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1、Back light背光源 液晶Panel的背面所设置光源。萤光灯管(热阴极管或冷阴极管)、导光板、扩散板所构成。 Contrast Ratio对比度 此为黑色与白色之间的对比。比值越高,色彩越鲜明。 FPC Flexible Printed Circuit;可弯曲印刷电路。 Inverter 换流器 DC/AC换流器主要应用于TFT 面板背光源之power supply。它使用高电压来驱动冷阴极射线管。此独特的电力仪器具有高瓦特数、高效能及坚实小巧的设计。 LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signaling;数字显示接口,具有高效能、高速与低功率消耗等特色。 La

2、ser Anneal雷射回火 低温多晶硅与非晶硅最大差异在于,LTPS 的薄膜晶体管TFT,经过雷射回火 (Laser anneal)的制程步骤;利用雷射作为热源,雷射光经过投射系统后,会产生能量均匀分布的光束,投射于非晶硅结构的玻璃基板上,当非晶硅结构玻璃基板吸收雷射的能量后,会转变成为多晶硅结构 QCIF (Quarter Common Intermediate Format): QCIF 为视讯会议格式,其每秒可传输30页的资料,每一页有144行、每一行有 176画素(pixel)。 其分辨率为CIF之1/4。QCIF为 ITU H.261 视讯会议之标准。CIF 及QCIF互为兼容并适

3、用于NTSC, PAL 及SECAM三种TV标准。 White Chromaticity 为衡量RGB三原色的均衡值的测量方法。较高之色温产生偏蓝的白色; 较低的色温产生偏红的白色。 A a-Si amorphous silicon 以材料结构而言,amorphous的意思是指未结晶的状态。Amorphous silicon膜具有作为半导体材料之特性,可用plasma CVD装置在400以下的温度下形成。因此成为使用玻璃基板之主动矩阵(active matrix)方式液晶面板的TFT主力组件材料。 英: Amorphous means lacking distinct crystalline

4、in material structures term. Amorphous silicon film has the quality that can be used as material of semiconductor. It can be formed by using plasma CVD equipment under temperature of 400 degree C. Therefore, it is the major material for manufacturing TFT of LCD panel, which uses glass substrate with

5、 active matrix. a-Si TFT amorphous Silicon Thin Film Transistor 以amorphous silicon为构成材料之电场效果型的薄膜晶体管。带有source、drain、gate三种电极之3端子组件。最常使用为主动矩阵(active matrix)液晶显示器的开关。 英: The Field Effect type TFT with amorphous silicon material contains three terminal components of three types of electrodes: source, dr

6、ain, and gate. They are often used as the switch of active matrix type LCD. ACF Anisotropic Conductive Film 英: 异方性导电膜,指含有导电性粒子之热硬化或热可塑性的树脂薄膜。主要用于液晶显示面板与驱动IC之讯号传输连结,需针对不同之接合接口选择适合导电粒子及密度,一般而言用于fine pitch之导电粒子其直径约为35 um。 Anisotropic conductive film means the thermosetting or thermal plastic resin film

7、 which contains conductivity particle. It is used major in LCD panel, and to drive the signal connection, transmitting in IC. Different interface connection requires specific conductivity particles and density accordingly. Generally speaking, the diameter of conductivity particles, which used for fi

8、ne pitch, should be three to five um. Active area 在液晶显示面板中具有显示功能之画素总面积。 英: In LCD screen, it serves the purpose of showing the total surface area of functional pixels. Active matrix 在画素或dot上设置主动组件,于写入期间激活主动组件而写入data电压、其它期间则关闭主动组件以维持电压之矩阵驱动方式。依据主动组件的种类区分为3端子型的TFT方式与2端子型的TFD(MIM)方式。2端子型的制造工程可简化。 英: It

9、 sets active components on pixel or dot, witch activate active component to write data voltage during the writing period, and during other period, it shut off active component to maintain voltage of matrix driving method. According to different types of active component, it is divided into either 3-

10、terminal model TFT or 2-terminal model TFD (MIM) methods. The manufacturing process of 2-terminal model can be simplified. Anti-glare treatment 在液晶面板表面设置凹凸,以降低镜面反射之处理。Anti-glare处理的程度是利用积分球式光线透过率量测方式,以全光线透过率与散乱光透过率的比定义的。 英: Convex and concave surface is configured on the LCD panel as the treatment to

11、 reduce the reflection of mirror. The extent of Anti-glare is to use the measuring method of light penetration of integral sphere model to define the ratio between the rate of full-light penetration and the rate of scatter light Anti-reflection 在表面上包覆多层折射率不同的膜,用来消除界面的反射光之处理。 英: It is a treatment to

12、eliminate reflection light from interface surface, by coating many layers of film with different reflecting rate on the surface. Aperture ratio 单一画素中可透光面积与画素总面积之比值。开口率之大小与TFT所使用之金属导线特性及Cell制程能力有关。 英: It is the ratio of the luminary surface in a single pixel comparing to the surface of total pixels.

13、The opening rate is determined by the nature of metal interconnect and the capability of Cell manufacturing of TFT. APR® plate 液状紫外线硬化型树脂凸版。厚度从1.03.0都有,种类甚多,为了提供液体的转写效率,在画面部分的表面增加一层网状物。制版时,版系根据版体的直径,事先将画像缩小后制成。因为版即使在萤光灯下也会加促硬化,故保管上必须非常注意。(旭化成工业(株)的登记商标) 英: There are many kinds of resin projectin

14、g plate of UV hardening model in liquid state with a thickness ranging from 1.0 to 3.0; for the purpose of elevating the efficiency of pattern transformation for the liquid, the surface of the picture portion has been mounted a layer of meshed stuff. When perform the plate making, the pattern has be

15、en miniaturized and then finished in accordance with the diameter of plate. Since the hardening of plate will be promoted even under fluorescent light, special attention is required for preservation. (Trademark of Asahi Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd ). Array 指玻璃基板上已配置TFT等switching组件,但未成为Cell前的状态。 英: It is the state in which the screen has been equipped with TFT switching device, but it is still not a cell yet. Aspect ratio 显像后的resist膜,或用蚀刻形成于基板上的pattern之深度与宽度的比。Aspect比 b/a(a:蚀刻的宽度,b:蚀刻的深度) 英: It is the ratio between the depth and width of the pattern on the etched substrate or the



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