2022年高中英语 Unit 4 Body language Warming up同步练习 新人教版必修4

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1、2022年高中英语 Unit 4 Body language Warming up同步练习 新人教版必修4.根据汉语意思完成句子1看到她伤得那么严重,我很难过。I _ _ _to see how seriously she was hurt.2不要为考试烦恼。Dont_ _about the exam.3他朋友的去世使他很伤心。His friends death_ _very much.4他的演说得到热烈的喝彩。His speech_ _ _cheers.5他们说了许多表示欢迎他的话。They _ _ _many expressions of pleasure.答案:1.was very up

2、set2.upset yourself3.upset him4.was greeted with5.greeted him with.单项填空从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1How about going camping with us this weekend?_.AIs that right?BId like to, but I have no time.CWhat are you planning?DWhats for?答案:BId like to, but I have no time.我很想去,但却没时间。2Believe it or not, this ol

3、d custom has a history of over 2,000 years, and it has_into the twentyfirst century.AflowedBsurvivedCspread Dfollowed答案:Bsurvive“幸存下来;保存下来”,符合句意。3Id like a room_window looks out over the sea.Athat Bin whichCwhose Dwhich答案:C关系代词whose在定语从句中作定语,whose相当于of which。题意:我想要一个窗户面临大海的房间。4The special clothes ar

4、e_for the children who are disabled.Adesigned BplannedCchanged Dexpected答案:Abe designed for“为设计”。题意:这类特殊的服装是专门为残疾儿童设计的。其他选项不符合语意。5_the doctors really doubt is_my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.AWhat; when BThat; howCWhat; whether DThat; what答案:Cwhat在主语从句中作doubt的宾语;因为句中有soon,所以第二空不

5、选when。6It was _by the railway board that the cost of rail fares would be increased by ten percent.Anoticed BstatedCsuggested Dnoted答案:B本题考查动词的辨析。state“宣布,通告,声明(口头的或书面的)”,suggest“建议”,后接宾语从句时,从句中要用虚拟语气(should动词原形),note(notice)“注意到”。根据句子意思可知,B为正确答案。7(xx江苏,33)What s the matter with Della?Well, her paren

6、ts wouldnt allow her to go to the party, but she still _.Ahopes to Bhopes soChopes not Dhopes for答案:A考查省略。一般情况下,不定式的省略,承接上文保留到to。8(xx山东,30)Poor Steve! I could hardly recognize him just now! _. He has changed so much.ANever mind BNo problemCNot at all DMe neither 答案:D本题考查交际用语,根据He has changed so much

7、可知选D。Me neither在这儿相当于Neither could I我也没认出来。.完形填空请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。We were about to gather up our trip things and return to our car when a man appeared. He looked_1_and asked us_2_we realized that these grounds were private property. Father looked very puzzled and the man pointed

8、 to a notice which_3_that camping was strictly_4_. Poor father explained that he had not seen the notice and didnt know that camping was not allowed. Though father_5_, the man did not seem satisfied and asked him_6_his name and address. All the way home, we were so_7_that hardly anyone spoke a word.

9、 This_8_event had spoiled a wonderful day in the country.For the _9_of the week, we wondered what_10_. The following Sunday, we stayed at home_11_it was a fine day. About noon, a large and expensive car stopped _12_our house. We were_13_when we saw several people_14_to have a picnic in our small gar

10、den. Father got very angry and went out to ask them_15_they thought they were doing. You_16_imagine his surprise when he recognized the man who _17_our address the week before! Both men burst out _18_and father weled the strangers into the house. _19_, we became good friendsbut we learned_20_we have

11、 never forgotten.1A.happy BangryCtired Dworried答案:B从本句的后半句来看,我们未经他同意而把旅行车停在他的私人地盘上,必定会招致他的愤怒,据此,B为正确答案。2A.if BbecauseCbefore Dthat答案:A本题四个选项均为连词,从句意来分析,此人是要问我们是否知道这些场地是他的私人财产。由此可知,ask后接的是一个宾语从句,所以B、C两项可排除。在A、D之间,if作“是否”解释,that无实际意义,很显然A为正确答案。3A.spoke BnoticedChad Dsaid答案:D表示布告、通知上的内容时,若用notice、annou

12、ncement作主语时,谓语动词用say,且用主动语态,say与speak的区别在于say着重于说话的内容,而 speak着重于形式或语言,至于选项B、C,更不合题意。4A.weled BcontrolledCplanned Dforbidden答案:D根据上下文内容,该地是私人财产,在上面野营肯定是不允许的,并根据下句中not allowed推断,forbidden为正确选择。wele显然不妥;control和plan有“控制”、“计划”之意,与下句的not allowed相比较,也有矛盾之处,故也应排除。5A.excused BapologizedCstopped Dwent away答案

13、:B此时父亲只能向他道歉,故B项apologize为正确选择。A项的excuse虽也用来表示道歉,但该词是及物动词,通常都用 Excuse me来表示歉意;C项的stop意为“停止”,若用在这里则模糊不清,使人不知要停止干什么;D项中的go away更不符合题意。6A.because of BforCtelling Dwriting答案:B我们常用ask sb. for表示“向某人要(问)”,此人是问父亲的名字,故用for。ask后还可用不定式作宾语补足语,但不能用动名词,故C、D应排除;A项中的because of表示原因,用在这里也不妥。7A.moved BfrightenedCupset

14、 Dpleased答案:C在野营过程中,遇到这种事情,心情不可能高兴或感动,故A、D应排除,当然也不会感到害怕或恐怖,所以B项的frightened也不合适,只有C项的upset“沮丧”适合于表示这种心理状态。8A.unpleasant BsadCunkind Dunjust答案:A本题要求用一个适当的形容词修饰event,上述事情应该用unpleasant更恰当。sad是“悲伤”,unkind是“不友好”,unjust是“不公正”,用来修饰event均不妥。9A.end BrestCnext Dfollowing答案:Bnext和following意思相同,可修饰名词,但后面不能接of的介词短语,故该两词应予排除。本题的意思是:由于上述的遭遇,真不知在余下的时间里还会发生些什么,故应该用rest表示这一周余下的时间,end一般表示周末,但前面的介词应该用at。10A.would happen Bwould take placeCwill happen De out答案:A本题的意思是不知道还会发生什么事,由于主句用过去时态,从句应该用过去将来时,故只能在A、B之间选择



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