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1、 编号_ 黑龙江省教育学院 毕业论文 论文名称 _网络的安全维护_学生姓名 _赵云鹤_ 学 号 专 业 _青鸟网络_ 班 级 _计算机四班_ 指导教师 徐 丽 _ 年 月 日 中文摘要当今中国已经成为互联网第一人口使用大国,网络普及最快的国家,越来越多的企业希望发展网络办公和电子商务,与网络相关的行业已经成为热门行业。随着计算机网络在人类生活领域中的广泛应用,针对计算机网络的攻击事件也随之增加。网络已经无所不在的影响着社会的政治、经济、文化、军事、意识形态和社会生活等各个方面。同时在全球范围内,针对重要信息资源和网络基础设施的入侵行为和企图入侵行为的数量仍在持续不断增加,网络攻击与入侵行为对国

2、家安全、经济和社会生活造成了极大的威胁。计算机病毒不断地通过网络产生和传播,计算机网络被不断地非法入侵,重要情报、资料被窃取,甚至造成网络系统的瘫痪等等,诸如此类的事件已给政府及企业造成了巨大的损失,甚至危害到国家的安全。网络安全已成为世界各国当今共同关注的焦点,网络安全的重要性是不言而喻的,因此,对漏洞的了解及防范也相对重要起来。 在我的这篇论文里,将综合概括一些过去、现有的网络和系统漏洞,就几种常见的和最新出现的漏洞及其特征进行详细的说明,并就此进一步展开对这些漏洞的防范措施的具体介绍,使大家认识并了解这些漏洞的危害,从而更好的保护自己的计算机。 大多数企业在招聘的时候,并不在乎你有多么高

3、深的理论、多么耀眼的学位,而更多的是关注你能否解决企事业中最实际的问题,能否真正为企业创造价值,然而现有的教育体系大多重视理论和知识体系,培养出来的人才与企事业实际需要存在巨大差异,形成了一方面企业需求巨大却招聘不到合适人才,另一方面学员毕业就失业的奇怪现象。北大青鸟BENET课程针对网络行业量身定做,从企业需求角度出发,训练学员实际工作经验,解决实际工作问题,帮助学员在校即积累丰富经验,全面提升就业竞争能力。关键词:BENET 网络行业 企业需求AbstractNowadays, China has become the first use of Internet population bi

4、g country, popularity of the network the fastest countries, more and more enterprises hope to develop network office and electronic business, associated with the network industry has become a hot industry.With the popularity of computer network in human life field, the attacking matters aimed at com

5、puter network have also increased. Network has omnipresent impacts for various fields like politics, economy, culture, military affairs, ideology and social lives, etc. Simultaneously, in global range, the amount of invasion and invasion attempting affairs that aimed at important resource and networ

6、k basic equipments has kept increasing. The network attacking and invasion have significant threat on national security, economy and social lives. Computer virus have been produced and spread ceaselessly; computer network has been invaded illegally; important information and data have been stolen an

7、d even network system has been crashed. Such events have caused enormous damages for governments and enterprises, sometimes for national security. Therefore, network security has been the focus of every country in the world and its importance is self-evidenced. Hence, it is comparatively important t

8、o know the computer holes and precaution.In this paper, it generalizes some existing network and system holes as well as used ones, illuminates some usual and new-coming holes and their characters in details and has a further introduction for the precautionary methods of these holes, which want to m

9、ake everyone know and understand the harm of these holes, thereby, protect their own computers better. Most of the enterprises in the recruitment of the time, do not care how much you advanced theory, how bright degree, and more concerned about whether you can solve the enterprises in most practical

10、 problems, can really create value for the enterprise, but the existing education system mostly takes the theory and system of knowledge, trained personnel and business practice need to have huge differences, formed on one hand enterprises demand is huge but to recruit suitable talent, on the other

11、hand the graduates unemployment strange phenomenon.Beida Jade Bird BENET course in network industries tailor-made, from the enterprise point of view, training students practical work experience, work to solve practical problems, help the students at the school that accumulated rich experience, enhan

12、ce obtain employment competition ability.Key words: benet network industry分享到 翻译结果重试抱歉,系统响应超时,请稍后再试 支持中英、中日在线互译 支持网页翻译,在输入框输入网页地址即可 提供一键清空、复制功能、支持双语对照查看,使您体验更加流畅目录第一章 概述71.1计算机网络概述71.1.1什么是计算机网络71.1.2计算机网络的功能71.2计算机网络基本概念91.2.1网络协议与标准91.2.2IEEE802局域网标准91.2.3网络常见设备101.3Cisco交换机的连接与配置11第二章 组网的设备选购122.1交换机的设备选购122.1.1 Cisco的交换产品体系122.1.2 Benet公司交换机选购122.2交换机的工作原理122.2.1交换机转发数据帧的过程132.2.2查看MAC地址表



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