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1、Enteraining HumorWhats Funy?Doald M fa11 Th joy f aughin at a funny storiuvsal,prbby s oda lanuage iself But, hat isit hat ake stor o a efunn?2 As eho hasjyed hmor ince firt reognie it, Ive maden aemptto explndisss humoih studes in sh divrsculture sLatin Ameri and Cna. Ie donesomesrious hinkin aofun

2、ntories. It habeena laborof love!3 Wh sittha seveal sudents in class wil fal otf ther chirs laugng ftr I tel a oke while the rest o thestudnt loka fIv just ea the weathrrprt?Obviusly somepeop are more senstivt umor than hers. And, we reconize tatsom peol teljoe verye hile otrs strugetsay somthn nny.

3、Weval heardpople say, “I lik oks,but canttell onwell, and can eer eember them”Sm peple ha a bee sen f humor n othrs juts some peopl have mr uical taent,atc tlnt,etc. tan ote. trly funn peron ha jokefrvery ccso,n when oneis old,that trs an etire tig of jokfrom tht personsmeor ban4 A humrlsspesonis no

4、likey t b h mtoplar peson n grop. I s eaoabe to sa thatthe tuy humoousindivdul is not oly wel liked,bt isofe the ousof atetio in nygathring.4 Eve sme nimls hve a senef humo. M wife mother ftenvisited us for exne stay5. She oraly didnt ik o, u she l love it Bltzea femleLab6 we had, andterelatonhip mu

5、a. En weyong, litze les Grndma byvey selctiely rryg on of her rom slippers inttelvng oom were ra at i hefavorie, comfortbe cair Blizen ancd ubyond the rch of Gandma unil Grandma ws tempt oave herchair toge the per rom Btze. Wn Grandm lefther cai, Blitze woul qucly jumpinothchai,ashin he La smefom sp

6、klig brownyeswch clrly said, “Aa,I oed you aai”5 pia jkes ohumoroustries hav tre-at aatmythat i asily cogized Fit i he TUP (or sein),ts te BDY (or sory ie), an thee are flloedy the PUC LIN7 (aunexeced osurre endng) which l mkethe jokfunyiit ntins some umoUsally all three pars are reent, nd ech mut b

7、ecleay presene8. Ithlps ifth story/jketelr uss gestres ad guage wich arewll knon to the udec.6 Humor, a frmf etertanmnt, cn e aalyzdin oder todiscover wt makea fun story o oke sem funny. Here, fo examle, are some of thmst comon types fhor. he rngefom th mot bvio huor the moesubtle ps.7 “SLAP-STIC” i

8、 themost obiuumor. Its anguagsle, iret,and f maks fun ofnother person ogupSlp-stickwas and is the techne of hestnd-ucomdia d t cw. It appeas to allage and alultures. Nearly eeyEnglish-seaking coed in hs cntu ha se he fwingjok inoneform oranothe. On maaks anothr,“Wo wa at ladIsaw you wth latngh?”Th o

9、he rlis,“Thwan ly, thatwas m wfe.” Thehumor les in te facthat the secondman is sayin tat his ie s n alay.In therword,e is not a refined woman. Th jke isn lessfunny ecuseit o otn used. Theaudiee knows advance wa wll b said, ecauseit lasic umo, nd y audience alues t even oe bcause fis fmiliarityChins

10、“cos-tal” is a specialtype of sp-stic in wic two Chinese comedians uoly discu opic uch abureaucts, familyprbles, rother perna tocs Crss-tk an b hearaywhee fm sml vlage tgestth arge Beijintatres, nd tordo an televiso. is cery a tritioalorof humor el rstod by inese o.A PA ON WORDS inot so obvousa lp-s

11、ick, utit is fncusef isuseor miuderstod language. Myfavore exmple is t stry ohee eldelytleme travelg b rain nglnd. As the trai s r a sto te fist man aked,“Ihis Wemy?” “N,” said hesecod, “Is Thua” “S am I,”saidthe an “Lts stop for a eer” e ko tatlde popleoftn o nohr thngscler, o the mindrstaningof t

12、ednday(frWembley) and thrsty (for hsday) mas a nic setp or thpunch lieliveredby th tirman.10Thfamos Chineecatoonst dhuorst DingCo is amater of wor play. In one s fun crton, atacher says, “ow ome0 u complet copiedomebod ses hmework?” e oungtd repli,“I in completely cpy it. My name on he pg is iferent.” In aothe clssi Dng Congcaron, n iitated faher ask, “Tell , whtsn lus o?” he s sys,“dot knw.” The


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