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1、丽声快乐自然拼读教程(第四级)Unit 9 Alternatives: ou and ow 教学设计教学 Students will beable to understand ou and ow can make /ou/ sound. Students will beable to identify the sound of ou and ow in words. Students will beable to write ou and ow. Students will beable to recognize and read the alphabet and tricky words S

2、tudents will beable to blend and understand the meaning of words in the context. Students will beable to read and write the target words and sentences.二、教学重点 能够知道ou, ow的发音。 能够进行ou, OW及单词的正确书写。 能够对ou, OW进行辨音。 能够认读 Tricky words o 能够在老师的辅助下朗读及书写单词和句子。三、教学难点 能够在老师的辅助下朗读及书写单词和句子。!1! 教材 课件 彩笔五、教学过程Step 1

3、Flashcard Review Revise some of the basic 42 sounds and some of the alternative letter sound spellings taught so far, including 5 soft , soft and .设计意图:带着学生复习旧知,为新知的 学习做准备。Step 2 Alternatives: the /ou/ soundRemind the children of the two main ways to write the /ou/ sound: and .The children look at t

4、he /ou/ words on their page.Read these words with the children.设计意图:导入/ou/,通过小游戏和活动 进行/ou/音和形(ou, OW)的学 习和练习。引入带OU和OW的 单词,以图片的形式完成音形The words are as follows: flour, about, count, mouse, found, sound, flower, shower, brown, downhill, vowel, clown. or ?Read the first /ou/ word, mouse, and ask the chil

5、dren whether the /ou/ sound is spelt or in this word.They should say .Using a pink pencil, the children circle the letters making the /ou/ sound in the word mouse.Then they write over the dotted word mouse in the large pink digraph on their page.The children read the remaining words and circle the l

6、etters making the /ou/ sound in each word.Then they write the words in the corresponding digraphs on their page.Step 3 Tricky wordsIntroduce the three new tricky words: once, upon and always.The children look at the words in brown flowers at the top of the page: once, upon and always.The children wr

7、ite inside the words once, upon and always using a brown pencil.Filling in the gapsThe children trace inside the outline letters in the word once, saying the letter names as they do so.Then the children cover up all instances of the word once on their page and try to complete a column of this word,

8、by tracing over the dotted letters and filling in the missing letters.The children repeat these steps for the words upon and always.Complete the storyThis time, rather than completing sentences, the children have to fill in the gaps and complete a story.Read the first sentence to the children, pausi

9、ng at the two gaps.义结合。设计意图:通过全班认读、互动游戏、完成 单词、句子、听写等小练习训练 学生认读视觉词的能力。a time, there was a little house in a big wood.Ask the children which of the three tricky words they have just learnt might come at the beginning of this sentence.Childrens stories often begin with the phrase, Once upon a time.9 an

10、d, with a bit of encouragement, the children should say once and upon.The children write once and upon in the first two gaps.Now read the first two sentences, including the two words filled in so far, and pause at the remaining gap.Once upon a time, there was a little house in a big wood. The wood w

11、asdark.Ask the children whether they think the remaining tricky word, always, might fit in this gap. The children should agree that it does and write the word always in the final gap. The children read the two completed sentences again and finish the story on the remaining lines. They might like to

12、continue their stories on some extra paper, which can then be stuck into their books.Tricky word flowersThe children look at the tricky words flowers at the bottom of their page. Read each tricky word with the children. The words are as follows:four, right, goes, does, made, their. The children colo

13、ur the flowers using a pink pencil.Step 4 Blending practiceGreenhouse, cowshed, however, found, without, about, outing, mounted, power设计意图:训练学生拼读能力,为读单词、 句子做准备。Step 5 Reading sentences Write the following sentences on the board, pointing out the tricky words and blending any unknown words with the c

14、hildren. (Teacher can choose 4-5 sentences each time.)1. Mum had a new blouse fbr her birthday.2. There was a large crowd at the festival.3. There are their hats and coats.4. He does not want any more sandwiches.5. We ate a thick stew at their house.设计意图:训练读句子的能力,为阅读句 子和短文做准备。.6. They made little st

15、atues from modelling clay.7. She is always bouncing up and down.8. They have only been to the park once.9. At night, I lay upon my bed.10. He always sings that song.11. We always want more vegetables.12. We must sift the flour into a bowl.13. It is always hot when the sun is out.14. Mum and I went camping by the lake once.15. Those angry dogs always bark loudly.16. Once upon a time, there was a frog who turned into a prince.Step 6 Words and sentencesRead a story that the children know well and like.Write



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