Dangerous Dogs 凶猛的宠物狗.doc

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1、Dangerous Dogs 凶猛的宠物狗 Andrea: They can be cute and cuddly. Jean: 它们可以是人人都想抱抱的可爱动物。 Andrea: They can also be nasty and vicious. Jean: 不过它们也可以是既凶猛又残忍的动物。 Andrea: So do you think dogs are a mans best friend? Hello, Im Andrea Rose. Jean: 大家好,我是董征。在我们今天BBC Learning English 节目中,我们回来聊聊为什么在英国,许多被驯养的宠物狗已经不能被

2、称为是人类最好的朋友 a mans best friend. Andrea: Its becoming trendy to have dangerous dogs as pets. They are a fashion accessory. Jean: 很多人开始驯养相当凶猛的宠物狗,而这正是英国现在正在兴起的一个趋势。 Andrea: They can even be used as a weapon! Jean: 把狗当作武器。 InsertThe Rocket Pub is usually starting to fill up at this time. Today its close

3、d. A pile of teddies and flowers are mounting up outside the front doors. Its where 5-monthold Kaydy Lee was savaged to death by the pubs Rottweiler guard dogs on Saturday. Andrea: In that news report we heard how a baby was savaged to death in the UK by a dog. Jean: Savaged to death by a dog 被狗乱咬致死

4、。 Andrea: People were leaving flowers and teddy bears or teddies outside the pub where the baby was killed. Jean: 在英国,越来越多的人在家里养狗已经不养那种天性驯良可爱的宠物狗了,而是选择像罗维纳和比特犬这样相当凶猛的狗种类养在家里看门护院。 Andrea: It is especially popular among young people. Insert- Theyre basically a legal weapon they can do as much damage a

5、s a firearm, but legal. - My friend had one he got in a fight one time, the dog helped him chase the guy and thats when I said, “Yeah I need one of these.” Jean: 这些年轻人认为家里养条恶犬是件很酷的事情。 Andrea: The first boy said that a dog is like a legal weapon. Jean: A legal weapon 一件合法的武器。 Andrea: They can do as m

6、uch damage as a firearm. Jean: 某些恶犬确实比枪械更具杀伤力。而刚才听到的另一个男孩子说他看到一个朋友的狗追扑别人的时候觉得挺佩服。 Andrea: This boy got into a fight with someone and the dog helped him chase them away. Jean: 当然绝大多数人还是不赞成家里养这种恶犬的,尤其那些已经伤过人的恶犬。 Andrea: When 5-month old Kady Lee was killed by a dog last year, people were very upset. I

7、nsert- Ive just been over there to put a teddy on. I couldnt really speak. I think Rottweilers should be dead. A 5 month old baby its the beginning of their life, for this to happen its very sad. Jean: 这位女士说她难过的说不出话来。她认为这样的恶犬应该被就地正法。 Andrea: The man says that its very sad that a baby could be killed

8、 by a dog, as this was the beginning of the childs life. So should dangerous dogs be put down? Jean: To be put down 处决、处死。而英国就制定有一项专门叫做危险犬类条例的法律法规。Heres more about it. Insert Well the legislation was brought in 1991. It banned 4 types of dog including pitbull terriers. It does cover any dog which is

9、 dangerously out of control, but only if its in a public place. If found guilty, owners can get fined up to 5000, or be jailed for 6 months. Courts can also have the dog put down. Andrea: There is legislation or laws in Britain against dangerous dogs. Jean: 这项条例规定有4 种犬类属于危险犬类,其中一类就是比特犬。 Andrea: The

10、law is for dogs that are out of control. Jean do you think some dogs are out of control? Jean: 确实这种伤人的恶犬不少,不过我觉得需要严加调教的第一应该是这些狗的主人。 Andrea: I agree with that. Well if your dog is out of control in the UK, you can be fined as much as 5000. Jean: Wow. 触犯一次罚款5000 英镑!真是够严格的。 Andrea If you think thats ba

11、d, you can even go to jail for 6 months! Jean: 自己的狗调教不当弄不好还会做半年的牢! Andrea: Of course, lots of people still love their dogs and they don have any trouble with them. Insert I wouldnt want people to end up hating Rotweillers, I dont blame the dogs. Ive a Rotweiller myself and 3 children, and its fantas

12、tic. Jean: 这位女士说她自己就养了一条罗维纳,她并不希望以后人人都变得不喜欢狗了。 Andrea: To end up doing something. You could end up buying a dog! Jean: Or you could end up buying a cat instead! Andrea: Good idea. She also says that we shouldnt blame the dogs. Jean: We shouldnt blame the dogs 我们不应该单纯的谴责狗。 Andrea: And she thinks her dog is fantastic! Jean: Its definitely an interesting British trend. 不过我们今天节目的时间又到了,so its goodbye from both of us at BBC Learning English. Andrea: Bye!


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