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1、看绯闻女孩学英语 Gossip Girl 第三季17集 -Gossip Girl: Gossip Girl here. your one and only sourcegossip: 小道传闻 only: 唯一的 source: 来源绯闻少女驾到为您带来into the scandalous lives of Manhattans elite.scandalous: 诽谤性的 Manhattan: 美国的一个区 elite: 精英曼哈顿上流社会第一手的八卦内幕。-Rufus: Hey! Its the lovebirds.lovebird: 多情鹦鹉嘿!小情侣来了。 -Serena: Hey,

2、 you two.嘿!你们俩。-Dan: He told you, didnt he? 是他告诉你的吧? -Rufus: Speaking for everyone, I think its great.speak: 讲 speak for: 代表讲话 great: 极好的我谨代表大家发表意见,很替你们高兴。-Agnes: Ever since I saw you, all I could think about was payback for last year.since: 自从以后 think about: 考虑 payback: 偿付 last: 最近的自打我见到你,我所想到的就是为去

3、年的事报仇。-Jenny: Did you put something in my drink?put in: 放入 drink: 酒你在我的酒里下药了?-Agnes: Shes ready to party. Make sure you guys show her a good time.ready: 准备好 party: 聚会 sure: 确信 show: 展出她想参加派对。你们要让她欲生欲死哦。-Nate: Jenny!Jenny! -Jenny: Nate, thank you so much for tonight.tonight: 今晚Nate,今晚太感谢你了。-Elizabeth

4、: Im sorry, Chuck. You need to leave. need: 需要 leave: 离开Chuck,我很抱歉。你必须搬走。-Chuck: What the hell is going on here?hell: 究竟到底是怎么一回事?-Jack: Isnt it obvious? Youve been played, Chuck, from the very beginning.obvious: 明显的 play: 玩耍 beginning: 开始 from the very beginning: 从最初开始还不够明显吗?Chuck 从一开始你就是被耍了。-Elizab

5、eth: I didnt have the courage to tell you that I signed the hotel over to Jack.courage: 勇气 sign: 签字 sign over: 签字转交 hotel: 旅馆 我没有勇气告诉你我已经把酒店给Jack了。-Blair: And the hotel?酒店呢?-Chuck: Oh, lost. Ive come this far without my mother.lost: 遗失的 far: 远方 without: 没有没了,即便没我的母亲,我也已经走到现在。Im not backing down now.

6、 back down: 放弃我现在不会再退缩了。 -Blair: If its a war Jack wants, then its a war hell get.war: 战争 want: 需要如果Jack想要这样,我们就会奉陪到底。-Gossip Girl: And who am I? Thats a secret Ill never tell.secret: 秘密 never: 从不想知道我是谁?这是个永恒的秘密。You know you love me.你知道你爱我。XO.XO.,Gossip Girl.XO.XO.,绯闻女孩。 -Gossip Girl: Every war has

7、its weapons.war: 战争 weapon: 武器每场战争都会配备武器。But on the upper east side, the rules of battle are simple. there are no rules.upper: 上面的 east: 东部的 Upper East: 上东区 rule: 规则 battle: 战争 simple: 简单的但是在上东区,战争的规则相当简单。那就是没有规则。-Nate: Well, now I really, really hope those are for my birthday.really: 实际上 hope for:

8、希望 birthday: 生日呃,我真希望这些会用在我的生日里。-Serena: Uh, actually Chuck and Blair left them after one of their games. Happy birthday, though.actually: 实际上 game: 游戏 though: 可是呃,事实上这是Chuck和Blair在他们的激情游戏过后留下的。生日快乐。-Nate: So when do I get to unwrap my present?get to: 开始 unwrap: 打开 present: 礼物那我什么时候才能拆礼物呢?What is th

9、at?那是什么?-Serena: Its, um, just a garter holster.garter: 吊袜带吊住 holster: 手枪皮套就是个吊袜带式皮套。Its for my cell phone.cell: 电池 phone: 电话 cell phone: 手机用来装手机的。-Nate: Well, then Id better take you upstairs so I can inspect it.better: 最好的 upstairs: 上楼 inspect: 检查是吗,我想把你带上楼好好检查一番。-Serena: Oh, except I have to go s

10、hopping with Blair to pick out a dress for tonight.except: 除了 go shopping: 去买东西 pick out: 挑选出 dress: 连衣裙可是我要跟Blair去逛街买一条今晚能穿的裙子。-Nate: You still havent told me where youre taking me,still: 仍然 tell: 告诉 你还没有告诉我你要带我去哪儿,but just so you know, you dont have to dress up for a Knicks game.dress up: 打扮 game:

11、 游戏 Knicks: 【尼克队】而且你也知道,去看尼克斯队的比赛你用不着打扮。-Serena: But you do for the Frick benefit.benefit: 救济金但你还要参加Frick博物馆的慈善活动。Its for Asian horned toads. Theyre in danger.Asian: 亚洲的 horned: 有角的 toad: 蟾蜍 in danger: 在危险中是为了亚洲角蟾。它们濒临绝种了。-Nate: Thats your surprise. a toad benefit?surprise: 惊奇 这就是你给的惊喜为蟾蜍做慈善?-Serena

12、: Well, I know its not what you would choose to do on your birthday, but Chuck bought a table,choose: 选择 birthday: 生日 buy: 购买 table: 桌子我知道,你不想在自己的生日搞这事儿,但是Chuck已经买了一桌座位and we can celebrate this weekend.celebrate: 庆祝 weekend: 周我们可以在周末再庆祝你生日。And youre going to lunch with your grandfather.lunch: 午餐 gra

13、ndfather: 祖父你还要跟你的外公吃午餐呢。Thats festive. festive: 喜庆的这挺喜庆的。-Nate: Yeah, Im gonna hit the. hit the shower.hit: 打击 shower: 淋浴是啊,我先去洗澡吧。So you have fun shopping.have fun: 玩得高兴 shopping: 购物祝你购物愉快。 -Serena: See you at 3:00?我们下午3点见?-Nate: Yep. 对。-Dorota: Hello, Mr. Nate.Nate先生,你好。-Nate: Hey.嘿。-Dorota: I fe

14、el very bad not wishing him happy birthdaybad: 坏的 wish: 希望 happy: 高兴的不给他生日祝福又不能把波兰早餐香肠or bringing him Polish breakfast sausage in bed.bring: 带来 Polish: 波兰的 breakfast: 早餐 sausage: 香肠 端到他床上,我感觉真过意不去。-Serena: Oh, Dorota, Nate has to think everyones blowing off his birthdaythink: 认为 blow: 打击 blow off: 吹

15、掉Dorota啊,Nate以为大家都忘掉他的生日so hell really be surprised tonight.really: 真正地 surprised: 感到惊讶的 tonight: 今晚这样今晚才会让他喜出望外。-Dorota: And he likes this game where you kill people?game: 游戏 kill: 杀死 他会喜欢你玩的杀人游戏?-Serena: Its called Assassin, and he loves 称呼 assassin: 暗杀者 这叫做“暗杀”,他爱惨了。Did you get his phone?phone: 电话你偷到他手机了吗?In case anyone posts about the case: 万一;假使 post: 公布 party: 聚会以防有人散布生日派对的消息。I dont want him checking Gossip



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