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1、2023职场英语:职场菜鸟必看:浪费时间的5种误区职场英语:职场菜鸟必看:奢侈时间的5种误区Time is money whether youve got a job or not. While it may be tempting to chase down every possibility when youre searching for work, dont. Many can lead you down a blind alley where you may lose the contents of your wallet.时间就是金钱,不管你找到工作与否。虽说在找工作的过程中要抓住

2、每一个时机听起来很迷人,但是不要这样做。许多时机可能会让你进入一个损失钱财的死胡同。A focused search using tried and true methods, especially networking, will lead to your next job, not tactics that smack of desperation.在找工作的时候,不是靠那些无用的战术理论,而是有重点(特殊是在人际网络方面)地运用正确的、牢靠的方法才能找到下一份工作。Avoid these five job-hunting donts that will yield the poorest

3、 of results, according to leading workplace advisor Liz Ryan.依据职场参谋的领尖人物Liz Ryan的建议,要警惕以下5个求职者不能做的事情,来避开最差的求职结果。1. Spray and pray.广撒网,然后祈祷Dont blindly send your resume unsolicited, electronically or otherwise, to any company without first making verbal contact. Says Ryan, founder of AskLizRyan , Tos

4、sing out un-customized cover letters and undifferentiated resumes in huge volumes and crossing your fingers is a job-search non-starter. That doesnt work, and it hasnt worked in 10 years, or more. Establish a connection before sending a customized cover letter and, adds Ryan, You can even customize

5、your resume if a job opening calls for it.不要在未和公司有任何联系之前,就盲目主动地发送你的简历过去。AskLizRyan 的创始人Ryan说:“大批量地在网上或在人才市场投递没有规划的求职信和千遍一律的简历是求职中毫无意义的事。这样做起不到作用,在过去10年或更久的时间内都没有起过作用。在发送一封特制的求职信之前要和公司建立肯定联系。Ryan还说:“假设工作职位须要的话,你甚至须要定制你的简历。2. Stand in line for a job fair.排队等待参与聘请会Admits Ryan, Sad to say, but most job

6、fairs are a waste of time. Avoid the huge cattle call-type job fairs where zillions of employers have booths, yet no one is taking resumes. There are some job fairs that have value. Ryan, a former human resources executive, points to company-specific open hours and college placement job fairs. Tap y

7、our network to learn if anyone can recommend worthwhile fairs. Ask around before you head off to a job fair or risk having your time wasted and your ego dashed.“很不幸的是,大局部的聘请会都只是奢侈时间。不要去参与那种虽然有着浩大的雇主摊位数量,但是没人收简历的大型聘请会。Ryan以前是一位人力资源经理,他指出要参与的话就去那种指定公司指定时间的、或高校里实行的聘请会。在你的.人际网络中看看是否有人能够向你举荐值得参与的聘请会。他说:“

8、在你去参与一次聘请会之前问问四周的人,否那么的话只会奢侈你的时间、走向失败而已。3. Earn certifications nobody wants.去考哪些没人须要的证书Its common to feel less-than-confident in your skills if youre having a hard time finding work, but dont rush out to spend money on any additional training unless youre certain it will yield improved results. Ryan

9、 reveals, Before you sign up for a certification training program, check the job boards to make sure that employers are asking for it. Theres no sense investing time and money in a certification no one wants.假设你正处在找工作的困难时期,那么对自己的实力感到缺乏信念是很正常的,但是,不要急着把时间奢侈在多余的培训上,除非你能够确定这样的培训会改善你的业绩水平。Ryan指出说:“在你签下任何

10、证书培训课程前,去求职公告板上确定这是否是雇主所须要的。奢侈时间和金钱在不被须要的证书上面是没有一点意义的。If youre getting the hard-sell from an educational institution, Ryan says, Ask the people at the school thats doing the certifying, Which local employers have hired your graduates in the past year If they cant tell you, run away.假设你遇到了强行推销的教化机构,R

11、yan建议说:“就问问该所学校的负责人员,在去年有哪位雇主雇佣了你们学校毕业的人假设他们答复不出来,就转身离开吧。4. Pay a headhunter.付钱给猎头Dont dole out money to any kind of recruiter or sign a contract agreeing to do so. Real headhunters, also known as search consultants or third-party recruiters, wont take your money. They get paid by employers to fill

12、open jobs. She warns, If a recruiter calls or emails you to say hes got jobs open, and then invites you to his or her office for a counseling session and presents you with a range of career-coaching services, bolt for the exit. Real search professionals wont take a dime from their candidates.不要付钱给任何

13、聘请人员,也不要签任何同意这样做的合同。“真正的猎头,也被称为猎头参谋或第三方聘请者,不会收你的钱。他们是从雇主那里得到聘请酬劳的。她这样警告说:“假设一位猎头打 给你或写邮件告知你他那里有一份工作时机,让你去他/她的办公室详谈,并向你举荐一系列的职业生涯辅导效劳,那立刻就离开吧。真正的人力资源专家不会从他们的候选人身上要一分钱。5. Sign up with a resume fax-blast service.定制群发简历的效劳This old-school and desperate tactic is a total turn-off to potential employers an

14、d smacks of spam. Ryan says, Services that send out hundreds or thousands of your resumes might have been worthwhile 20 years ago. Today, theyre worse than pointless, because it irks employers to get unsolicited resumes. Forget the fax-blast services and do your own careful research to reach decisio

15、n-makers with messages they actually want to hear.这完全是学校的老式教化,也是无用的策略,这样做只会让雇主将你的邮件当做垃圾邮件拒收。Ryan说:“成千上百地发送你简历的效劳可能在20年前还有效果,但是在今日,这样做比没意义的事情更糟糕,因为雇主收到没有预约的简历是很厌烦的。遗忘大量发送简历的效劳吧,并且仔细做好自己的调查,然后用雇主希望的方式和他们联系。/本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页


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