闽教版小学英语 六年级下册.docx

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1、闽教版小学英语 六年级下册Unit 1 winter Activities Part A 教案及设计 整体设计思路:1从孩子的真实生活出发,谈论过去的冬日活动。结合“Meaningful,Colorful,Happy Winter Activities”设计理念,充分把握教材内容,让人感受到“Winter is cold,but winter can be warm,meaningful and colorful”的设计理念。2同时关注学生的参与,体验和感受。创设真实的情境和任务,让学生在用英语做事情的过程中理解和适用语言。同时也为学生提供平台和展示的机会,培养其综合语言运用能力。一、教学目标

2、语言知识目标1词汇:anywhere,famous,travel,along,the Yangtze River2句型:Did you go anywhere in winter? Yes. I went to Shangdong. I climbed a famous mountain. I traveled along the Yangtze River.二、语言技能目标1能准确适用动词的过去式讲述过去发生的事情。2 能运用所学语言描写自己以前冬天的活动。三、情感态度让学生感受到大好河山的壮美,同时向学生传递通过做有意义,温暖人心的事情能让寒冷的冬天变得温暖的思想。四、教具准备卡片,PPT

3、五、教学过程Step 1 Warming up1 Greetings2 Free talk: lead to the season now-its winter.Step 2 Lead in 1. Enjoy a film( the different winter activities people did in last winter)2. Show the title:Unit 1 Winter Activities Part A 3.Review the past tense:game:松鼠打坚果 chant:how was your winter vacation?【设计意图:为学生

4、营造轻松愉快的氛围,激起学生已有的旧知识,为新课的学习做好铺垫。】Step 3 Presentation1 .watch the video,read and circle the three places they went.(从总体上把握课文内容。)2. Text teaching by three parts(围绕两个问题“what did they do” and “how was the place”)Part 1:Did you go anywhere in winter? I climbed a famous mountain. 教famous 语音教学 拓展:Mountain

5、Gu,Wuyi mountain,Shizu mountainis famous (让学生体验不同的名山的壮美,让学生体会到祖国壮丽山河的美好。)Part 2:Did you go anywhere in winter? I traveled along the Yangtze River. Enjoy a video about the Yangtze River.(让学生感受到长江的壮美) 教学travel along并拓展along的用法 pair work:Did you go anywhere in winter? Yes. I traveled along . It was . I

6、 .Part 3: Did you go anywhere in winter? Yes. I went to Harbin. Enjoy a video about Harbin. Let students share the feelings after watching. Pair work(只提供语言支架,让学生自学) Report 【设计意图:体现从扶半扶放的教学过程。循序渐进,在老师的引导下逐步掌握课文的核心语言】Step 4 Practice1Teachers winter activities(学生向老师提问围绕where, what, how)2.Students write

7、 down their winter activities.Step 5 Emotion Sublimation Enjoy a video about meaningful ,colorful, and warm winter activities people do.【设计意图:升华winter activities这个主题。让学生看到我们在做不同的多彩的冬日活动的同时 有那么一些人在默默地用自己的力量为社会做出自己的一点贡献】Step 6 summeryWords: anywhere,famous,travel,along,the Yangtze RiverPhrases: travel

8、 alongSentences:Did you go anywhere in winter? Yes. I went to Shangdong. I climbed a famous mountain. I traveled along the Yangtze River.Step 7 Homework 1. Read the text .2. Talk about your Winter Activities with your family or your friends.3. Finish writing. Blackboard Design : Winter Activities Did you go anywhere in winter ? Yes. Where What How Julia Shandong climbed a famous mountain famousWangTao the Yangtzi River I traveled along the Yangtze River longSally Harbin went skating on the lake cold and windy


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