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1、GD系列惯性振动给料斗中英文使用说明书目 录Contents 用途和特点 Usage & Features 型号与技术参数 Model & Technical Data 安装和调节 Installation & Adjustment 控制 Control 减压锥的配置 Recommended Design of Pressure-absorber 注意事项 Cautions 故障排除 Troubleshooting一、用途和特点 Usage & FeaturesGD系列惯性振动给料斗是国内近年发展起来的兼有破拱、给料、三种功能的新型设备。广泛应用于煤炭、电力、机械、化工、建材、冶金、矿山、食品

2、、粮食、医药、交通运输等部门的散体物料料仓破拱、给料、等作业。本机具有以下特点:1. 兼有破拱、给料、作用。破拱助流能力强;给料松散、连续、均匀、准确;不必再安装料仓闸门。2. 给料量可调,易于实现单机或群机自动控制,排料过程中无物料粒度偏析,并有一定的混合作用。3. 结构简单,安装操作简便;运行可靠,维修方便。4. 重量轻、耗电少,运行费用低,隔振好,磨损少,噪音低。5. 安装高度低,可取代料仓锥体或部分锥体,不需要基础和附加装置。6. 密封性好,实现全封闭给料,无需局部防尘或防毒。GD inertial vibratory feeding hopper is designed to han

3、dle material with the functions of arch-destroying, feeding. It is widely used in the fields of coal, power, chemical, mechanical, construction, metalworking, mines, food, cereal processing, pharmaceuticals, transportation, etc. Compared with others, it has the following features:1. Three functions

4、including arch-destroying, feeding, result in a loose, continuous, even and exact handling. No need to install the gate of stock-bin.2.Adjustable feeding capacity enables single or multiple auto-control. No blocks formed during handling. To some extent, it also has the function of mixing.3.Simple st

5、ructure and installation, easy operation and maintenance-cutting.4. Low cost and power consumption for operation. Well seperated from vibration. Low wear and noise.5. Low height, no need to install base and additional devices. So it can replace the stock-bin cone and other cones.6. Full sealed for f

6、eeding, no need to install local dust-protection and poison-protection devices.二、型号及技术参数Model & Technical Data1.型号说明 Type Illustration出料方式 (V、Y) Discharging Method (V、Y)V: 中心出料,一般不注明 Central Discharging, not note usuallyY: 边出料 Side Discharging给料斗坡角 (A、B、C、D) Slope of Feeding Hopper(A、B、C、D)A-30 B-20

7、 C-45 D-60驱动方式 (Z、P、W) Driving Method (Z、P、W)Z-直线型 Linear TypeP- 平旋型 Flat Swirling TypeW-涡旋型 Eddy Type进料口直径 (1%) Feeding Port DIA. (1%)振动斗式 (D) Vibratory Hopper-type (D)给料机 (G) Feeder(G)如GD06PA:直径600mm平旋型振动给料斗,斗体坡角30度,中心出料。Example: GD06PA means DIA. Of flat-swirling vibratory feeding hopper is 600mm

8、, and the slope of hopper-body is 30. Central discharge.2.主要技术参数 Main Technical Data 型 号Type直 径DIA.(mm)生产率.Cap.(t/h)料 仓 直 径DIA. Of Stock-bin(mm)料仓容量Stock-binVolume(m3)电机功率Moter cap(KW)振动频率Vib. Fre.(r/mjn)电 压Voltage(V)重 量Weight(Kg)GD06PA600304090012005150.251450380130GD09PA90030601200150010300.551450

9、380290GD10PA100040801500200010500.75960380380GD12PA120040801800240030601.1960380520GD15PA1500408022503000501001.5960380670GD20PA20008015036004000801602*1.19603801.1GD025PA250080150360050001002001*1.59603801.65注:表中生产率为堆密度1.6 t/m3.Note: Capacity in the form is calculated according to bulk-density, i.e

10、. 1.6 t/m3.三、安装和调节 Installation & Adjustment1. 主要安装尺寸Main Installation Dimensi主要安装尺寸见附图。See attached drawing for main installation dimensi.2.上部法兰与料仓联结时采用焊接工艺,下部法兰与其它部件联结时采用软联结,不可采用刚性硬联结,且与部件之间的距离不得小于20mm.Welding method adopted for the connection of upper-flange and stock-bin.Soft-connection used for

11、 the connection of lower-flange and other parts. Not use rigid connection. Meanwhile, its minimum spacing with other parts is 20mm.2. 调节 Adjustment本料斗出料量的大小有以下三种调节方法.Three methods for adjusting discharge volume of the feeding hopper:a.).调节螺栓,增大H值即增大产量。Adjust the vertical gap between activation-taper

12、 and main-body.Adjusting bolto increase the height, i.e. increase discharge volume.b.) 配用变频调速器,调节电机的转速,从而调节振动力。转速愈快,振动力越大,产量越大。Use variable-frequency speed-controller to adjust the rotation speed of motor, then the vibrating force is adjusted. The faster the rotation-speed is, the stronger the vibra

13、ting-force becomes, and the larger the discharge volume is.c.)调节振动电机偏心块松开2活动偏心块上的螺栓,改变活动偏心块与固定偏心块之间的夹角即可得所需要的振动力。振动力的大小可以由固定偏心块上的振动力标牌上读出,振动力越大,产量越大。Adjusting the eccentric-block of vibrating-motorLoosen the two bolts of the moving eccentric-block, change the angle between the moving eccentric-block

14、 and fixed eccentric-block, and so the vibrating force changed. The vibrating force can be read from the sign of fixed eccentric-block. The stronger the force is, the large the volume becomes.四、控制 Control惯性振动给料斗的控制采用反接制动电气控制箱,该控制箱可使振动给料斗在短时间迅速停机,使给料斗快速通过共振区,以保护给料斗的易损件及密封圈。The inertial vibratory feeding hopper is controlled by a reversible brake-controller, which can make the hopper stop in a very short time to avoid the violent shaking when going through resonant area, thus to protect the easy-worn parts and th



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