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1、 2022年英语高级口译高频词汇:国际形势(英译汉)a confident, peaceful, and prosperous China 自信、和平和富强的中国 a fair and rational new international political and economic order 公正合理的国际政治经济新秩序 agreement and disagreement 共识与分歧 Alliance of Civilization 文明联盟 annual budget assessments 年度预算摊款 an Office of Disarmament Affairs 裁军事务厅 a

2、rchipelago 群岛之国 bridge the gap 跨越分歧 civic order 公民秩序 constitutional process 宪法程序 create a historic momentum 制造历史性势头 defense capabilities 防务力量 economic colossus 经济大国 economic powerhouses 经济强国 exportation of dangerous technologies 危急技术出口 generally-accepted principles of international relations 公认的国际关系

3、原则 genuine movement 名副其实的行动 global conflagrations 全球性灾难 grinding poverty 难以忍受的贫困 high-level and all-directional dialogue 高层次、全方位的对话 multinational mission 多国特派团 non-aligned countries 不结盟国家 Pacific Rim 环太平洋地区 pan-Asian spirit 泛亚洲思潮 pluralistic population 多元化人口 promote greater transparency, accountabil

4、ity and efficiency 提高透亮度、加强问责制和提高效率 reap the benefit of peace 收获和平的成果 responsible stakeholder 负责人的利益攸关方 spiraling fuel costs 飞涨的燃料价格 take concerted steps 实行协调行动 streaming budget processes 简化预算程序 unconventional threats that transcend national borders 跨国性的特别规性威逼 worldwide refugee flows 全球难民潮涌动 例句篇 In

5、recent years, the nations of Asia have, for the most part, achieved unprecedented wealth and status as they have forged more mature political, economic, and military institutions. 近年来,亚洲国家在建立更加成熟的政治、经济和军事机制的同时,大多取得了前所未有的富强和地位。 China has emerged as an economic colossus and is translating commercial s

6、uccess into growing political influence and military might. 中国已成为一个经济大国,并正在将经济胜利转化为日益增长的政治影响力和军事实力。 Developing the capability to build, and possibly to proliferate nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, has become a regional problem with very serious global implications. 谋求制造甚至集中核武器和弹道导弹的力量,是一个会造成特

7、别严峻的全球性后果的地区性问题。 America has paid a significant price in blood and treasure to fight aggression, deter potential adversaries, extend freedom, and maintain the peace and prosperity of this part of the world. 为打击侵略、威慑防范、扩大自由和保卫这个地区的和平与富强,美国付出了巨大的生命代价和经济代价。 With its pluralistic population, its historic

8、al leadership role in Southeast Asia, and its vast geography, Indonesia is considered by many to be an indicator of the health of the entire region. 印度尼西亚具有的多元化人口,在东南亚历的领导作用和宽阔的幅员,使它被许多人视为是整个地区状况的晴雨表。 Looking to the coming year and beyond, we can foresee a daunting array of challenges to come. They

9、are problems that respect no borders. 展望今后的一年及更远的将来,我们可以预见一系列艰难的挑战摆在面前。这些问题跨越国界。 We hope to intensify work with China that not only adjusts to the international rules developed over the last century, but also joins us and others to address the challenge of the new century. 我们盼望于中国加强合作,盼望中国不仅能适应过去一个世纪来逐步形成的国际规章,而且与我们和其他国家共同迎接新世纪的挑战。 The climate events reflect humanitys interconnectedness. They are also a warning. Todays triple threat of energy, climate and food challenges affects us all. 其后大事反映出人类是息息相关。这些大事也是一种警告。当今能源、气候和粮食挑战这三重威逼影响到我们全部人。


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