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1、“必备单品”英文怎么说KAT在北京学汉语,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是吴琼要问的:必备单品。WQ: Hey KAT! Wow.wait, 我们穿的裤子一样耶!KAT: OMG! Yeah! We ARE wearing the same thing! Where did you get it?WQ: 在outlet啊!现在这种紧身裤最流行了!衣橱必备!对了,这种什么都能配,大家都需要的衣服用美语怎么说啊?KAT: Hmm, we usually say that kind of clothing is a must-have item.WQ: M-u-s-

2、t, must, 是必须的意思,have, h-a-v-e, 拥有,must-have, 必须拥有,就是必备单品喽!KAT: Exactly! Must-have items often go with many different styles. For example, skinny jeans are a must-have in todays fashion. 紧身牛仔裤是时尚潮人的必备单品。WQ: Thats why we are both wearing it! 对了,我这条裤子买的特值,买一送一呢!KAT: What? Buy one get one free? Thats su

3、ch a great bargain!WQ: Buy one get one free? 我猜这就是买一送一的意思吧?KAT: Thats correct! Sometimes you can buy one and get one 50% off. Guess what that means?WQ: Hmmm, 我想,这就是买一件,第二件打5折,对不对?KAT: Good job! Besides, many stores are having end of season sales!WQ: 这个我知道,就是换季大甩卖!Actually, I got these pants from the

4、 end of season sale! 我这条裤子就是换季大甩卖的时候买的!KAT: There you go! I think we should pay a visit to the mall together this weekend, shall we? We can not and must not miss the end of season sale!WQ: Sounds good!KAT: Its a date! Now lets see what youve learned today!WQ:第一:必备单品叫做:must-have;第二,买一送一,可以说:buy one g

5、et one free;第三,换季大甩卖,叫做end of season sale.“高档货”和“便宜货”英语怎么说Jessica在北京学中文,她的中国朋友要是遇到了不知道用美语怎么说的词,就会来请教她。今天是方方要问的:保质期。FF: Jessica, 你过来帮我看看,这个牛奶是不是过期了呀?Jessica: Let me see.Hmm, Im not sure. When did you get this?FF: 两周前吧! 那时候牛奶大减价,我就一口气买了4瓶! 贪便宜, 可是忘了看保质期.Jessica: Milk normally has a shelf life of a wee

6、k. Shelf is spelled s-h-e-l-f, 是货架的意思。shelf life 能够放在货架上的日子,也就是保质期!FF: 原来是这样! 那我都买两个礼拜了,我看这牛奶肯定过期了.Jessica: I bet youre right. I think this milk is past-date. Youd better throw it away!FF: Past-date, 这里的date就是盒子上标识的生产日期。past-date也就是过期了的意思! 真可惜,这可是最好的牛奶,这些牛都是只吃鲜草,听古典音乐长大的!Jessica: That sounds like a

7、top shelf product to me! 高档商品!FF: Top shelf, 在货架上最高的地方,就是指高档货! 那相对来说,价格便宜的产品又要怎么说呢?Jessica: Its the opposite of that. We call it a bottom shelf product. Basically less expensive stuff is put on the bottom shelf.FF: Top shelf product, 高档货,bottom shelf product, 便宜货! 我记住了。Jessica: 好!那你说说看,What have you

8、 learned today?FF: 今天我们学到的内容包括:第一,保质期是shelf life;第二,过了保质期可以用 past-date;第三,高级货叫做top shelf product, 便宜货叫做bottom shelf product!“限时抢购”英语怎么说?A: Ah, I miss shopping in the night markets in China! I loved the give and take of haggling with the merchants to get the best deal possible.B: Really? I was always

9、 so intimidated and felt like I was getting ripped off. I think I would rather just pay whatever is on the price tag.A: You are such a baby! 跟小商贩打交道,砍价是必备本领!B: Well, bargaining is not my strong point. Generally I just go online and look for flash sales, which are a lot cheaper than the ticket price.

10、A: Because Im your friend Im going to give you the facts: you have zero strong points. But you just mentioned a really good word, flash sale! 咱们来学学这个词儿是什么意思!今天我们要学的词是flash sale, flash is spelled f-l-a-s-h, flash, sale is spelled s-a-l-e, sale, flash sale. Flash sale是限时抢购,也叫闪购。有研究显示,Accessories are a

11、mong the most sought after items on flash sale sites. 闪购网站上,服装配饰属于最抢手的商品。Flash sale websites claim to offer deep discounts on brand products to attract consumers. 闪购网站以低价出售名牌产品为卖点,吸引消费者。The new flash sale site is targeting young mothers with small children at home. 这个新开的闪购网站,希望吸引的消费人群是那些家里孩子还小的年轻妈妈们

12、。好的,今天我们学习的词是flash sale, flash sale, flash sale.A: 闪购是不错,不过我觉得这样特别容易让人冲昏头脑,看见特便宜就拼命买! 最后买的都是一些你永远不会用的东西。B: Exactly, Its an old marketing trick. They create a false sense of urgency so the buyer doesnt have time to talk themselves out of the purchase.A: Exactly. Sometimes the companies try to gloss over any defects the product has, which is probably why they are so cheap in the first place!


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