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1、暑假英语提高班四年级 参考答案P2-P3I. 白墙 绿地板 黄色门 棕色窗 粉色灯 红色图片 黑板 紫色桌椅 橙色讲台 蓝色电脑 II. 1.Yes, its cool. 2. No, its snowy. 3. No, its windy. 4. hotIII. 1.c 2.a 3.b 4.dP4-P5I. school classroom computer teachersII. 三支铅笔 五把尺 两个书包 一盏台灯III. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.IV. 2.They are on the bed. 5.Where is the phone? 6.Its on the desk

2、.P6-P7I. 2.teacher 3.farmer 4.driver 5.dancer 6.doctorII. father mother sister grandfather grandmother baby brotherIII. 略IV. DBCAP8-P9I. too small; too big; too short; too long; too longII. windy sunny cold hot isnt is III. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.P10-P11I. 1. slassroom board fan light 2. is That is 3.teac

3、hers desk Yes 4.picture wall it is 5.floor 6. bread milk eggII. 略 III. 略P12-P13I. 1.What time is it 2.I can see ten 3. three 4. eight 5. nine 6. are; jeans; They areII. jacket skirt dress shirt T-shirtIII. 参考词语a big head/ a long body.P14-P15I. 1.cake 2.bike 3.cute 4.cold 5.sheII. 左一-右三 左二-右四 左三-右一 左

4、四-右六 左五-右五 左六-右二III. q r s t u v w x y z IV. 盘子 勺子 叉子 筷子 刀 书架P16-P17I. 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.AII. 1.no 2.yes 3.no 4.yes 5.yes 6.yes 7.no 8.yesIII. 略P18-P19I. 1.右3 2. 右5 3.右1 4.右4 5.右2II. kite ball skirt sheep tomatoes bananasIII. 略IV. 1 2P20-P21I. 略II. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturda

5、y III. 1. teacher tall English 2. Friend girl big student 3. China boy short smallIV. 略P22-P23I. 略II. 1.B 2.C 3.AIII. 1.bag 2.she 3.milk 4.nose 5.studentIV. dress dress shirt T-shirt 1.There are four. 2. Yes, it is. 3. Yes, it is. 4. Its twelve yuan. P24-P25I. 614523II. 略III. 1. 2. 3. 4.IV. 2121P26-

6、P27I. This is a balloon. These are balloons. This is an orange. These are oranges. This is a sock. These are socks. This is a shoe. These are shoes.II. tall hat shirt sour small light home hot zoo pigIII. What time is it chicken meat rice fishIV. ADBCEP28-P29I. 635214II. a b c d e f g hIII. 536142IV

7、. 略P30-P31I. 1. skirt; fifty yuan 2. shirt; twenty yuan 3. bread; two yuan 4. How much is the fish; eight yuan 5. How much are the sandals They are twenty-eight yuan 6. How much are the shorts They are twenty-eight yuan.II. small short cold warm that black thinIII. 略IV. 24513P32-P33I. 1.B 2.A 3.B 4.

8、A 5.B 6.BII. 1.C 2.A 3.BIII. No.IV. 1.There are seven. 2. There are four. 3. There are two. 4. Theyre in the tree. 5. Theyre under the tree. 6. They are in the river. 7. No, there arent.P34-P35I. rabbits cats shirts pants oranges bananasII. 1.face 2.pen 3.five 4.nose 5.musicIII. 1.B 2.B 3.B 4.AIV. 略

9、P36-P37I.1. 2. 3. 4.II. milk book chicken bread floorIII. 2121IV. 略P38-P39I. 134265II. 1.cucumbers 2.They are potatoes. 3. They are rabbits. 4. They are pigs. 5.What are they? They are hens. 6. What are they? They are carrots.III. 1.banana 2.fifteen 3.dog 4.duck 5.socks 6.cow 7.carrot 8.dressIV. bag

10、 bag pencil-case pen ruler pencil bookP40-P41I. BDEAFCIII. 略IV. school classroom classroom lights board desks chairsP42-P43I. John-cow Nancy-horse Betty- rabbit Jack-lamb Peter-sheepII. 1. Yes, I do. 2. Yes, I do. 3. I like sheep. 4. I like horses.III. 略IV. 上一-下三,上二-下一, 上三-下四, 上四-下五, 上五-

11、下二P44-P45I. i j k l m n o pII. 略III. 3142IV. 略P46-P47I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.II. I can see a sock, a shirt, jeans, a dress and a shoe.III. 1. Yes, it is. 2. No, they arent. 3. Four. 4. Its a cat.P48-P49I. 53241II. 1. No, it isnt. 2. They are under the bed. 3. No, you cant. 4. She is a doctor.III. 1. she

12、ep 2.jeans 3. sunny 4. dress No, its cheap 6. shoes They are forty yuanIV. Rabbit GrapeP50-P51I. 6314257(由上至下,由左至右)II. 上一-下三, 上二-下四, 上三-下五,上四-下二, 上五-下一III. red/blue red/yellow green white/redIV. 上一-下七, 上二-下二, 上三-下五,上四-下三, 上五-下四, 上六-下一, 上七-下六P52-P53I. 1. 2. 3. 4.II. 1B 2A 3E 4C 5DIII. 1.skirt 2. dres

13、s 3. jacket 4. are 5. They 6. many, I 7. much, twenty IV. bed door window desk P54-P55I. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.II. 略III. 略IV. 2457P56-P57I. a rabbit/ three rabbits a duck/ four ducks a goose/two a sheep/ three a tomato/ three tomatoes a potato/ six potatoesII. 红色夹克衫 黄色连衣裙 绿色衬衫 橙色毛衣 棕色短裙 蓝色T恤衫III. 略P58-P5

14、9I. five cats ten rabbits eleven pigs four dogs one horseII. B III. 略IV 1.She wears a red T-shirt and blue pants. 2. Its hot. 3.She wants to buy a pair of sneakers.P60-P61I. Sally Alan Tom AnnII. 1. hats/dresses/T-shirts 2. going to buy coats/ sweaters 3.She is going to buy shirts/jeans. 4. She is going to buy raincoats. III. 1.B 2.B 3.AIV. doctor driver nurse farmer



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