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1、 日常英语口语8000句:工作Unit 5 Work 工作 Warming-up Dialogues 热身对话 Dialogue 1 英语情景对话1 A: You”ve been at the work for quite some time. Why not take a break and go out for coffee? 甲:你已经伏案工作好长时间了。休息一下,喝点咖啡吧。 B: I”m afraid I can”t. Right now I”m up to my neck in work. 乙:唯恐不行。现在我太忙了。 Dialogue 2 英语情景对话2 A: He seems

2、to he under much pressure recently. 甲:他近来好像压力很大。 B: Yes, he is. 乙:是的。 A: How come? 甲:为什么? B: His boss asks too much from him. He has to meet one deadline ofter another. 乙:他的老板对他要求太高了。他不得不一个接一个地赶工期。 A: I do hope the pressure is off him soon. 甲:真盼望他能早日交差。 Dialogue 3 英语情景对话3 A: What sort of job have yo

3、u had? 甲:你以前干过什么工作? B: I used to teach in a university. But I”d rather not work there any more. 乙:我在大学里教书。但我不想再干下去了。 A: Why is that? 甲:为什么? B: Relatively it”s a sedentary job, not the kind I like. I prefer an active one. 乙:相对而言教书是一种比拟安逸的工作,而我喜爱有活力的工作。 A: Suppose it had given you a pay rise, a 50%? 甲

4、:假如大学里再给你增加50%的薪水又会如何? B: Money is not the most important thing. All I want is a job that gives full play to my skills. 乙:钱并不是最重要的,我最需要一份能让我全力施展才能的工作。 A: Are you sure you”re familiar with the job you are applying for? 甲:你对应聘的工作熟识吗? B: Yes. Actually I had held a similar job. 乙:是的。事实上我曾做过类似的工作。 Hints

5、语言提示 1.take a break意为“休息一下”,同have a rest. 2.be up to one”s neck (ears) in 此短语表示某人需要做的事情太多,都要堆到脖子或耳朵那么高了,意即某人特别劳碌。如:I”m up to my neck in the whole mess. 我忙得一塌糊。I”m up to my ears in lave. 我爱得天昏地暗。此外,与 neck 有关的短语 break the neck of. 则表示“做完(工作等)最难的局部”。需要留意的是,I”m up to here. (说话时带动作,将一只手横放在脖子前,掌心向下)这一句的意思

6、则与上述几句话貌同而实不同。该句表示“我受够了”,意同I”ve had enough. 或 I”m fed up。 3.he under much pressure = be under a lot of pressure 压力很大 4.How come? 本句是特别口语化的表达,与 Dialogue 3中的“Why is that?”一句意思大致一样。类似的表达方式还有 How comes it that.? (怎么会了呢?) 5.deadline 名词,原意为“(囚犯逾越时即格杀勿论的)死线”,后引申为“截止时间”,可构成词组 meet a deadline, 意为“赶期”。 b.sedentary a. 坐定不动的; n. 坐着工作的人 7.a pay rise 加薪 8.give full play to (one”s skills / one”s speciality)充分发挥(某人的力量/某人的特长)。play 在词组中为名词,意为“活动范围,才能的运用”。


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