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1、 北京版四年级上学期复习重点 Unit 1高兴的生气的累的1. Why are you so happy你为什么如此高兴tiredBecause we are back at school.因为我们又回到了学校。凌乱的sad心烦的担心的新手表英语书新足球Because my new watch is missing.因为我的新表丢了。4. We are back at school.我们又回到了学校。5. The room is messy.这个房间很凌乱。又,再次too他玩得太猛烈了。7. The gold is missing.这些金子不见了。why为什么因为becausecool我希望这

2、样。 四、语音正方形寻找一起病ea: seat, meat, heat, eat, pleaseget well康复 北京版四年级上学期复习重点 Unit 2may可以,能够 1. May I speak to Mike This is说,谈话Yangyang.我可以和迈克说话吗我是洋洋。Speaking.这是,我是(电话专用)正在说等一下那里说吧,我就是。Please hold on. , its for you.请等一下。, 这是找你的电话。2. Is Guoguo there机器人家务活女士夫人回电话真的学校明天坏的冷的喝This is Wang Ping. 我是王平。Speaking.

3、 Whos calling, please请说吧。请问你是谁Mrs四、语音 北京版四年级上学期复习重点 Unit 3一杯热水将要hot waterwill借,借入拿到,取得好的,健康的fine乒乓球拍记号笔尺子Would you please hold these books for me你能帮我拿一下这些书吗No problem.scissorscrayons没问题。.Would you mind opening the door, please请问你能开一下门吗3. Can I borrow your ping-pong bat我能借一下你的乒乓球拍吗Yes, of course.how字

4、,词字谜游戏电脑容易的和蔼的,善良的窗户windowfeelu: up, nut, such, cup, hut, lunchar: party, car, park感觉 北京版四年级上学期复习重点 Unit 5tryon多少钱美元双(副,对) Its getting cold.了。that pair of slippers 那双拖鞋 shop天气变凉这些凉鞋这些靴子buysell怎么样红色那个裤子trousersThis one looks nice. 这个看起来好看。黄色帽子2. Excuse me. May I look at that pairof shoes, please与.搭配打

5、扰一下,我可以看看那双鞋吗Sure. Here you are. 当然。给你。3. The red one will look nice on you.differentnice不同的好看 ,漂亮 这件红色的你穿在身上会很好看。ir: girl, birthday, first, skirt er: teacher, winter, slipper, silver北京版四年级上学期复习重点 Unit 6 一些饼干巧克力北京烤鸭a glass of orange juice 一杯橙汁 fried chicken wings 炸鸡翅一个沙拉鱼,鱼肉蘑菇汤一个披萨1. What would you

6、like to eat你想吃什么Id like some vegetables.我想吃些蔬菜。六十九一个汉堡 (补) 现在可以点菜了吗一个苹果派 Yes, Id like/Ill have a salad,fish, and mushroom soup.是的,我想要一个沙拉,鱼,和蘑菇汤。3. How much is it 这个多少钱Its sixty-nine yuan. 69 元。Here is the money. 给你钱。Here is your change. 这是找你的零钱。healthy健康的酸的i: find, nice, kite, icea: cat, that, man,

7、 flag, hat, black 北京版四年级上学期复习重点 Unit 7naturevisit在阿拉斯加州 find out坏的,糟糕的 internet好的,晴朗的 greateverythingairsummerBad. Its raining .不好(糟糕的),正在下雨。2. Where does he live他住在哪里3. We cant live without water.没有水我们不能生存。o: ox, shop, lock, dogal: tall, ball, allsoundsinterestingclose听起来有趣的,有意思的接近的一些饼干巧克力北京烤鸭a gla

8、ss of orange juice 一杯橙汁 fried chicken wings 炸鸡翅一个沙拉鱼,鱼肉蘑菇汤一个披萨1. What would you like to eat你想吃什么Id like some vegetables.我想吃些蔬菜。六十九一个汉堡 (补) 现在可以点菜了吗一个苹果派 Yes, Id like/Ill have a salad,fish, and mushroom soup.是的,我想要一个沙拉,鱼,和蘑菇汤。3. How much is it 这个多少钱Its sixty-nine yuan. 69 元。Here is the money. 给你钱。Her

9、e is your change. 这是找你的零钱。healthy健康的酸的i: find, nice, kite, icea: cat, that, man, flag, hat, black 北京版四年级上学期复习重点 Unit 7naturevisit在阿拉斯加州 find out坏的,糟糕的 internet好的,晴朗的 greateverythingairsummerBad. Its raining .不好(糟糕的),正在下雨。2. Where does he live他住在哪里3. We cant live without water.没有水我们不能生存。o: ox, shop, lock, dogal: tall, ball, allsoundsinterestingclose听起来有趣的,有意思的接近的



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