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1、word可编辑职场英语:应聘英语秘书职位面试又到应届毕业生找工作的时期了。小叶也在忙着找工作。他是广东外语外贸大学的学生。今天他来参加一个英语秘书职位的面试。 A: How do you do, sir?Im Ye Jinghong. Ive e for an interview as requested. B: How do you do, Miss Ye?Im Luo Jiang, the office director. Please take a seat. A: Thank you, Mr. Luo. B: Now lets get down talking. First of al

2、l, would you please say something about yourself and family? A: Its my pleasure to do so. I e from Dongguan City. My father is the manager of an import and export pany in Dongguan and my mother works as a doctor in a hospital. I have an elder brother. He is in the army. I am twenty-one years old. In

3、 1996, I passed the National Entrance Examinations and was admitted into Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. I specialize in English Secretarial Studies. B: What courses have you taken in English Secretarial Studies? A: Ive taken such courses as Secretarial Principles, Office Administration, Bu

4、siness English, Public Relations, Etiquette Study, Psychology, puter Programming, Typing, Stenography, and File-Keeping. B: How are your typing and shorthand skills? A: I can type 60 words per minute, and take dictation in English at 100 words per minute. B: Good. But can you operate any other offic

5、e machine? A: Yes. I can operate a facsimile machine and a Photostat. B: Where have you learned to operate these machines? A: I learned to operate them at the Foreign Trade Corporation of Guangdong Province last summer. I worked there for nearly two months. B: Oh, very good. Youve had some practical

6、 experience in office work. By the way, have you had any experience as a tourist guide? A: Well, not exactly. But I have shown some of my foreign teachers around Guangzhou and the Pearl River Delta as well. B: Once in a while well organize the members of this club to sightsee around Guangzhou and th

7、e Pearl River Delta and I would like to be able to ask my secretary to take them to go sightseeing when there is not much to do in the office. A: I think I would like that. B: Fine. You are the very person we want. A: Thank you, sir. B: What salary would you expect to get? A: As for salary, I leave

8、it to you to decide after you consider my abilities. B: Well, I believe we can offer you 2,500 yuan a month at the start. Would that be satisfactory? A: Yes, I am quite satisfied. That would be more than I have expected. B: What date can you start to work? A: I wont be able to leave the university u

9、ntil I get my diploma at the end of this month. How about early next month? B: Thatll do. Please e in on August the first. Working hours are from eight to twelve in the morning and from two to six in the afternoon. We usually work for five days a week, but occasionally we have to work overtime. A: Yes, sir. B: Thank you very much for ing today. Itll be a pleasure to have you here.A: Thank you, Mr. Luo. Im sure Ill enjoy working here, too. B: I hope so. Good-bye. A: Good-bye. 良好的素质和相关实习经历为小叶赢得了这份工作。想要应聘秘书的你不妨从小叶的面试过程中借鉴一下哦!第 页 共 页



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