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1、Tear(torn) down(especially a building) pull down, especially violently; destroy推倒(尤指建筑物);拆毁例 These old buildings will betorn downto make room for an amusement park. 这些旧楼将被推倒,取而代之的将是一家游乐场。例 The earthquake last nighttore downmany houses. 昨晚的地震摧毁了不少房屋。in danger of(especially a building) pull down, espe

2、cially violently; destroy推倒(尤指建筑物);拆毁例 These old buildings will betorn downto make room for an amusement park. 这些旧楼将被推倒,取而代之的将是一家游乐场。例 The earthquake last nighttore downmany houses. 昨晚的地震摧毁了不少房屋。agree withhave or share the same opinion, feeling or purpose意见(感觉、目的)一致;同意例 I understand what youre sayin

3、g, but I dontagree withit. 我理解你的意思,但是我不同意你的说法。例 Theyagreed witheach other on this plan. 关于这一计划,他们的意见一致。line of thinking/thoughta way or method of thinking about something思路;想法例 Yourline of thinkingdidnt agree with his. 你的想法和他的不一样。例 I couldnt follow my professorsline of thinkingin his lecture. 我跟不上教授

4、讲课的思路。afford to dobe able to spend, give, do, etc., without serious loss or damage花得起;有能力去做(某事);承担得起例 We cantafford to beabsent from class again. 我们再缺课的话就有麻烦了。例 I canafford to buya car in two years. 两年之内,我就有足够的钱买车了。I cant afford to buy a car.close down(cause to) stop business activities, especially

5、without the intention of starting again(使)停业例 Hundreds of workers lost their jobs when the factory wasclosed down. 工厂倒闭使数以百计的工人失业了。例 Our company has decided toclose downits New York branch. 我们公司已决定关闭纽约分公司。Branch 树分支;分公司have nothing to do withhave no connection with与毫无关系例 She neednt worry about it; i

6、thas nothing to do withher. 她没必要担心,因为这事与她无关。例 Some employers claim that genderhas nothing to do withtheir hiring decisions. 一些雇主声称应聘者的性别与是否被聘用毫无关系。make sensehave a good reason有道理例 It doesntmake senseto have so many people work in the office. 没道理要那么多人在办公室上班。例 What he saidmadegoodsense. 他说的很有道理。stop.

7、fromprevent. from阻止例 The hot weatherstoppedmefromgoing out. 酷热使我不敢出门。例 Nothing willstophimfromsaving his girlfriend from danger. 任何事也无法阻止他去救女朋友脱险。even soin spite of what has/had happened; though that is true尽管如此例 It was the cheapest hotel in the town, buteven so, it still cost $100 a night. 这是镇上最便宜的

8、旅社。尽管这样,每晚也得花100美元。例 I had explained the sentence to him several times.Even so, he didnt understand it. 这个句子我已向他解释好几遍了。即便如此,他还是不理解。take awayremove something from a particular place带走;拿走;拆毁(旧物)例 Pleasetake awaythese old records from the shelf. 请把这些老唱片搬离架子。例 The old structure wastaken awaylast week. 那

9、个老建筑上周被拆了。1 There is no room for a drive-thru window, or for seating inside.Meaning:There is no space where people can buy food without getting out of their car. Nor is there space for people to sit and eat inside.there is (no) room for:there is (no) the need or possibility for something to happen o

10、r be done有(无)余地(或需要)This is the truth andthere is no room fordoubt.这是事实,而且是不容置疑的。My car can only take four people, sothere is no room forthe five of us.我的汽车只能坐4个人,所以坐不下我们5个人。2 . so that the city of Downey will be able to stop McDonalds from tearing the building down.stop. from:prevent. from阻止The hea

11、vy fogstoppedplanesfromtaking off.大雾阻止了飞机起飞。People called the Wright brothers mad but it did notstopthemfrombecoming the first men to make and fly a plane.人们把赖特兄弟称为疯子,但是这并没有阻挡他们成为最先制造和驾驶飞机的人。3.Even so, people drive by to remember their McDonalds, taking pictures of a moment in history before it gets taken away.even so:in spite of what has/had happened; though that is true尽管如此There are many spelling mistakes;even soits quite a good essay.文章中拼写错误不少,尽管如此,它不失为一篇好文章。I had a terrible headache, buteven soI went to the concert.我头疼得厉害,尽管如此,我还是去听音乐会了。


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