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1、 2022英语口语培训:Skint 身无分文Diarmuid: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English from BBC Learning English. I”m Diarmuid. 大家好,欢送收听BBC地道美语节目。我是圣保罗。 Feifei: 大家好,我是冯菲菲。 Diarmuid you don”t look very happy. What”s wrong? 圣保罗,你看上去很不快乐,发生什么事了? Diarmuid: I just went to the bank and I couldn”t take any money out.

2、 I”m really skint. S.K.I.N.T. 我刚刚跑到银行,但是我去不了钱。我身无分文了。 Feifei: 假如你银行账户的余额是零的话,那么莫非不应当说 you”re poor 你很穷吗? Diarmuid: Well, skint is another word for poor. If someone is skint, they have very little money. 嗯,这个单词跟poor差不多,他们几乎没有钱。 Feifei: 那能不能用 skint 这个词来代替 poor 呢? Diarmuid: Skint and poor are both adjec

3、tives but skint is usually used when someone has run out of money temporarily. 这两个词都是形容词,但是skint通常是在人们临时没钱的时候用。 Feifei: Skint 常指由于最近手头比拟紧,钱花完了,但是很快就又会有钱了,所以 skint 指得这个穷法是短时期的,临时的。 Diarmuid: Yes, they will have some money again quite soon. 是的,他们很快就会又有钱了。 Feifei: 这么说当我们把这个月的工资花完后在急迫希望下个月的工资时可以说我们 skin

4、t? Diarmuid: Absolutely, you can use skint when you have spent all of your money and you”re waiting to be paid again. 固然,你可以在花光全部的钱,希望下个月工资的时候用这个词。 Feifei: 那能再举个例子吗? Diarmuid: Here are some examples of how to use the word skint. 这里有些使用这个单词的例子。 Examples A: Do you want to come to the cinema on Friday

5、night? 星期五晚上想来电*吗? B: I can”t, I”m really skint this month. 不行,这个月我身无分文了。 A: My girlfriend likes to shop a lot. 我女友很喜爱购物。 B: Oh really, does she have expensive tastes? 哦,真的吗,她喜爱贵的东西吗? A: Yes. I”m usually skint after we go out shopping together. 是的,常常是我们一起购物后我就身无分文了。 Feifei: Ok, I think I understand.

6、 Skint 是一个俚语单词,表示一个人短时期,临时没有钱。 Diarmuid: Yes, that”s correct. 是的,那是对的。 Feifei: Good, well I guess that”s the end of today”s programme. Shall we go and get some lunch? 好,嗯,我想今日的节目就到这儿了。我们现在出去吃午餐吧? Diarmuid: I can”t afford to buy lunch. I”m too skint. 我吃不起午餐了。我实在是身无分文了。 Feifei: I”ll buy you lunch. I”m loaded 我很有钱。 Loaded 可以用来说某人很有钱。


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