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1、课时安排4课时第一课时:Section A 1a2c 第二课时:Section A 3a4第三课时:Section B 1a2c 第四课时:Section B 3aSelf check Unit15 Wererin to ave the manates!路桥九鼎外国语中学 张曦, 林丽, 吴丹萍, 施娅颖 单元目标与要求教学目标:1. 能够使用初中英语常见的时态和语态(Present progressive tense, Present tense, Passive voice, Present perfect tense)来表达自己的观点,如:We are trying to save th

2、e manatees. I disagree with you.2. 能够使用有关环境保护的语言,如:I think animals should not live in zoos. Recycling paper is really easy.3. 能够用简单的英语语言制作环保宣传海报;4. 能够利用废旧物品制作成有用的物品,并用英语向大家做简单的介绍。语言功能: debate and issue语言结构:review of structures语言目标:I agree with you. /I disagree with you. I feel that zoos provide clea

3、n and safe place for endangered animals to live. I think that/ I believe that/ I feel that/ I agree that重点词汇及短语:weigh, pound, tiny, expression, built, pull, planet, society, spare, model, I think that animals should not live in zoos. 学习策略与思维技巧:1. 通过小组讨论,开展调查和研究,明确在用中学,在交流中学习;通过归类法,简化学习过程,帮助记忆;2. 过限时

4、阅读,提高阅读能力;通过录音跟读,提高语音,语调的正确率以及听的能力。教学重难点:1. 用简单的英语制作环保宣传海报;2. 用得体的英语向大家介绍自己利用废品作成的有用物品。情感目标:通过了解濒危和珍稀动物的生存状况,探讨生活中的环境问题,培养爱护动物,保护环境的公德意识,并能用自己的言行去影响周围的人,倡导大家一起爱护动物,保护环境i 15Wre tringo save te mnates!The teriod StionA 1a-2cB Zhag XiTehing aims:1. To learn soe namsofaials2. T learn w tdesribe the anima

5、ls.3. To know sothin bohe manatees.4. ovisese tensek: present prgressive, present simple, “used t”+ infinie,passive voc, pesent pefectDficlt poins:1. he ames of animals2. The adjecivTecigaids: CAI, tap. 教学步骤 建议和说明 tep 1 Wming Enjoy sgbout animalsStep2Ladin After th so, T canask Ss,Do yolike aimals h

6、t oufvore nmalWhy ccorng to hese ustos,Ss ca rvseanimal and djecties ey ed befoe Tca write thesewords the bckar tohlp them rememer eertep Pesentton AfterrvisinT cn sho sompictues wi he anias,then teach he nm nd someajecies hich describe hem. :What ar te S:There fican elephants. T: What do ou thin of

7、he S: Teyre enormous.henT can fnish tacngt words b uighis ay. Tcanshow e picuresand wrd. AlsS anepress thei ow dsripion o e animal 4 Reaand mathectioA1.s Ss to rit the ecives n the oes elw.Ten writeoer words hekow.2. Ss show their views.Stp5 roup workA: lik , becae theyre : BuI le, bcaue tyre o haot

8、 yu, C: tin e , so they ae myfvit animlStep 6 Lsening1. 1b Lisen and cicl te wor in 1ahat victrad Anny use descrbe the anials. Rea thelising maerial aftr tapeTe rad then togeher.Ste 7 Go wr hik o aanimalat isth same oun ome wys wrt stement abot you an he niml. Read yor tatemet withu syig he nm ofthe

9、 aia ourclassmtes guswhtkind of imal you re ike. Asks do gupworkaccordg tthee belwA: am ie his animalbecause amsrong nditellnt. I likewtr, ad I ik o et vetable.B: Youe lke an lep.: NC: ou like amantee:e.St8 LisegT: Doyouknow a lt abt h anateesS: NoT: K, if you ant to know oaou tem, please listento h

10、e tape verycarefully, thenyoul get the swer yo wnt. Do . Liste ad matc th wods with dintins.Ans: 1b 2d. 3a.c2. Do 2. sten gn Coplee h chart i imalmaneeNumber2500abiath wate udert trees in manrov sapason hy tyarenangersomof thewams ae becom polutetere sometie nt ogh fooDescriptionLarge, ten fee long

11、and about 1000poueed about 100 punds of aquatic ee da. Read afterthe ae, then ead tgehr tis ltnn marial. xla some morant an ramrfous.tep 9Pir work sete acts n the chrt in torl pl conversonbetwen astdnt and zo atendant.A. How bigare mateesB. Theyreab 0 fet ongatey ih aut 0poun.Homwok: 1.opthene wrds adreembr tem.2 Read e eadg mateals of b, a3. Ra ammar Fs.Bb designUnit 15 Were trying to save the manatees! -How big are manatees kangaroos gentle -Theyre about 10 feet long and they cheetahs furryw



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