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1、 Beyond the reach of sb :在某人伸手够不着的地方:Keep chemicals beyond the reach of children. Fall in love with sb:开始爱上某人:I think Im falling love with his brother/sister. Flash a smile:笑容一闪She flashed a sudden smile at him. Make an attempt to do sth:努力., 试图.:They made another attempt to solve the problem. End w

2、ith 以结束:The festival ended with fireworks. Like clockwork:极有规律和准确性地,顺利地The operation went like a clockwork. Loose end(s):尚待解决或解释的枝节问题There are some loose ends in the plot of the novel. Miscarriage of justice:审判不公,误判There are miscarriages of justice for lack of proof. Take on:开始具有或呈现.以面貌出现These insec

3、ts can take on the color of their surroundings. Without doubt:无疑地,确实地Without doubt he has reached the top in his profession. Under arrest:被捕,在押The drug dealer was under arrest last night. Back out:打退堂鼓,不履行,食言You cant back out after you have signed the contract. Catch on:掌握,懂得;流行He doesnt take hints

4、easily, but hell catch on eventually. fill in:替代某人工作Sally is off sick. Can you fill in for her for a few days? Get through:干完,完成Lets start; there is a lot of work to get through. Start over:从头开始 If you make a mistake, just start over. try sth out:试用,试验,考验He wanted to try out the new soap on real peo

5、ple. With a vengeance:激烈地,猛烈地It began to rain again with a vengeance. A pat on the back:表扬,鼓励He deserves a pat on the back for his hard work. Attach importance to:认为重要I dont attach any importance to these rumors. Be on to sth:在做有重要意义的事He is very bright. He is on to something important. Follow up:在之后

6、再采取进一步行动I followed up my letter with a visit. Lift up:鼓舞,激励She really lifted up our spirits with those moving words. Make a habit of:养成的习惯 I dont make a habit of chatting to strange men at parties. make sbs day:使某人的日子过得快活Hearing her voice on the phone made my day. Pass along:传递,转交Please pass the pic

7、ture along to the student. Shy away from:回避,躲开We frequently shy away from troublemakers. Turn(a)round:使向好的方向发展Within three years she completely turned the company around. Walk of life:行业In my job I see people from every walk of life. Act on:根据行事Police say they acted on information received. blurt ou

8、t:脱口而出Peter blurted the news out before we could stop him. get out of hand:无法控制Deal with the problem before it gets completely out of hand. If only:但愿,要是就好了(用虚拟语气)Im so poor now. If only I were a millionaire./ He failed for he was so lazy. If only he had worked hard. Makeof:理解,解释What do you make of

9、this message? Move on:更换等而开始另一项I think we have talked enough about the subject; lets move on. Once too often:次数太多,屡次He exceeded the speed limit once too often and was fined 20 dollars. Tear off :撕掉The boys tore off their clothes and jumped into the water. to this day:至今To this day, I still dont know

10、 why he killed himself. Go into从事,参加Bob wants to go into the army. Take sb/sth seriously:认真对待,认为重要Unfortunately no one took my messages seriously As a matter of fact:事实上I am very familiar with him. As a matter of fact we are in the same class. Call on:叫回答问题The teacher always called on her first. Car

11、ry over继续,保持下去Attitudes learned at home carry over onto the playground. Fall behind:落后In secondary school she started falling behind in her schoolwork. Putaway:放好,收好Come on, its time to put these toys away. up to:直到Weve kept our meetings secret up to now. At a disadvantage:处于不利地位The children from po

12、or families were at a distinct disadvantage. Be accustomed to (doing) sth:习惯于Im not accustomed to getting up so early. Be in a minority:占少数Boys are very much in the minority at the dance class. Be typical of具有的典型特点This hot dish is very typical of the food in the south of the country. Burn to death/b

13、e burnt to death:烧死At least 40 people were burnt to death when the bus caught fire. For ages:好久Simon! I havent seen you for ages. Go too far:做得过分Hes always been quite crude, but this time hes gone too far. Make a thing of:认为很重要Dont make a thing of leaving early. Its not so important. A bunch of:一群/束

14、/串 She went to the park with a bunch of friends go beyond:超越,超出Their relationship had gone beyond friendship. Light up:照明,变得明亮The candles on the Christmas tree lit up the room. Pull together:把重新组织好,整顿Data exist but they need pulling together. Put together装配,组装If you take apart the clock, youll have

15、trouble putting it together. Be up to:由.做主,取决于You can pay weekly or monthly-its up to you. Involvein:使某人参与/参加Dont involve me in solving your problems. Sacrificefor为而牺牲Its not worth sacrificing your health for your career. For the sake of为了起见He move to the seaside for the sake of his health. Not in the least:一点也不,决不It doesnt matter in the least if you are a bit late. On occasion有时,间或He has, on occasion, made small mistakes. Time and again屡次,一再Ive told her time and again not to bring the dog here. Date back to可追溯到This church dates back to


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