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1、Lesson11: Clothes around the World !教学设计基本信息学 科英语年 级七年级教学形式讲授式教 师潘阿绒单 位云阳镇中学课题名称Lesson11: Clothes around the World !学情分析学生已经掌握了一定数量的有关衣服的单词和句型,本节课只是对这方面知识的巩固练习和运用,所以,应多设计相关活动,多创设情景训练。教学目标1新词记忆:world,report,traditional,wow,sari,India,uniform,pretty,centre,Saturday,will,pair2学会look+形容词的用法3会说几个关于穿着打扮得句

2、子教学过程一、请听课文录音,完成老师空缺的单词。二、词汇1. be wearing/be in 的区别 1)wear穿着;戴着。相当于及物动词,有衣物作宾语,着重于穿、戴的状态。be wearing表示现在的一种状态或穿出的结果。He wears black shoes._。She is wearing a red coat_。2)be in in 在这里做介词可以表示wearing,所以be wearing可以用be in 替换,另外 in后可以直接+颜色(clothes,colors,etc) 。the boy in blue Mary is in red (hat)._。She is u

3、sually in black._。2.look的用法。 1)后跟宾语时和at连用。如: Look at these pictures. How beautiful they are! 2)用作连系动词,意为“看起来” ,后跟形容词。如:You look well/fine/healthy._。The teacher looks happy. _。She looks pale. _。三、课堂检测用“put on /be in /be wearing”完成句子。1. He is _ a black jacket today. 2. _ your heavy winter coat and go

4、out.3. I want you to _ his coat and this hat. 4. I like_ my red pants.5. The man _ (看起来)handsome. 6. You look nice. (划线部分提问。) you ? _选择 1.What _ are these clothes? A colour B colours C coloures D colourful拓展延伸:选择填空:( ) 1、_ is this desk? Its green.AwhatBwhat color Cwhats thisDwhats color( ) 2.My name

5、 is Amy, _ name is Tina and _ is Frank.A. her; his B. his ;her C. her; her D. She; He( ) 3.Last name means _.A. first name B. given name C. family name D. names( )4.This is _clock. Its _ English clock. A. a, a B. a, an C. an, an D. an, a( )5.This is _ . A. a pair of pants B. a pant C. pants D. a pai

6、r of pant( )6.My clothes _ beautiful. A.is B. are C. do 学海无涯:look和其它某些介词或副词连用: look after 照看,照料,look for 寻找, look around look back on回想,回顾,look down on看不起,look forward to 盼望,look into朝里面看,look on.as把某人看作,look out当心,look over仔细检查、翻阅,look through浏览;仔细检查;看穿,look up抬头看;查;找出Look before you leap. 三思而后行。板书

7、设计1. be wearing/be in 的区别 1)wear穿着;戴着。相当于及物动词,有衣物作宾语,着重于穿、戴的状态。be wearing表示现在的一种状态或穿出的结果。He wears black shoes._。She is wearing a red coat_。2)be in in 在这里做介词可以表示wearing,所以be wearing可以用be in 替换,另外 in后可以直接+颜色(clothes,colors,etc) 。作业或预习积累关于衣服的单词:clothes 衣服,coat 外套,dress 连衣裙,blouse 女式衬衫,hat 帽子,jacket 夹克,

8、jeans 牛仔裤,overcoat 大衣,scarf 围巾,shoe 鞋子,shorts 短裤,skirt裙子,sock 袜子,suit 套装,sweater 毛衣,tie 领带,trousers 长裤,uniform 制服,vest 背心。自我评价首先,文本解读不够独特深刻,解读的角度也不够新颖。没能真正体现教师的个性解读,也就没能更高的提升学生的思维能力和情感体验。其次,主问题的设计不够新颖,缺乏深度。1、主要问题设计不够新颖,整堂课设计流程简单,但简单不等于平淡。由于主问题的设计未能激发学生的探索欲望和思维兴趣,所以师生之间的“碰撞”缺少火花,课堂难以形成高潮。2、过于细碎地追求言语的讲解,教师的临场调控能力显得不足,预设痕迹太浓,这一环节是一大遗憾。过于细碎地讲读言语。 评议单位:云阳镇中学 日期:2013年10月15日



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