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1、丙烯酸聚硅氧烷面漆与氟碳面漆性能对比Comparison Table Acrylic Polysiloxane vs. Fluorocarbon性能Properties 丙烯酸聚硅氧烷面漆Acrylic Polysiloxane Finish氟碳面漆Fluorocarbon Finish保光性和保色性Gloss and color Retention丙烯酸聚硅氧烷面漆具有非常好的保光性和保色性。 经过10000小时的人工紫外线照射,还能够保持70%的光泽度 经过1年的室外暴露,色彩差别DE小于1 (DE1意味着人的肉眼分辨不出颜色的变化)Acrylic Polysiloxane has exc

2、ellent gloss and color retention. About 70% gloss retention after 10000 hours QUV-A exposure. DE1 after 1 year exposure.3000小时的实验表明一些氟碳面漆具有与聚硅氧烷面漆基本相当的保光性和保色性。但是,氟碳面漆的性能很大程度上取决于氟的含量。日本标准JIS K5869中规定氟在固体粘接剂中的最小含量为15%。一般来讲,三氟面漆的耐老化性能要差;四氟面漆的耐老化性能与丙烯酸聚硅氧烷面漆相接近。3000 hours QUV-A exposure test showed that

3、 some Fluorocarbon finishes had equivalent gloss and color retention. However, the level of performance is dependent upon Fluorine content. JIS K5869 defines that the minimum level of Fluorine resin in solid binder is 15% and note that F3 materials are poor, F4 materials are equivalent to acrylic po

4、lysiloxane.防腐蚀能力Corrosion resistance丙烯酸聚硅氧烷面漆不仅仅具有优异的抗老化性能,而且还具有很好的抗腐蚀性能: 作为面漆获得了挪威独立第三方的防腐性能检测 Norsok M-501。Acrylic Polysiloxane has not only very good durability, but also has excellent anti-corrosive performance: As a finish of high performance system, acrylic polysiloxane had obtained independen

5、t cyclic corrosion test NORSOK M-501氟碳面漆可以替代多道漆系统中聚氨酯面漆,但是其防腐性能只能建立在多道漆系统之上。单道氟碳面漆具有很有限的防腐性能。从工艺上来讲,早期的氟碳是必须要在车间高温固化才能保证性能的稳定,开发了常温固化的产品以后,性能的不稳定导致其防腐性能的降低。Can be used to replace the polyurethane topcoats in multi-coat system, but performance must be established in a multi coat system. Fluorocarbon

6、finish alone has limited corrosion resistance. Unstability of the property lead poor performance for the curing under normal temperature.性能Properties 丙烯酸聚硅氧烷面漆Acrylic Polysiloxane Finish氟碳面漆Fluorocarbon Finish体积固体份Volume solid70% - 80%高的体积固体含量意味着高的涂布率,降低每平方米的造价。High volume solid means high coverage,

7、low cost per square meter.30 - 40%低固体含量意味着大量有害气体的排放, 对环境和人体带来危害. 并意味着每平面需要喷涂更多的涂料, 即低涂布率.Low volume solide means high VOC, low coverage for application.施工Application一次成膜厚度可达75 100微米。可以一次单道达到一般要求的面漆厚度。One coat can achieve 75 100 microns, which is typical finish film thickness.一次成膜厚度只有30 - 40微米,通常需要两道

8、才能达到一般要求75微米的面漆厚度。施工成本增加。One coat can only achieve 30-40 microns. Usually need two coats to achieve 75 microns. The cost for application is high. 环境保护与健康安全HSE不含有毒的异氰酸酯,挥发性有机溶剂的排放量低,符合环境保护的要求。Free from isocynate, and low VOC. Can comply with local environmental requirements.氟碳面漆要用有毒的异氰酸酯固化,在喷涂时形成有毒雾状

9、异氰酸脂,污染周围环境,危害施工人员的健康。而且挥发性有机溶剂的排放量高。Fluorocarbon finishes cure with isocyanate, which is harmful for applicants and environment. VOC of fluorocarbon finishes is also much higher than acrylic polysiloxane finish.柔韧性Flexibility丙烯酸聚硅氧烷面漆具有非常优异的柔韧性能:即使经过6个月固化后,仍然具有很好的柔韧性。Acrylic polysiloxane has excell

10、ent flexibility property: Even after 6 months cure, the film is still very flexible.长期机械性能较丙烯酸聚硅氧烷面漆要差。Long term flexibility is NOT as good as acrylic polysiloxane.价格Price考虑到丙烯酸聚硅氧烷面漆的高体积固体含量,高涂布率,如果按照50微米的干膜厚,每平方米的材料费用是完全可以接受的。另外,单道涂覆既节省施工时间,也节省施工费用。Because of high volume solid and high coverage, t

11、he finish cost per square meter is acceptable for 50 microns DFT. One coat coverage also saves in time and application costs.每平方米价格相对于聚硅氧烷价格较高。一些厂商为降低成本而减少氟树脂的含量,使其整体性能大打折扣。The cost per square meter for fluorocarbon is higher than acrylic polysiloxane. Some suppliers reduce fluorine resin to save ma

12、terial cost. That would compromise the coating performance.结论:由于氟树脂原料在氟碳漆的性能起重要作用,而国内的大多厂商在生产过程中减少氟树脂原料的用量来降低成本,所以导致氟碳漆的性能稳定性差,质量参差不齐。并且产品固含量低,挥发性有机组分VOC较高。Conclusion: Because the raw material of fluorocarbon resin is very important to its property, but many local fluorocarbon producers reduce the d

13、osage of fluorocarbon resin in order to reduce the cost, so the property is very unstable compared with acrylic based polysiloxane. And also the low volume solid and high VOC is not environmental friendly.聚乙烯(PE)简介1.1聚乙烯化学名称:聚乙烯英文名称:polyethylene,简称PE结构式: 聚乙烯是乙烯经聚合制得的一种热塑性树脂,也包括乙烯与少量-烯烃的共聚物。聚乙烯是五大合成树


15、都有所提高。LDPE由于支化度大,结晶度低,密度小,各项力学性能较低,但韧性良好,耐冲击。HDPE支化度小,结晶度高,密度大,拉伸强度、刚度和硬度较高,韧性较差些。相对分子质量增大,分子链间作用力相应增大,所有力学性能,包括韧性也都提高。几种PE的力学性能见表1-1。表1-1 几种PE力学性能数据性能LDPELLDPEHDPE超高相对分子质量聚乙烯邵氏硬度(D)拉伸强度MPa拉伸弹性模量MPa压缩强度MPa缺口冲击强度kJm-2弯曲强度MPa414672010030012.5809012174050152525055070152560702137400130022.540702540646730501508001003.热性能PE受热后,随温度的升高,结晶部分逐渐熔化,无定形部分逐渐增多。其熔点与结晶度和结晶形态有关。HDPE的熔点约为125137,MDPE的熔点约为126134,LDPE的熔点约为105115。相对分子质量对PE的熔融温度基本上无影响。PE的玻璃化温度(Tg)随相对分子质



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