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1、英语专科(二)作业三Par IVocalary & Stucte词汇与构造(每题2分,共3小题,满分60分)irection:Ths are 1 ncompleetteent hereou arreuird tomete eachstatemntby coosing heaprpriatanswe rm th 4 choices mrked A),B),C) ad D).此部分共有10个未完毕的句子。每个句子中未完毕的部分有四个选项,请从、B、C、D四个选项中选出对的选项。1 Hearivedin Beijing, whee h _his friend.A.as t byB. was meC.

2、was meti.mey2. Thewar _ in1937.A. wbrn ouB.hdbebrken ot. as okn uD brke out.he nwsuspnsionbdge(吊桥) _ y end ofst month. aee designd. had bn desgndCwas esigedD. wolbe sin4. The copueonthe tabe_ Proessor ih.A.bosB. re blongedoC. longs toD belong to5. The sqirrelwas lu tat just missd _ .A. cachgB. obeca

3、uht. eing aughD.to cach6 travld ernght t Pis d aived _ocock_the mornn.A.n, B. at, C. at, on. at, at7 Sh came up ome, _ sile _ erace.Awh;nBlike; onC. with; onD. wthot;at8.t isreprtedht a lot of dults take lessns online _ furte duction. aerBtoC. withDf. eil _g eys Jims sstr.A. ithB.in onD. 1Thecol kep

4、t him_ bed for three das.onB. atD.t11. t_ truetat big me ar awayvey rong.A. ascally. mpltelC nesrilD. remakay12. A persn wth n_in life cannverlive appily. obectieB.subectC. ojectD ubjve13. Ol in this way _ aciev yur gol wihut much vinnsA. you c. oou. ou ilcan u14. tsuddenl_ tome hat coud sk orneighb

5、or ohelp . thoughtB.cosideedC. cameD. occure15. There ae eletos the uilding, on f _ isspecal for paie.A. temBthatC.wichD.hose1 fieme _th fire i onl 20mnuteA.pt outB.puo.put .ptdown7. _hee frwent years by the ndfnetmonhA. wl iveB. have ledCwil have livdD.wlbe livig18._ I mlonging foris to talk itth f

6、ms musiianin ersonA. ch ThatC. hat.Whve19. _ around all over the wod, he reaizd howwonerul life i.A BeingtouringB. T tuC. Hae touredD. Havingtoued20.Te ok asdiffent _ ll the her booksIe evrrdfrom oC.toD amog21.Dont ve so a! We must _whenwe drive though the tnnel.ek on.cme down. see downD. sw dwn.ne

7、caot judge a peon ony y hs _ codons.economicalB. ecnmicsC economD. ecy3. The red clr can_ allur sres,includin appetie.A. rfctB simlaeC.react. rspon4.Tian, _ in thectreo Shnxi povne s abeutfuliyA. lcteB. to lceC. oteocating25. ith the countrys popuaion reang .6 bilinihmd o thi centuy, msof Chinsrver,

8、includingthe YellowRie, ill b _A. rygup. runningupC tdynupD. taing up6.My intest i stampoletngdats _ my schoday.A. onB. fm. in bac7. Mr Wa is e of tose ppy eoplewh _ pleasefrm helping ohr.A. deriveB. deduceC. ecieD. pend28 washe inese _ fst nvente th compass. whihB. haC. howD.ho2.I wa _ na small con

9、trysd inChin.A. brou pBbrg upC. ried uD. raise p30.Hll beangry i you ty to _ him.He i eybsnowA. interereiB inefr withC dturbith. wory aboartI eadig Copehsio(每题4分,共0小题,满分40分)Dctins:here are fie qutions n eac sage.Y ae requie to compete eh qustonby chooing he aproriat anwe fro t 4 coces arkd ),), C)an

10、d D)。此部分共有两篇短文。每篇短文后有5个问题,每个问题后有4个选项,请你从A、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案选项。Pasae 1day an an was dring a a smll stream a fell in. h mae deserate(拼命的) effotstoreach thesde, bu ad no proes t all.The oo ntamoehasted(精疲力竭的)ws still bavely doing er best en a doe saw er Movedwith pit, t b thew hera blade(叶片) of gra, whih s

11、upported her lke a at,nd ths thent rechede ank again. hile s was estinand drig hself n tegrss, se hearda ma coenear wsalking alongbrefoed w a un in sand.A nas hesawte ove,he wishe t kil i. Houl ceraly aedoneso,btthe t bt him in he o st s h raisedhisgun to firHe stop toeewht dbi i, ate doveimmditel lwawy. t wasn nimal much eaer ad ae thaherself thathdsavd


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