarved yet? No, not ye.alreay用于肯定句, have/ha之后或句末e have already finiseitso far用于句首或句末. S fa, e ae vsited he oo.用法二:表达过去已经开始,始终延续到目前的动作或状态。时间状语有:fo+表达一段时间的词语I a taught Eish fo ears。 sce+表达过去时间点的词语 been at this schoosice 98. ince

4、+表达过去的时间状语从句 have livdhere since I aborn since+一段时间go. havenwn isice 0years ago.*目前完毕时态中可以和表达一段时间状语(fr,sne,hw lon, aloes ife)连用的动词必须是表达延续的状况或动作的动词,即延续性动词。如:b,v,kno,live,work,sudy,lern,teah,keep,spek,talk,draw,wait,wear,walk,sep,driv,rie,do,clan等。I have ben techer for naly 0 yea. Howong s he lived hr

5、e?*延续性动词的目前完毕时可和涉及“目前”在内的(到说话时仍未结束)表达一段时间的状语连用。如his morin,today,hi wek,hese daysHe as ben to Beijing hree ts this yer.He as itten two leer this morniHewo woltes this mong英语中尚有某些动词的意义决定它们所示的动作不能延续,只是一瞬间就结束的动作,此类动词叫做“非延续性动词”,常用的有:come,go,arrie,reah,se,ha,lose,pe,eave,bei,sta,os,bu,fall,join,ie,gt p,co

6、m,borrow,lend,find,fnis,reciv等。这些动词可用于目前完毕时,阐明某个动作的成果还存在,但不能和表达一段时间的状语(h lon,for,sinc)连用。He has comeack()haco ack forwo hur.()但在否认句中,非延续性动词也可用表达一段时间的状语来修饰,如Ihavet head ro fathrfo lngtie hventseehi sic 199当终结性动词(非延续性动词)与表达一段时间的状语(holng,since,for, all ones lif)相矛盾时,改正错句的措施有如下几种:(1)用副词ag把目前完毕时的句子改为一般过去

7、时.e hs co for to ws.I havelosy ke for ten days (2)用“ts/ sbee+时间+since+一般过去时态”句型来改写。H hsjoid the eae for 3 year. I hvebought the ook or dy H hasie fo 2ears. (3)用“时间+ha ased+since一般过去时态”句型来改写。e s lef hm fo 0 ears.He slost his penfor dys. ()用系表构造来改写.He a died fr20 yashe ctrhasopee s 999. How og hs he l

8、t? ()用相应的延续性动词替代非延续性动词。H hsboughte ok two wek.改为:Hehas had the ok f two weks常用的相应转换形式如下:boro/ lend kee buy he finish nd be bgn/start on opnb open leave b awy(om) die e dead ge up e p fall aslp bsleepfl ill be l l be s begin o stdystuybecome be close be clsed eto kowkowjoinb i/ beamember ctc ge a col

9、d hava cold receive getaltthavea eter go to shoobe n school/be asuentreturn / com bac /etack be ackoin he ambe the army /bea soldierarrie/ce / g / ove / reah /getoe in /at /be hee/be heeHe hs joinedthe arfor tre ars.He abeeni th forteyeas in re years ao. hs been a sldier forhre yea/ sie hre yeas ag.

10、He joined he ary hreyearsao.It is three yers snce hejond e my.Tree yes has psedie he joned the army(1) He cm o ourvllge wo yeas ago.He_ ur ila sctwo eas ao.(2)He leftom three days ago e _ ome or 3 ays.()I bouht thewatch weeksago I _ the ch sine 2eeks ago(4)Iti 5 d ince I bowd the book _ thebook fr5

11、dys.(5)he fil hs begunThe film_fr ha a hour.(6)I gt o know m 0 yeas agoI_ im r10ers.(7)Te i acyThere_ a factorfo 0 yers.()ur cho oene in960Ou sool_ sice960.*目前完毕时与一般过去时的区别目前完毕时与一般过去时都表达“动作已经发生”,但不同点在于:(1) 目前完毕时强调这一动作与目前的关系,即对目前产生的成果、影响等,而一般过去时只表达过去的事实,不表达和目前的关系。e haslearned Fenc r ee years她学法语已经三年了。H lerne French or threeyear.她曾经学过三年法语。Wh ha taken mybag?ouldnt find t.谁拿走了我的包?我找不到了?ecleaned the house yestry.她昨天打扫过房间。he oom isl,for he as leaneiaredy房间很干净,由于她已经打扫过了。(2) 目前完毕时不可与表达过去的时间副词连用,而一般过去时则可以。has doe smewashing esera.He did some wahig yest



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