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1、四年级上册Unit7 How much?(Story time)无锡市北塘区积余实验学校 朱晨枫一、教学目标1、会说单词umbrella, shoes, socks,并能进行简单描述。2、会使用句型How much is it/arethey?及其应Its/Theyreyuan.3、正确理解和流利朗读Story time。4、会用所学语言进行爱心义卖表演。5、通过活动懂得同情弱者,帮助他人。二、教学重点1、知道How much?的意思和用途。2、正确理解和流利朗读Story time。三、教学难点1、umbrella的读音。2、能初步分辨How much is it?和How much are

2、 they?的用法区别。四、教学准备ppt课件,句型卡片,人物和单词图片,实物等。五、教学过程Step 1Warming up1. Play a game: Paper Scissors StoneRules: 赢的一方可以向对方提问,答对祝贺,答错惩罚。2. Enjoy a song: 【设计意图:通过石头剪刀布的游戏拉近师生距离,消除陌生感。通过有趣的歌曲自然引出授课主题How much】Step 2. Lead-in1. Show the meaning of “How much?” Teach: How much?2. Show the using of “How much?”3. L

3、ook and answer: Who are they? What are they doing?4. Enjoy pictures: They need our help. Teach: help【设计意图:开门见山直接由课题进入 ,猜测how much词义,判断其使用语境,同时引出课文插图,初步感知Story time的主题爱心义卖。】Step 3. Learning the story time (4 tasks)Task1. Super eyesKnow the things for the charity.1. Find and say: What did the twins pr

4、epare for the school charity sale?2. Watch and circle: What did the twins sell?3. Look and describe: Teach: umbrella, an umbrella, This umbrella is .a socksocks, These socks are .a shoeshoes, Id likeshoes.Task2. Super mouth Know the price of the things.a. Listen and match: Teach: Its only yuan. / Th

5、eyre yuan.b. Read and find: Teach: How much is it? / How much are they?c: Look and compare:How much is it? Itsyuan. How much are they? Theyreyuan.Task 3. Super mindTo be a polite seller.1. Lets imitate. Teach: Can I help you? 指导朗读,连读和语调2. Lets say: Ask the Ss to say more sentences.Task 4. Super soun

6、dsRead Story time fluently.1. Read after the tape.2. Read together.3. Read in groups.4. Count the money and choose the winner【设计意图:通过四项有层次的任务,引导学生采用看、听、说、读等方式深入解读教材文本,同时伺机教授文本中出现的生词和重点句型,帮助学生在课文情境中理解义卖所需要的物品和价格,以及买卖双方所需要的语言,在此基础上通过有层次的朗读指导帮助学生深入理解教材文本。】Step 4. Consolidation1. Summary2. Have a school

7、 charity sale.【设计意图:通过归纳小结,帮助学生再次回顾、理清本节课所学重点内容,同时通过让学生开展义卖活动,再次巩固、运用所学知识,同时也是对教材文本的拓展和延伸。】Step 5. Homework1. Read Story time as quickly as you can. Try it!3. Help others around you as possible as you can. Do it!【设计意图:在流利朗读课文的基础上试着加快速度,在能够帮助他人的前提下尽量出一份力,这两项作业也是对课堂内容的延伸。】六、板书设计Unit7 How much?How much are they?Can I help you?Thank you.Here you are.Theyre yuan.Its yuan.How much is it?Yes. Id like


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