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1、Unit4 Amazing Science Topic( Section A) 教学案例孟津第二县直中学 郭晓利 一、 教学过程 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习调用白板资料库中老师自建的教学资源库的大量图片, 链接感人歌曲和生动音频,创设情境。(复习旧知,导入话题。出示一幅Michey Mouse和Donald Duck的图片。) T: Who are they? Ss: They are Michey Mouse and Donald Duck. T: Yes, they are so nice cartoon characters. Are they beautiful? Ss:

2、 Yes. T: Now we know, English shows us a beautiful world about western culture. As a matter of fact, in Chinese culture, there are also lots of beautiful characters. (出示一幅嫦娥奔月图) T: Do you know who she is? S1: She is Change. T: Yes. She is a beautiful goddess. 利用白板的资源库词库功能,拖拽字母、补全单词goddess. n. This i

3、s an ancient legend. (板书,释义,领读) legend. n. The story of her flying to the moon has been known by all the Chinese. It shows we have dreamed of exploring space for thousands of years. Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现利用白板出示杨利伟走出太空舱的图片1. (师生互动,紧承复习中的话题,以对话方式引出新的词汇。出示杨利伟走出太空舱的图片。) T: Do you know who he is? S2:

4、 He is Yang Liwei. T: What does he do? Ss: 宇航员。 T: Yes. He is an astronaut. (板书,领读,释义) astronaut. n. He is the first person to travel into space in China. He is our national hero. In 2003, he traveled around the earth in Shenzhou for 21 hours. Shenzhou is the first manned spaceship in China. (板书,领读,

5、释义,并要求掌握hero。) heroheroes (pl.) n. manned. adj. spaceship. n. China is the third nation to send a man into space. Are we all proud? Ss: Yes. All of us are proud. T: Whats more, two years later, we sent up another spaceship. (板书,领读,释义) send up = launch v. Who knows its name? S3: Shenzhou . T: Yes. It

6、s Shenzhou . There are two astronauts in it. Who are they? (出示费俊龙与聂海胜在神六中的图片) S4: Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng. T: Well done. They are great. Do you think so? Do you want to be an astronaut when you grow up? Ss: Yes. T: Great. OK. Lets begin to learn the new lesson. (板书课题。) 2. (播放1a录音,让学生听并回答问题。听完一遍

7、后,让学生对1a有个整体的感知。) T: Boys and girls, now lets listen to the tape and try to answer the question: Whats Chinas first lunar probe? (要求学生了解词组lunar probe。) Ss:Change . (让学生跟读1a,注意停顿。) T: Good. Listen to the tape again and try to repeat it. (然后,板书文中一些习惯用语和词组,分析解释,并要求掌握prove, achieve, point to。) dream of

8、doing sth. It shows we have dreamed of exploring space for thousands of years. point to make great progress in doing sth. Lunar probe achieve ones dream Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固1. (1)(让学生认真阅读1a, 以师友相互问答的方式完成1b。) 1. Who is Yang Liwei? 2. How many manned spaceships have been sent up into space by C

9、hina? 3. What was the temperature in Shenzhou ? 4. Do you know the legend of Change? Please tell it to your classmates. T: Read the dialog carefully, ask and answer the questions on the blackboard in pairs. S5: Who is Yang Liwei? S6: He is the first person to travel into space in China. S7: How many

10、 manned spaceships have been sent up into space by China? S8: (2)(分角色读对话,三人一组。) T: Now, lets read the dialog in roles with three students in a group. Are you ready? S9 (画外音) S10 (Michael) S11 (Kangkang) (3)(找两组同学来表演。) T: Now Id like to ask two groups to act it out. Who would like to do it first? S12

11、: S13: S14: (4)(找两位学生用自己的语言复述课文,加深对课文的理解。) T: Ill ask two students to retell the dialog. You should use your own words. (要及时帮学生复述。) Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习1. (1) (展示神五的视频和图片,接着播放新闻点评,进行师生互动回答。) T: Who is the man in the picture? Ss: He is T: What is he famous for? Ss: He is famous for T: Where did he

12、go? Ss: He went T: How long has he stayed in space? Ss: He has stayed in space for (2) 使用白板书写笔书写答案数字和单词。让学生板演听力填空,回归答案核对常态化,用学生的直观书写答案代替了生硬的核对答案,把课堂交给了学生。(让学生听2a录音填空,完成2a,核对答案。板书,解释。) are being made satellite T: Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks. (3) (再听2a录音, 写出关键词或短语,尝试复述。) T: Listen to 2a,

13、 write down the key words and try to retell it. first, 21 hours, 14 times, land, hero, After, second, 4:30, Oct. 17th, 2005, five, last, big plans, are being made, a space station 2. 设计配对游戏巩固 ,拖动图标与文字快速配对 ,运用白板的计时器计时,比赛哪一组用时最少。通过游戏既能及时反馈学生的学习成果,又能让学生在游戏中快乐的学习英语。 (根据1a和2a, 完成2b。进行小组复述课文比赛。) T: We hav

14、e learned something about Shenzhou and . Now lets finish 2b. Boys discuss and fill out the table about Shenzhou . Girls discuss and fill out the table about Shenzhou . And then Ill ask some of boys and girls to retell them. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动1. (创设情景,两人编对话,谈论神五/六着陆时的心情感受。) T: You may make dia

15、logs with your partner. Talk about what you were doing when landed successfully? How was your feeling then? What do you think about it? S15: What were you doing when Shenzhou landed successfully? S16: I was watching it on TV. S15: How was your feeling then? S16: I was very happy and proud. 2. (让学生给杨利伟发一封e-mail, 表达崇敬之情和向他们学习的决心,并希望他来学校做客,愿意与他交朋友。) 3. Homework: 根据提示,写一篇介绍航天英雄杨利伟事迹的文章。 杨利伟,中国优秀宇航员,65年生于辽宁。他自幼聪明好学,各门学科尤其数学和英语成绩优秀,87年成为一名飞行员,98年成为我国首批航天员,五年后成为我国首位登上太空的宇航员,03


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