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1、章节、课题ni 2 Wok and leiur周学时2学分课程性质选修教学目的和规定:Whe th learnrsfih learnng thisnit, theyhold able to 1. Dcibe yur rout Talkn abotwrk nd leisure教学重点与难点: Focus Initte a coeratio 2 Get famila withay os d leiuracivitis 教学措施与手段:Studntoriend comuicatve eachin, free dicsion nd inteation, ultdia stware, CD-ROM, P

2、T 教学中的创新点:To introdc soe bckroundinforatof the ext, as wel make use of ultimdiadevi in tecs.Tenouragethetudnstodscusssomquestins about college lif andEngls study incolege, whihis dint frm thatin hghschool.讨论、思考题和课后作业:.ak sudents to writ n-mail.备注:Unit 1 ItouctosPerod1 and I. Rview1Ask grus te asa co

3、untries natonlies asthey canithree mnuts. 2Copre with othergrous Lad-in: talking out studets rejbsQ1: Whatdo you th about your futre ob? Q: Why d yo chose thi job?Talkin about stdents uture obs itheirs ste o intae a cnversation Thats hekile wilpracice inhs unitII. aring pt : workisentofor ole. Mke t

4、he word patersi he usefrom the wrds in eachbox.(P4) Afte listeni, students will lern ttalkaboutyo futrejbs and lit tins tat y tnkareiportant i j (suh sry orhoiay).Part APlay thercordng ro beginng t nd and Pauseaftreah ear ndelicit the answe. art1. Fshteexercise adheck hanswers aroud th cla. 2. sk so

5、mstuents to read teprses. rt C1 Work paitom a st.2.Ecourage Ss t coretheiraswes with oths.II.Vocabulara, months, andate. s are inroducd o voabul f ,moh,nddates.2. n he boardwrite ays, months, and date. As Ss t lk a the worsi th box and pthe in order.3 Ge mplethe execead ceck th answrs rund th s. 4.

6、Go thrught lits wt thelas,modeinprnunciaton and worstres.Ask Ss to rpeat5. In as, talk abt theijs. Del tacully wi studetso are nt caree-orentated. I apopriateo our cls, cnswap paes tree rfour imes.V. ding:Dscbyo roineThis rtcle i about th wrkin dyf Mihael Dels hois te chairma of DelComueCorporatin.

7、Atefnishheeeriseacording o he psage, S wor n parstotell hean about their dayA.Rading1. Bfore Radg: rite Dll on th rd.Ask Ss if tykow th brad f comtr Do tey kno ecgnz e swoosh ogo? Do nyof th classanyDll prducts? rteac sme difculwords.2. Rad thericlfor teir tie t eta gral sns o the arti and cmplte te

8、xecies.3. Afte adg: Fiish thexercis dche he answr arou t clss. B Aterreadin1. Close books.sk pars what ty emmer abu MchelDel ave afeedback sesionad ncourag Ss tu entences. 2. Ask S to rad out oe or to more sentencs from the artce ha se implpesettense. re the entenes on teboa anelict how to ay thm as

9、 uestiosAskthe questons and liit shoranswr. Language focusimpe prese eses lk at theexamps of presentsimpe tense.Then eadapaage and cpltthe artcle byusig he given ords.1.Give Ss aew moets to radtheLaguagefocus box.2. Fuson the ense of he een impe. V.Part : lisreativis1. Vocablays a inrdced tovocalary

10、 for ie acivites. On te rd wite lesure actiitis. Divdehe clas int groups of thre ro.sk Ss to wrte dow telaterd as any as he can. GetS o cmleteth execiseand heck te ansesrndhe lass. iie te clss int pirsTell stdet tourn to age136an stuentt turntope143.xplain toSs tha they ouldaeturs tsk a questi out c

11、mpn. Theysholdusehe nformatin in e Acit fi tonswer hir partners qestos. 2. Lnue focu: Adverbs ad xprsions of fruncySs loo a theampesof the us of adesad exprsios o frque Rdthe foationin the Language focus bowitthe lass iish teercss ad eck heasweVI klls: Tlkingbt wor and leisureIn thiscton, Ss souldpr

12、acic tir lisening adpeakigablities.1. S lsten to the tae an inis teexrcses.Ss ue the lanaeo pactc siar overio.3. Cure Tip:t a nver beenato alance worand leisue During the la eniet century th concept of a obfrlewas aly replaced by the sort-m contracfaoured b the eeprise lue.Soe ond emsles with oo much fre menthei



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