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1、Book 2 Unit 3Warming upHello, and welcome! Thank you for listening to this report, entitled Pros and Cons of Mixed Marriages. Mixed marriages are becoming more common and many people have strong opinions about them. In this program, youll listen to opinions on both sides of the issue. Overall, peopl

2、e seem to be in favor. One woman will tell you how happy she is to have married a foreigner. Some will say it is OK for others but its not for them. However, nearly one third of the people you are going to hear on this program will say people from different cultures shouldnt get married, claiming th

3、at these individuals cannot be compatible.(Words: 109) 3-2-1 Short conversations1. M: Could you tell me about the pros and cons of mixed marriages?W: I can tell you the pros, for sure. After being married to a foreigner for 20 years, Ive yet to discover any cons.Q: What cant the woman tell the man?2

4、 W: The wedding is next week, but I still dont know if marrying a person of a different race is right.M: There are a lot of pros and cons of mixed marriages, but overall theyre good.Q: How does the man feel about mixed marriages?3) M: The French have a lot of charm. I think youll enjoy being married

5、 to one.W: Not everything about them is charmmg. And Im going to have some trouble dealing with his culture.Q: What concern does the woman have about marrying a Frenchman?4. W: Has anyone criticized you for marrying someone of a different race?M: I expected people to. But they havent so far. Besides

6、, I dont care what people think. My wife and I hit it off A-OK.Q: What did the man expect?5) W: Thats great youre getting married, but do you have a clue about your new wifes culture?M: Sure. Learning about her peoples way of doing things was the first thing I did when I decided to marry her.Q: What

7、 did the man do first when he decided to get married?1. D2. A3. B4. C 5. D6. A7. D8. B9. A 10. B 6. W: Ive heard that you canceled your wedding plans. Whats the problem? M: Money is very important to people from her culture. She left me when she discovered Im poor!Q: Why was the wedding canceled?7.

8、M: I cant believe how good your Chinese language skills are! How did you improve so quickly?W: I married a Chinese man. We talk every day. Hes helped me a lot.Q: What does the womans husband help her with?8. W: I have a question for you. Would you ever marry a person from another culture?M: Thats a

9、tough one! If l do, itll probably be to someone from a culture similar to mine.Q: What kind of woman would the man marry?9. W: Our marriage is falling apart. Didnt you know your family wouldnt approve of you marrying a foreigner?M: I never expected it to be a problem. Its not their marriage after al

10、l; its ours. Q: What is the mans relationship to the woman?M: Ive been thinking about getting married. Do you know what the divorce rate of mixed marriages is? W: What do you mean, mixed races or mixed religions? The rate for the first is 65 percent; the second, 70 percent. Q: What is the divorce ra

11、te of marriages between people of different races?Long ConversationW: Grandpa, Mom told me that you have been married twice. Is that true?M: Yes, Im afraid so.W: Thats a surprise. What happened to your first wife?M: Your grandma was my first wife.W: But.M: And your grandma is my second wife. You see

12、, I met her while I was in Germany during the war. We knew we loved each other from the moment we met, so we got married right away. But we werent ready for the resistance we received from her family. Her mother insisted that Americans and Germans werent compatible. So she divorced me.W: Too bad. Wh

13、at happened then?M: Three years later, we met again in New York, quite by accident. I was working at the port and she was on a boat coming to the U.S. When we saw each other again after all that time, we decided to overlook her parents advice. We got married again, and weve been happy ever since.(Wo

14、rds: 155)1.What did the girl hear from her mother?A2. How did the girls grandparents feel when they first met? B3. Why did the girls grandparents get divorced? D4 How did the girls grandparents meet again after their divorce ? D5. What did the girls grandparents decide to do after they met again? AP

15、assage Marriage can change people a great deal, and marriage to a person of a different culture can change a person even more. As someone who has married a foreigner, I know. Im a Canadian who married a Chinese man. At first, I harbored some reservations. I wasnt sure how compatible wed be. Somehow,

16、 however, w made it work. And I found myself 11 growing to become more like him. I started picking up Chinese characteristics and began speaking English with a Chinese accent! My brother joked, saying I was even beginning to look Chinese! My husband has changed a lot too, becoming more like Canadians



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