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1、贾汪区汴塘镇中心校_英语_学科备课课题Unit 4 Drawing in the park课型新授课第_1_课时学习目标1. 能正确地听、说、读、写单词:park, draw, flower, them, boat, river, lake.2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常用语与句型:What can you see? I can see Good idea! Can you ?重点难点1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:draw, picture, park, flower, boat, river, easy, difficult. 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语:Good idea! Sur

2、e, its easy. Its difficult, but I can try. 作业安排课内: 熟读课文,初步运用句型来对话。课外: 抄写四会单词,并用所学句型造句。板书设计Unit 4 Drawing in the Park What can you see?I can see boat/ flower/ tree/ hill/ lake/ river学 习 过 程 设 计学 习 任 务 与 活 动二次备课Step 1 Lead-inT: Today, we will go to a beautiful place. Look! What is it? Ss: Its a park.T

3、: Yes, its a park. Do you like going to a park?Ss: Yes. T: In this lesson we will go to a park, ok?S: Ok!/Great. (教授Good idea)Step 2 Presentation1. Look at the park gate. This is our learning goals 出示学习目标,学习目标写在公园大门上。1)Can say things in the park in English.2)Can read story time fluently3)Can underst

4、and the meaning of story time2. Lets open the door and see whats in the park. 出示公园图片,提问What can you see in the park?学生回答 I can see trees/ flowers3. 教师板书boat/ flower/ tree/ hill/ lake/ river, 学生朗读巩固,教师纠音。4. T: This is a beautiful park, isnt it? And what can you do in it?Ss: I can fly kites/ play foot

5、ball/ride bike/ 5. T: Good, Mike and Tim are in the park now. What do they do? Lets have a look! (出示图1)T: 出图局部,让学生猜测。S: They are drawing pictures in the park. T: What do they draw? 教师出示选项:a tree, some flowers, a boat, a river。Lets watch the story and answer.播放卡通,学生观看回答问题1) Can Tim draw a tree/ flowe

6、rs/ a boat?2) Can Tim draw a tree very well? 引出Its easy。3) Can Tim draw a boat very well? 引出Its difficult。6. Read after the radio. 播放录音,学生跟读。7. Ss learn in groups 学生自读课文,小组内互帮互学,交流有困难的单词和句子。8检查自学效果。1) 抽查学生朗读课文 2) 个别句子英汉互译。Step 3 Practice1. Read after the tape.2. Read in different roles.3. Match1. (

7、) Can you draw the boat? A. Wow! Well done!2. ( ) What can you see over there? B. I can draw.3. ( ) What can you do? C. I can see some flowers.4. ( ) Look at my picture, Dad. D. Its difficult. But I can try.Step 4 Production Make a dialogue.你和朋友也来到了一个美丽的公园。你们看到些什么?试着模仿今天学的故事,编一段对话吧。参考句型:What can you see? I can see Can you draw / ride/ fly a ?Yes, its easy.Its difficult, but I can try.Step 5 Summary1. 对照本节课目标,学生进行自我评估。2. 总结句型:What can you do? I can .教学反思


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