2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 24 Society单元核心要点回扣 北师大版选修8

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2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 24 Society单元核心要点回扣 北师大版选修8_第1页
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《2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 24 Society单元核心要点回扣 北师大版选修8》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018-2019学年高中英语 Unit 24 Society单元核心要点回扣 北师大版选修8(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 24 Society单元核心要点回扣.重点单词1_adj.自愿的_adv.自愿地,主动地2_vt.统治,管理_n政府,统治_n统治者,管理者3_vt.&adj.拥有;属于自己的_n物主,所有人_n所有权4_v编辑_n版本_n编辑,编辑人5_adj. 作为结果的 _n结果,后果_adv.所以,因此6_adj.大量的,充裕的,丰富的_ n充裕,丰富7_vt.选举,推选_n选举,推选8_n宽大,仁慈_adj.宽大的,仁慈的9_ n口渴_ adj.口渴的10_ vt.调整,调节_ n调整,调节【答案】1.voluntary;voluntarily2.govern; government;go

2、vernor3.own;owner;ownership4.edit;edition;editor5.consequent;consequently 6abundant;abundance7.elect;election 8mercy;merciful9.thirst;thirsty10adjust;adjustment.重点短语1knock _撞上某人;偶然遇上knock down 撞倒;击倒;推倒;拆除knock _ 把打翻;把撞倒knock off 停止;中断knock about /around 漫游;闲逛knock _ 敲(门、窗等)2set _ 建立;创立set off 出发;动身(

3、去某地);引爆set _ 出发;动身;开始set down 写下;记下;下车set _ 留出;不顾;置于一旁3take up 开始从事,对有兴趣;占据take back 收回take _ 欺骗take _ 雇用take _ 接管4make _ 编造;弥补make from/out of. 用制成make _ 及时赶到;成功;达到目的make out 填写;应付;理解5break away from 离开;脱离break _ 打破,毁掉;出毛病;(身体) 垮了;恸哭;分解break into 强行闯入,突然开始(笑,唱等)break _ 突然爆发break up 拆散,打碎;分裂;崩溃【答案】1

4、.into;over;at/on2.up;out;aside3in;on;over4.up;it5.down;out.重点句式1As a society,_ we took these issues more seriously.作为一个社会,我们确实该更加认真地考虑这些问题了。2Nowadays,the word “hutong” has come to _ just the alleys that connect the courtyards.现在,“胡同”这个词不仅仅是指连接庭院的小巷子。3By connecting peoples homes,the hutongs in fact c

5、onnected peoples lives,_ the lives of the rich _ the lives of the ordinary citizens.胡同不仅使家家户户相通,实际上不管是富人还是普通人,他们的生活都被胡同联系起来了。4They were then able to place guards at the entrances of the various hutongs,which _ to keep an eye on peoples movements.他们派卫兵把守着胡同的入口,这样做使他们容易监视人们的举动。5They suggest that becau

6、se people are living longer,they ought to work longer,_governments need to establish a sound social security system.因为人们寿命的延长,他们建议人们也应该延长工作时间,而政府需要建立一套完善的社会保障体系。【答案】1.its high time that2.mean more than 3whether;or4.made it easier5.while .回顾话题尽可能用本单元的词汇和句式完成下列写作任务。李明不仅仅是北京大学的一名学生,他还是一名从事教学的志愿者。他认为该是为

7、贫困地区的孩子们服务的时候了,因此,他决定动身去甘肃,他想利用自己丰富的知识使贫困地区的孩子们上大学成为可能。_【参考范文】Li Ming is more than a student of Beijing University,and he takes up teaching as a volunteer.He thinks its high time that he served the children in poor areas.Consequently,he decides to set off for Gansu Province,where he wants to make full use of his abundant knowledge to make it possible for children in poor areas to go to college.3



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