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1、七年级下册英语期中教学质量检测试卷(含答案)一、单项选择题I can see elephant in the picture.elephant isfrom Thailand.A.the; The B.the; AnC.an; TheD.an; An1. 一When do friends usually run, Helen?一They usually run after school.A.youB.yourC.yoursD.yourselfMy brothers is to be a sports star like Yao Ming one day.A.symbolB.luckC.habi

2、tD. dreamMy cousin usually talks to me the phone.A.onB.withC.inD.forIn the library, you must be.A.shyB.quietC. afraidD.beautiful一My sister always her room clean and tidy.一Really? What a good girl!A.usesB.letsC.washesD.keepsI can play computer games, but I do my homework first.A.mustB.canC.cantD. mus

3、tntDave never arrives for school. He is always the first toget there.A.luckilyB.earlyC.quicklyD.late八、任务型阅读阅读下面短文,简略回答所提出的问题。Laura has a son and he works in London. Laura wants to go to London to see him.At 10 oclock in the morning, Laura leaves her house and gets to the airport (机场)by subway.nMay I

4、 see your ID card? says the worker at the airport.Where is my ID card?11 thinks Laura. nOh, no! She doesnt take her ID card with her.She gets into a taxi (出租车).The driver drives quickly and Laura arrives at her house in 20 minutes. She runs into the house and finds her ID card. But when she comes ou

5、t of her house, the taxi isnt there! She doesn tell tho driver to wait (等彳寺).About 15 minutes later, she gets into another taxi. The driver drives quickly, but Laura is late. The plane to London leaves at 11:30, and she arrives at 11:40.Luckily, Laura can take the next plane to London in the evening

6、. But its 9 hours before the plane leaves. Laura has to go home to wait.(1) Does Laura have a son or a daughter?(2) Why does Laura want to go to London?试卷第10页,总38页(3) What docsn!t Laura take when she gets to the airport for the first time?(4) How long does it take Laura to get home by taxi?(5) Whats

7、 the lucky thing for Laura?阅读下面短文,完成表格。If you think that a farm doesnt need computers, think again! Now with the help of computers, people get lots of new ways to make work fast and easy on farms. Here are some of therm. To use a special collar (颈圈)Farmers need to know how much their animals eat. Wh

8、en the animals dont get enough (足够的)food to eat, they cant be healthy. Now, a farmer can put a special collar on each animal. The collar hooks up (连接)to a computer. When the animal doesn eat enough food, the computer can tell the farmer about it. To make a robotIt can take farmers hours to milk the

9、cow (给奶牛挤奶).People in Holland make a robot to help the farmers. The robot can milk the cow. When a cow is ready (准备好的)to be milked, it stands next to the robot, and the robot does the milking.Title (标题):(1) on farmsWhen the animals get enough food to eat, they (3) Now, a farmer can put a special col

10、lar on each animal. When the animal doesnt eat enough food, the computer can tell the farmer about it.To make a robotIt can help the farmers (4) . When a cow isready to be milked, it stands (5) , and therobot does the milking.九、书面表达根据要求完成作文,词数:约50-70词。假如你是Tony,你和你的朋友Steve正在网上聊天,他想知道你 的家人正在做什么。请你根据下面

11、表格提示,写一段话向他介绍 一下吧!注意:1 .短文须包含表格中所有要点,可适当发挥;2 .文中不得透露任何个人和学校的真实信息。爷爷在公园(park)散步奶奶在客厅喝茶爸爸在房间里看报纸妈妈在厨房洗餐具妹妹 Hi, Steve, good evening! Now,试卷第12页,总38页参考答案与试题解析2020-2021年抚顺市某校七年级(下)期中教学质量检测英语试卷一、单项选择题【答案】C【考点】定冠词不定冠词【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】C考查冠词辨析。句意:我能在照片里看到一头大象。这只大象 来自泰国。第一个空处表示泛指,且空后的elephant的读音以元 音音素开头,应用不定冠词an

12、修饰;第二个空处特指前一句提 到的这只大象,应用定冠词the修饰。应选C。1.【答案】B【考点】代词辨析物主代词【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】B考查代词辨析。句意:你的朋友们通常什么时候跑步, Helen ? 他们通常放学后跑步。A你(人称代词主格/宾格, 作主语或宾语);B你的(形容词性物主代词,作定语);:你 的(名词性物主代词,作主语,宾语或表语);D你自己(反身 代词,作宾语)。根据回答的内容They usually run after school.可 知,此处询问的是你的朋友们通常什么时候跑步,应填your,作 定语,修饰名词friends。应选B。2.【答案】D【考点】名词辨析【解

13、析】此题暂无解析【解答】D考查名词辨析。句意:我哥哥的梦想是将来有一天当一名像姚 明一样的体育明星。A象征;B运气;C习惯;D梦想。根据to be a sports star like Yao Ming one day,可知,我哥哥的梦想是将 来有一天当一名像姚明一样的体育明星。dream符合语境。应选Do试卷第14页,总38页3.【答案】A【考点】介词辨析【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】A考查介词辨析。句意:我堂兄通常和我在 里交谈。根据 the phone,可知,此处是指我堂兄通常和我在 里交谈。on the phone“在 里”为固定搭配。应选A。4.【答案】B【考点】形容词辨析【解析】此题

14、暂无解析【解答】B考查形容词辨析。句意:在图书馆,你们必须安静。A害羞的;B安静的;C害怕的;D美丽的。根据In the library,可知,你 们必须安静。quiet符合语境。应选B。6.【答案】D【考点】动词辨析【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】D考查动词辨析。句意:我妹妹总是保持她的房间干净整洁。真的吗?多好的一个女孩啊! A.使用;B.让;C.洗;D.保持。 keep是使役动词,“keep sth+形容词”是固定结构,表示让保持某种状态。根据题干,应选D。7.【答案】A【考点】情态动词【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】A考查情态动词。句意:我可以玩电脑游戏,但我必须先做作业。 A.必须;B.可以

15、;C.不能;D.禁止。but但是,表转折;根据下文 do my homework first.先做作业,可知must符合句意。应选A。8.试卷第16页,总38页【答案】D【考点】副词辨析【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】D考查副词辨析。句意:戴夫上学从不迟到。他总是第一个到达 那里。A.幸运地;B.早地;C.快速地;D.晚地。根据后面的He is always the first to get there他总是第一个到达那里。可知,他从不 迟到。arrive late for school上学迟到,符合语境。应选D。9.【答案】A【考点】连系动词动词辨析【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】A考查连系动词辨析。句意:我吃了很多食物,因为它尝起 来很好吃。我也是,但是它看起来很糟糕。A.尝起来;B.听起来;C.感觉;D.看起来。由delicious可知taste符合句意,应选 Ao【答案】C【考点】其他动词短语【解析】此题暂无解析【解答】C考查动词短语辨析。句意:你在家帮助做什么?晚饭 后我经常帮妈妈洗碗。A.喝茶;B.煮汤;C.洗碗;D.外出吃饭。由after dinner可知是晚饭后帮妈妈洗碗


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