顶楼的马戏团乐队金曲13首歌词 文案(附吉他和弦).doc

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1、顶楼的马戏团 - 上海市经典流行摇滚金曲13首Top Floor Circus - 13 Shanghai Classic pop-rock hit songs陆晨:主唱杨芾:主音吉他梅二:节奏吉他苏勇:贝斯晓零:鼓Vocal: Lu ChenLead Guitar: Yang FuRhythm Guitar: Mei ErBass: Su YongDrum: Xiao Ling所有词曲:顶楼的马戏团除了我想有个家改编自潘美辰作词作曲的我想有个家录音、混音:驴(上海postape录音工作室)封套设计:马桶 歌词翻译:小水特别感谢吉他:驴键盘:黄健怡(我想有个家)萨克斯:李世海(海螺阿姨)制作:

2、顶楼的马戏团All songs & Lyrics: Top Floor CircusExcept I Want a Home, adapted from I Want a Home whose lyrics and music is originally written by Pan MeichenRecording & Mastering: DonkeyLate Instrumental Support: DonkeyCover Design: Mei ErLyrics translate: Xiao Shuispecial thanksguitar: donkeykeyboard: Hua

3、ng JianYisax: Li ShiHaiProduced by: Top Floor Circus曲目:1.做场子2.快递员3.海螺阿姨4.是男人5.我爱外来妹6.申花啊,申花7.假客气布鲁斯8.苏州河恋曲9.侬要会做人10.我想有个家11.小白领之歌12.进来白相相13.上海童年Track list:1.Do Gigs2.Couriers3.Sea-snail Aunty4.If Youre a Man5.I Love Outside-Girls6.Shenhua Oh Shenhua7.Fake Polite Blues8.A Love Song for SuZhou River9.

4、Be a Nice Man10.I Want a Home11.A White-collar Song12.Come in, Have Some Fun13.Shanghai Childhood1.做场子 Do GigsG G夜到出来做场子,每天出来做场子C G寻好几个老搭子,一道出来做场子D 伐管酒吧餐厅还是夜总会Em D裁(都)要阿拉来做场子Em D一个夜到做四个钟头Am G阿拉出来做场子At night we do gigs, every day we do gigsGet some old partners, lets do gigs togetherNo matter bars, r

5、estaurants, or night clubsThey all need us to do gigsFour hours every nightThats how we do gigsG G夜到出来做场子,拎好家生(家伙)出来做场子C G要是顺路就拼部车子,一道出来做场子D 伐管流行爵士还是布鲁斯Em D侬想听啥就报个名字Em D从五点半做到九点半Am G阿拉出来做场子At night we do gigs, take the instruments and we do gigsCarpool if we go in the same direction, lets do gigs to

6、getherNo matter pop, jazz, or bluesJust tells us what you wantFrom five thirty to nine thirty (p.m.)Thats how we do gigsG G夜到出来做场子,混口饭吃就要做场子C G还是阿拉几个老搭子,一道出来做场子D 勿(不)管侬吃烧烤寿司还是鲍鱼鱼翅Em D阿拉勿(不)落半滴馋唾水Em D辰光一道别转屁股就跑Am G阿拉出来做场子At night we do gigs, if you want to survive you must do gigsStill we these old p

7、artners, lets do gigs togetherNo matter you eat BBQ, sushi, or abalone and sharks finWe wont make our mouth waterTurn our ass and leave in due timeThats how we do gigsG G夜到出来做场子,没啥意思阿哈(也)要做场子C G要么再调(换)几个新搭子,一道出来做场子D勿(不)管下头是大人小人还是老头子Em D衲(你们)开勿(不)开心管我屁事Em D做好场子回去看电视Am G阿拉出来做场子At night we do gigs, eve

8、n no fun we still do gigsMaybe we can find some new partners, lets do gigs togetherNo matter you are big man, small man, or old manIf you dont enjoy we dont give a damnGo home and watch TV after gigsThats how we do gigsAm Em从金茂大厦做到金钱豹Am G啥人看到阿拉勿(不)叫声“大师”Am Em搞音乐就要搞出点花露水Am D否则哪能(怎么)对得起“大师”两个字From Jin

9、mao Tower to Golden JagularWho dares not call us MasterMusic should smell like toilet waterThats why we are called MasterG G夜到出来做场子,捉牢机会就要做场子C G现在生意勿(不)像老底子(以前),有的做侬就勿(不)要再挑三拣四D勿(不)管商场促销还是红白喜事Em D只要侬肯多付红票子Em D一个夜到做四个钟头Am G阿拉出来做场子Em D从五点半做到九点半Am G阿拉出来做场子阿拉出来做场子阿拉出来做场子At night we do gigs, grab every c

10、hance to do gigsShowbiz now is different from the past, dont pick and choose just be fastNo matter weddings, funerals, or shopping promotionsAs long as you can pay enough RMBFour hours every nightThats how we do gigsFrom five thirty to nine thirty (p.m.)Thats how we do gigsThats how we do gigsThats

11、how we do gigs2.快递员 CouriersD阿拉(我们)是一群快递员G D踏子电瓶车从东跑到西D阿拉是一群快递员G D一头冲进风里雨里太阳里D阿拉是一群快递员G D勿(不)管侬到底住了啊里(哪里)D阿拉是一群快递员G D一定要拿快递送到侬手里We are a gang of couriersRunning here and there on scootersWe are a gang of couriersPrepared to set out in all weathersWe are a gang of couriersWhere you live it doesnt mat

12、terWe are a gang of couriersWell deliver the parcel by hand for sureD阿拉是快递员A阿拉是快递员D A衲(你)小区额(的)保安交关惹气G阿拉是快递员D阿拉是快递员G D今朝请侬一定要蹲了屋里We are couriersWe are couriersThe guard of your block is so nastyWe are couriersWe are couriersDo not leave your home today pleaseD阿拉是一群快递员G D侬想买啥就拿鼠标点一点D阿拉是一群快递员G D有子阿拉侬就勿(不)用再出去D阿拉是一群快递员G D圆通申通顺丰裁(全)有我兄弟D阿拉是一群快递员G D拨(给)侬额(的)价钿绝对全市最便宜We are a gang of couriersWhat you want just click your mouseWe are a gang of couriersHaving us,



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