2023年外研版初二上英语第讲Module 语法篇学生版.docx

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1、Module 6 语法篇_熟练掌握本模块语法知识。1.形容词变成副词的规律。 一般在形容词的词尾加-ly可以变成副词。例如:quickquickly, slowslowly, loudloudly, suddensuddenly等。 特殊情况: 构成方法 例子 一些以“辅音字母+y”结尾的形容词,要把y改为i再加-ly。 happyhappily,angryangrily有些以-ble或-le结尾的形容词,去掉e加-y。 possiblepossiblyterribleterribly少数以e结尾的形容词,要去掉e再加-ly。 但绝大多数以e结尾的形容词仍然直接加-ly。 truetrulyp

2、olitepolitelywidewidely以-l结尾的形容词变为副词时仍然要在词尾加-ly,而不是只加-y。除非是以-ll结尾的才在词尾只加-y。 carefulcarefullyusefulusefullyfullfully温馨提示:副词修饰行为动词这一点。如: He is very _(careful).He does everything _(carefully)第一句中是作表语,用形容词careful;第二句中修饰行为动词does用副词carefully。 常考的形容词和副词辨析有:hard 努力hardly 几乎不;late迟的,晚的lately 近来;deep 深deeply

3、深深地;near靠近nearly 差不多;wide 宽widely 广泛地;high高的highly 高度地;close 靠近的closely 密切地; free免费的freely 自由地。2-ing形容词和-ed形容词的区别。 -ing形容词 -ed形容词 例句 interesting有趣的 interested感兴趣的 I have an interesting book.He is interested in science.exciting令人兴奋的 excited感到兴奋的 Have you heard of the exciting news? We are excited abo

4、ut the traveling.moving令人感动的 moved受感动的 Titanic is a moving film.We are moved by Hong Zhanhui deeply.表示主动意义,多指事物对人的影响,一般修饰事物。 表示被动意义,多指人对事物的感受,主语一般是人,常用于“sb.+-ed形容词+介词”结构。 We are all interested in the interesting story.3复习动词不定式。 (1)不定式的基本形式是“to动词原形”,或省略to用动词原形。在句中使用时不能作谓语,但可以和自己的宾语或状语构成不定式短语。 e.g.The

5、 mother wants her to read English every day.母亲要她的儿子每天读英语。 My mother asked me not to read in bed.我的母亲要求我不要躺在床上看书。 (2)不定式的句法作用: 动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词的作用,它可以作宾语、宾补和状语。 作宾语 e.g.He wants to go out with her.他想和她一起出去。(want to do sth.意为“想要做某事”) 注意: a. 一些谓语动词后只能用不定式作宾语,常见的这类词是表示命令、打算或希望,如:would like, want, wish,

6、hope, decide, plan, expect等。 e.g.Would you like to see a film this evening? 你今晚想去看电影吗? b. 在find, think后跟不定式作宾语时,常用it代替,而将真正的宾语放在句末。 e.g.I find it easy to read English every day.我发现每天读英语很简单。 作宾语补足语:动词不定式作宾补时,它与宾语有逻辑上的主谓关系。 e.g.Lucy asked him to turn down the radio.露丝要他关小收音机。(他关小收音机)注意:动词不定式在使役动词make,

7、 let和感官动词see, watch, hear, feel等词后作宾补时,常省去不定式符号to。had better, would rather后的不定式也不带to,help后的不定式可带to,也可不带to。 e.g.Her mother makes her do homework every evening.她母亲要她每天晚上都写作业。 Lets see the dolphins. 我们去看海豚吧。 I hear her sing every day. 我听见她每天都唱歌。 Youd better do homework first.你最好先做作业。 但make, see, hear等词

8、在被动语态中,其后的不定式要带to。 e.g.She was heard to speak English.有人听到她说英语。 作目的状语,表示某一动作或状态的目的,常常翻译成“为了”。它可置于句首或者句末。为了使目的意义更加清楚或表示强调意义时,还可以在前面加 in order to或so as to。 e.g.Mrs. Wang went to Shanghai to see her daughter. 王女士去上海看望她的女儿。 To arrive in time, well start early.为了及时到达,我们将早出发。 We should work hard in order

9、to pass the exam.=We should work hard so as to pass the exam.我们应该努力学习以便我们能通过考试。 1. Tom studies _ but his sister _ studies.Ahard,hardBhardly,hardlyChard,hardlyDhardly,hard2.What did the doctor tell you just now?He told me _ less and _ more.A. eat; to sleep B. to eat; sleepC. to eat; sleeping D. eatin

10、g; sleeping3. She was made _ the housework every day .A. do B. to do C. doing D. did4. _ the train , we got up early and booked a taxi in advance.A. catch B. to catch C. catching D. caught5. I think it meaningful _ learn English .A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learned基础演练用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I hope _

11、( see ) her soon.2. Sports help _( keep) people healthy.3. I except _( enter ) graduate school in the fall.4. He cant decide when_( start).5. I found it difficult _( work) out the match problem .6. The first man _( come ) was an old man .7. I asked him _ ( show )me the new dictionary .8. He promised

12、 _( not tell ) anyone about it .巩固提高1. What does John do on the farm? - Oh, his job is _ the animals.A. to feed B. feed C. to feeding D. feeds2. I was excited _ from my cousin, Lin Li.A. hearing B. hear C. to hear D. heard3. The students had many books about animals to _.A. see B. look at C. read D.

13、 visit4. He is making a poster _ people from killing the rare animals.A. to feed B. to stop C. to see D. to show5. You dont need _ every new word in your dictionary while reading.A. to look for B. to look at C. to look after D. to look up6. The difficulty is _ the _ of rare animals.A. stop, kill B. to stop, killing C. stop, killing D. to stop, kill7. The tigers go out _ their food when they are hungry.A. to look B. to look for C. to find D. to find o


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