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1、一般现在时更多一般现在时1.表经常发生的事情、存在的动作或状态eg She sings with the band Crazy Boy.2.表内心活动感情等eg I dont think you are right.3.描述客观真理eg Birds fly in the sky.4.表预定的行为eg The train leaves at 9. 一般过去时更一般多一一般过去时1.表过去发生的事情或存在的状态eg Suddenly,the clouds cleared and the rain stopped. 2.表过去经常发生的事情eg I was very thin in my child

2、hood.3.带有确定的过去的时间状语eg Did you meet yesterday? He left just now. 一般将来时1.要在将来的某个时间内发生,是“纯粹的将来动作”。eg I shall / will not be free tomorrow. 2.表说话人的意图、打算或某种可能性eg Who is going to speak first? 3.按计划要发生的动作或命令他人做某事eg The new bridge is to open to traffic in 3 days. 现在进行时1.说话、写文章的当刻正在发生的动作eg They are having a f

3、ootball match. 2.现阶段一直在进行的动作eg He is preparing for CET Band Six.3.表示说话人的情感,如赞许、批评等eg She is often doing well at school. 4.表示在近期按计划或安排要发生的动作eg Are you staying here till next week? 过去进行时1. 表示在过去某时刻正在进行的动作 eg At this moment yesterday, I was packing for camp. 2.用于故事的开头,交代故事发生的背景情况eg One night, he was ty

4、ping in his study . Suddenly , a man broke 3.表示在过去的未来时间要发生的动作eg We left there when its getting dark.过去完成时1.发生在“过去的过去”eg When I woke up, it had stopped raining. 2.与一个表示过去的时间状语连用eg Peter had collected more than 300 Chinese stamps by the time he was ten.3.在过去某时之前开始一直延续到这一时间eg By the end of last year, h

5、e had worked in the factory for twenty years. 现在完成时1.表示截止现在业已完成的动作eg By now, I have collected all the data that I need. 2.表示发生在过去而对现在产生影响、带来结果的动作eg She has been to the United States.3.表示过去发生的动作持续到现在,并可能还要延续 eg I have learned English for 8 years. 过去将来时1.宾语从句或间接引语中eg He didnt expect that we would all

6、be there. 2.表示过去习惯性的动作eg During that period, he would do this every day.3.表示过去的愿望、倾向,多用于否定句eg They knew that we would never permit such a thing. 一般疑问句一般疑问句是疑问句的一种。它是只用yes(是)或no(否)来回答的句子。其结构是: 系动词be/助动词/情态动词+主语+其他成分 通常回答为: 肯定:Yes,+主语+提问的助动词. 否定:No,+主语+提问的助动词的否定形式. 如: Are you from Japan Yes, I am / No

7、, Im not Is her sister doing her homework now Yes, she is / No, she isnt Does he work in a bank Yes, he does / No, he doesnt Do you live near your school Yes, I do / No, I dont Can you speak French Yes, I can / No, I cant May I go home now Yes, you may / No, you mustnt 1将陈述句变为一般疑问句时,如句中有be 动词(am/ is

8、/ are)时,可直接将它们提至主语前。如主语为第一人称,应将其改为第二人称。如: Im in Class 2Grade 1 Are you in Class 2Grade 1 Were watching TV Are you watching TV 2陈述句中有情态动词(can、may、must )时,也可直接将它们提至主语前,即可成为一般疑问句。如: He can swim now Can he swim now The children may come with us May the children come with us 3陈述句中只有一个实义动词作谓语且其时态为一般现在时,变为

9、一般疑问句时要在句首加do或does 主语后的实义动词用原形。如: I like these animals Do you like these animals She wants to go to the movies Does she want to go to the movies 4一般疑问句一般读升调() 5一般疑问句有时不用yes或 no 回答。如: Are they in town now I think so. May I sit here Certainly Does he like soccer Sorry I dont know 6. 一般疑问句的第一单词总是虚词,读的时

10、候要读轻声。 二、特殊疑问句 以疑问词开头,对句中某一成分提问的句子叫特殊疑问句。常用的疑问词有:what(什么), who(谁), whose(谁的), which(哪个), when(何时), where(哪里), how(怎样), why(为何)等。 特殊疑问句有两种语序: 1如疑问词作主语或主语的定语,即对主语或主语的定语提问,其语序是陈述句的语序:疑问词(+主语)+谓语动词+其他成分? 可理解为如疑问词作主语或主语的定语(Whose),即对主语或主语的定语提问,其语序是陈述句的语序:疑问词(+主语)+谓语动词+其他成分如: who is singing in the room who

11、se bike is broken 2如疑问词作其他成分,即对其他成分提问,其语序是:疑问词+一般疑问句语序?如: what class are you in What does she look like Where are you from What time does he get up every morning How do you know 注意: 1回答特殊疑问句时,不能用yes / no,即问什么答什么,尤其是简略回答。括号内是完整回答所需部分。如: Who is from Canada Helen (is from Canada) Wheres the restaurant (It is)Near the station Why do you like koalas (I like koalas)Because they are cute 2特殊疑问句一般读降调()。



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