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1、双语美文:观月双语美文:观月 As Ive gotten older, the joy of “1)sleeping in” has become a thing of the past, so Im awake most days by 5:30 or so. There are many benefits to being an early riser, not the least of which is enjoying magnificent sunrises. This morning, however, I witnessed another of Mother Natures s

2、pectacular showsa moonset. 随着年岁的增长,睡懒觉的乐趣对我而言已一去不复返,现在的我常常五点半左右便醒来了。其实早起有许多好处,不仅仅是能够欣赏到壮丽的日出。就在今天早上,我亲眼目睹了大自然的另一种奇观月落。Whenever the moon is full, I have trouble sleeping anyway, so often when I awaken in the middle of those night Ill go outside just to 2)bask in moonlight. It is so much softer and fe

3、els gentler than sunlight, making everything appear more attractive, like the filming techniques used for aging movie stars years ago.每逢月圆之夜,我总难以入眠,所以,每当半夜醒来,我就会走出屋外,沐浴于月光中。月光是如此的柔和,让人觉得比阳光更加温柔,也使得一切看起来更有魅力,犹如多年前用于拍摄老牌电影明星所使用的技术一般。Id read that Mars would be making an appearance, so when I awakened a

4、 little after five, I went out on the deck to see what I could see. And there was the big 3)old moon, hanging right in front of me. Off to the left, and much higher in the sky, I saw one bright starcould that be Mars?我得知火星将会出现,因此,刚过五点我醒来之后,便走出露天平台,看看能否有所发现。挂在我眼前的,仍旧是那轮大大的下弦月。在它左边天空的更高处,我看见了一颗耀眼的星星那会

5、是火星吗?I live on 4)Hilton Head Island, a major destination for visitors from around the world. Our villa is situated in a perfect locationa short walk takes me to a lovely little shopping area that holds a post office, several shops and restaurant and my hairdresser. A short bike ride in the opposite

6、direction takes me to work; on the way, I pass a few 5)lagoons and a tidal creek, where I always check for 6)alligators or various coastal birds. Its a slow, peaceful life that I love with a surprisingly deep passion.我住在希尔顿海德岛吸引世界各地游客前来观光的一大胜地。我们的别墅坐落于最佳地段只需要走一小段路便可以到达一个小型购物区,那儿有一所邮局,几家商店和餐馆,还有我经常光顾

7、的理发店。往相反的方向,骑一会儿车就可以到我工作的地方;沿途会经过几个泻湖和一处潮沟,我总会在那里寻找短吻鳄和各种海鸟的踪迹。我深深地热爱着这种悠闲而平静的生活。You see, Im a city girl. I was born and raised in 7)Philadelphia. I loved the energy and, ye even the noise that comes with city living. I never imagined that I would fall in love with the natural beauty of a small 8)ba

8、rrier island in 9)South Carolina, of all places! But falling in love is exactly what I didhard. And forever. I cannot imagine living anywhere else. My life here is 10)soothing, and feeds my creativity because to be inspired, all I need do is walk out the door.你知道,我是一个城市女孩。我出生并成长于费城。我很喜爱这座城市的活力,甚至也爱着

9、伴随城市生活的喧嚣。我从未想象过,在这么多好地方里,我偏偏就爱上了南卡罗来纳州一个堰洲岛的自然美景。但是,事实上,我的确深深地爱上了它。永远地爱上了。我无法想象自己生活在其他任何一个地方。这儿的生活令人舒心,并且激发了我的创造力,因为只需走出门外,灵感便会涌现。Our deck overlooks a lagoon, and the fountain in the middle made soothing sounds as I sipped my coffee and watched the moon slipping down the sky. Once they begin their

10、descent, Im always surprised by how fast the sun or moon set. Before it disappeared behind the tall 11)live oaks across the lagoon, the moon played hide and seek behind some clouds. The clouds were barely visible, blending into the sky which was turning a sharper blue as it lightened into day. 12)Wi

11、sps would pass across the moons face, making it 13)momentarily 14)spooky with a Halloween look. But soon the moon would reappear, so full, and looking close enough to grasp in the palm of my hand.从我们的露天平台能远眺到一个泻湖,伴着中间那轻柔的泉水声,我一边品尝着咖啡,一边看着月亮在天空中缓缓下沉。太阳和月亮落下的速度之快总让我为之惊叹。在月亮消失于泻湖对岸高高的橡树背后之前,它会玩起捉迷藏的游戏,

12、躲到云层的后面。随着天空渐渐转亮、越来越蓝,云朵与天空融为一体,几乎找不到它的踪影。云朵一缕缕地滑过月亮的脸,看起来就像万圣节前夕瞬间闪过的幽灵一般。但不久,月亮又重新出现,它看起来如此的圆,仿佛近在咫尺,一伸手便可以将其抓在掌心。All too soon, the clouds grew thicker, the moon descended below the treetop and my lunar encounter was at an end. I lingered over my 15)lukewarm coffee, reluctant to go inside and begi

13、n the 16)mundane routine with which we all prepare for work. But this day would be differentit began with 17)wonderment.眨眼间,云层越来越厚,月亮消失在树梢,我与月亮的邂逅到此结束了。我慢慢享受着微温的咖啡,不太情愿地走进屋里,开始着手于乏味的常规杂务,为工作做好准备。但是,这一天却是特别的它始于一个奇观。Who could ask for a better beginning for the blessing of another day in paradise?享受天堂里新一天的开始,谁还会去奢求一个比这更美好的序幕?



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