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1、人教版新版三年级英语上册Unit3 Look at my nose. Lesson 17 课后链接leg 腿I dont know how he can eat so much. He must have a hollow leg. 我不知道他怎么能吃下这么多东西,他的胃口肯定大得像个无底洞。Lets leg it to work today. 我们今天步行去上班。Shell never win the court case. She doesnt have a leg to stand on. 她绝赢不了这场官司,她压根就站不住脚。His couch cost an arm and a le

2、g. 他买沙发花了不少钱。Stop pulling my leg! 别骗我了!Im going outside to stretch my legs. 我要到外面去活动活动thumb 大拇指LIP 嘴唇foot 脚,足After she lost her job, it took her a while to get back on her feet. 失业后, 她过了一段才振作起来。Just when I was about to ask him for a raise, I got cold feet. 就在准备向他提出加薪的那一刻,我突然胆怯了。Now that shes divorce

3、d, shes footloose. 既然离婚了,她也就自由了。We dont have to pay anything. He said he would foot the entire bill. 我们不必付账,他说全由他埋单。She kept playing footsie with him under the table. 她一直和他在桌下偷偷碰脚调情。You didnt get the job yet, but at least its a foot in the door. 虽然没得到那份工作,但至少你已经迈出了第一步。I dont know what my job entails

4、. Im still getting my feet wet. 我不太清楚自己的职责范围,我还在逐步熟悉的阶段。The movie starts in five minutes! Wed better hotfoot it over to the theater. 电影还有五分钟就要开场了!我们最好快点去影院!(此短语出现于二十世纪早期,现在偶尔也会用在玩笑中。你可以想象出某人因为走得太快而脚板发烫的情形。)Grecian nose 悬胆鼻I dont like driving with him. He has a real lead foot. 我不喜欢和他一起开车,他总飚车。(lead f

5、oot指脚像铅似的重重地踩在油门上)The poor guy has one foot in the grave. 这可怜的家伙离死不远了。We have to put our foot down on that. 我们必须阻止那件事。Stop pussy-footing around. What do you want? 别兜圈子了。你想干什么啊?Shes always been quick on her feet. 她总是能很快想出办法。She swept him off his feet as soon as they met. 他们一见面,她就把他给迷住了。He threw himself at her feet. 他完全拜倒在她的脚下。She always gets under my feet. 她总是碍我的事。(亦作:to get underfoot,如:She always gets underfoot. 她总碍我的事。)We got off on the wrong foot, but now were friends. 我们一开始关系很僵,但现在是朋友了。


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