尼基塔第二集台词学习 有生词标注.doc

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1、S01E02六年前 一个政府秘密小组6 years ago, I was taken from prison, 将我从狱中释放并胁迫我成为一名杀手and forced to be an assassin for a covert unit of the government. 名为组织的秘密机构A black ops program called Division, 如今已变得不听将令that has now gone roguerogue ru基本翻译n. 流氓;小淘气;凶猛的离群兽;(尤指植物的)劣种adj. (野兽)凶猛的vt. 欺诈;去劣vi. 游手好闲;去劣;流浪网络释义Going

2、Rogue:我行我素|单打 Go rouge 不听使唤. 他们抹杀了我的存在 They destroyed my identity 还杀害了我爱的人and they destroyed the man I loved. 我跳出魔窟 如今 我曾经信赖的教官I escaped, and now the man that trained me, 正在追杀我someone I trusted, is hunting me. 但组织并不知道What division doesnt know 我在组织内部安插了内应is that I have a partner on the inside- 她是艾丽克丝

3、 有着黑暗过去的组织新成员Alex, a new recruit with a dark past 我曾秘密教授她 如何抵御他们的操控who Ive trained in secret to resist their control. 我们要联手Together were going to 一步一步 击垮组织take Division apart, one mission at a time. 他们临死前说的最后一个词And the last word theyll breathe before the end 将会是我的名字will be my name. 希望你不介意我不请自来I hope

4、 you dont mind me dropping in unannounced. 我丝毫不会介意Oh, not at all. 你永远是我最欢迎的客户之一You were always one of my favorite customers. 谢谢Oh. Thank you. 我不得不佩服得五体投地 特雷弗I gotta hand it to you, Trevor. 这些很称我心意These are gorgeous. 如果掉了任何零件If something jumps out, 都可以来找我配 库存充足I have any number of accessories to matc

5、h. 这把枪不错Thats nice. 那是我的Thats mine. 爱死我了Love. 很配你Its very you. 我还需要一盒罗肯 - 型子弹Im going to need a mag of lokken - , 一个热成像瞄准镜 别问原因a thermo-graphic scope, and no questions asked. 我想价格没变吧I assume the price is still the same. 恐怕价格上涨了Afraid its gone up. 特雷弗Trevor. 供求关系决定价格 尼基塔Supply and demand, Nikita. 自从你

6、抗命不尊 我行我素Ever since you went rogue, 你的朋友越来越少your friends are in short supply, 而你的命却越来越值钱and theres great demand for your corpsecorpse k:ps基本翻译n. 尸体网络释义Corpse:尸体|死尸|不知火舞Corpse Bride:僵尸新娘|僵硬的尸体新娘子|怪诞尸新娘 . 我知道I know. 来做个新交易如何 特雷 New deal, Trev- 我拿走枪 你保住小命I keep the gun, you keep breathing, 并对我来过的事永远守口如

7、瓶and never tell anyone I was here. 你. 你不打算杀我吗You-youre not going to kill me? 别太自作多情了Dont flatter yourself. 我还有大鱼要钓呢Ive got a much bigger target in mind. 杀人犯Murderer! 达迪奇 杀人犯 决不让达迪奇逍遥法外 我身后集结的示威群众The people gathered behind me 正在抗议由于公诉错误are protesting Mirko Dadichs overturnedoverturned ,uvt:nd基本翻译adj.

8、 倾覆的,倒转的v. 颠覆(overturn的过去式) convictionconviction knvikn基本翻译n. 定罪;确信;证明有罪网络释义conviction:信念|定罪|深信carry conviction:使生信心或令人心服spent conviction:失效的判决 米尔科达迪奇的原审定罪被推翻due to prosecutorialprosecutorial ,prsikjut:ril基本翻译adj. 原告的;公诉人的网络释义prosecutorial:原告prosecutorial system:检察系统prosecutorial science:检察学 miscond

9、uctmisconduct ,miskndkt, ,miskndkt基本翻译n. 不端行为;处理不当vt. 处理不当;行为不检网络释义misconduct:公司犯罪|处理不当|行为不端willful misconduct:渎职|故意违犯Avoiding misconduct:避免学术造假. 政府部门此刻正在决定The government is currently deciding 是否要将他驱逐出境whether to initiate initiate iniieit, iniit, -eit基本翻译vt. 开始,创始;发起;使初步了解adj. 新加入的;接受初步知识的n. 开始;新加入者

10、,接受初步知识者网络释义initiate:创始|开始|启动Initiate Button:初始钮|启动按钮|起动钮INITIATE:启动deportationdeportation ,di:p:tein基本翻译n. 驱逐出境;放逐deportation exile:充军deportation procedure:驱逐出境程序 proceedingsproceedings prsi:dizn. 诉讼;行动(proceeding的复数形式);会议记录;议程proceedings:诉讼|论文集|会议录criminal proceedings:刑事诉讼|刑事诉讼程序|刑事程序bankruptcy pr

11、oceedings:破产程序|破产诉讼 against him. 但就在今日 他获释了But as of today, he walks free. 两年了 我的个人物品都还在2 years, and all my belongings are still here. 美国America. 您准备好就可以走了 达迪奇先生Ready when you are, Mr. Dadich. 暂停行动 那不是达迪奇Hold on, thats not Dadich. 有人掉包了Someones playing a diversiondiversion daiv:n, di-基本翻译n. 转移;消遣;分散

12、注意力网络释义diversion:消遣|转换|支岔diversion dam:分水坝. 他雇了保镖Hes hired protection! 我是珀西Percy. 不赖嘛Not bad. 我已感觉安全多了I feel safer already. 保护才刚开始Protection is just the beginning. 随后的六个月 你不用费心躲避仇敌了In 6 months, you wont be hiding from your enemies, 相信我Trust me. 他们会对你避而远之Theyll be hiding from you. 孩子们 还剩三十秒 加把劲Ok, kiddies, 30 seconds left, come on. 攻破系统Penetratepenetrate penitreit基本翻译vt. 渗透;穿透;洞察vi. 渗透;刺入;看透网络释义Penetrate:刺入|穿透|渗入penetrate through:穿透Network Penetrate:节点的感知 the system! 组织总部 黑客训练室 攻破Penetrate! 十秒钟后 系统会将你们踢出去10 seconds left before they dump you. 五5 . 四 三 二4, 3, 2, 一One. 失败Fail. 艾丽克丝Alex.



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