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1、英语(四年级下册)Unit 5 Seasons Story time 南京市金陵汇文小学 杨晓君Teaching contents教学内容Story time Teaching aims and learning objectives教学目标1. 能听懂、会读、会说:fly, kite, go boating, go swimming, picnic, go climbing, go skating。2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语:In spring, it is warm. We go boating.3. 能正确地朗读并理解语篇内容,在图片和语言提示下复述语篇。4. 能初步运用本课所学的

2、词汇和日常用语谈论不同季节的气候特征以及在不同季节里人们经常从事的活动。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点教学重点:能正确地朗读并理解语篇内容,在图片和语言提示下复述语篇。教学难点:能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论不同的季节和人们的活动。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Free talk1. T: Its a warm day today, isnt it? S: (出示课件图片,学习warm)T: What do we do on warm days? S: We (出示

3、课件图片,学习:go boating, fly kites, pick strawberries, )【设计意图:师生通过谈论天气和人们的活动为课文学习进行铺垫。如果天气不好(不温暖),可以通过课件中的图片直接引入学习。】2. Talk in groups(1) T: Look at this picture, hows the weather? S: Its hot. (出示课件图片,学习:hot)T: What do we do on hot days? S: (2) T: Hows the weather in this picture? S: Its cool. T: Do you l

4、ike cool days? What do we do on cool days? S: (3) T: Is it cool? S: No. its cold. (通过课件图片继续学习cold) T: Do we go climbing on cold days? What do we do on cold days? S: 【设计意图:结合天气特色明显的三幅图学习:hot, cool, cold。并通过:What do we do on days? 引发学生对不同天气人们的不同活动进行思考,进一步为话题学习铺垫情境。】Step 2 Say a rhyme1. Ask and answerT

5、: Hows the weather? S: Its warm/hot/cool/cold. T: What do we do on warm/hot/cool/cold days?S: We go boating/go swimming/go climbing/go skating. (学习go boating/go swimming/go climbing/go skating)2. Learn to read the rhyme(出示Rhyme:Warm, warm, lets go boating.Hot, hot, lets go swimming.Cool, cool, lets

6、go climbing.Cold, cold, lets go skating. )3. Read it together【设计意图:通过朗诵韵律小诗,帮助学生强化新词warm, hot, cool和cold的语音,强化词组go boating, go swimming, go climbing和go skating的语义,为课文学习做好铺垫。】Step 3 Presentation:1. Watch and answerT: We are happy today. Lets watch a cartoon together. Then tell me, whats the cartoon a

7、bout?S: Its about seasons. (学习seasons)2. Read and answerT: How many seasons are there in one year? S: There are four. T: What are they in English? Read the passage quickly and find the answers. S: (学习spring, summer, autumn, winter)3. Read and underlineT: What do they do in different seasons? Please

8、read and underline the activities.S: 4. Read in pairsT: Check your answers in pairs. And try to read with your partner. S: 5. Read and learn T: What do they do in spring/summer/autumn/winter?S: (学习fly kites, eat ice creams, have picnics, make snowmen)6. Listen and repeat T: Listen to the tape and re

9、peat Story time. S: 【设计意图:通过观看动画了解语篇的主题Seasons,展开话题的学习。让学生在朗读中回答、划线和学习,在跟读中强化语音知识,注重学生语音、语调的训练和培养。】Step 4 Consolidation1. Try to retell the passage in groupsT: Please retell the passage about seasons in groups of four. S: 2. Let some groups retell in class T: Whod like to retell the passage in class

10、? S: 【设计意图:请学生在语篇学习的基础上,进行模仿和复述。小组合作的形式可以降低活动的难度,增加活动的趣味性。可鼓励学生在原文的基础上进行改编和补充。】Homework 家庭作业1. Read and recite the passage.2. Think about more activities in different seasons. 3. Prepare some photos of your favourite season and bring them to class next time.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:PPT课件及相关音、视频

11、文件,单词卡片。板书设计: Unit 5 SeasonsSpringwarm Summerhot Autumncool Wintercold 说课本节课作为单元的起始课时,主要以图片和文字的形式呈现了四个季节的气候特征以及孩子们在这四个季节中通常做的活动,表达了对自然和生活的热爱。教学内容的设计主要有以下几个特点:1. 始终围绕Seasons的主题展开学习。从不同天气对人们活动的影响开始谈起,再结合动画了解不同季节的气候特征,最后将季节、气候和人们的活动相结合进行学习。始终围绕着Seasons这一主题,有利于学生的学习,符合循序渐进的学习规律和原则。2. 语篇学习前的语言铺垫为语篇学习降低了难度。作为四下学习内容,本语篇的目标词汇和句型偏多。为了降低学习的难底,在语篇学习前设计了Free talk的环节,请学生根据所提供的图片和实际情况进行谈论,鼓励学生根据自己平时的观察,用已有的知识进行简单描述和回顾,并提前学习了本课部分目标词汇。3. 注重在语篇学习的过程中,培养学生获取信息的能力和表达能力。在语篇学习中,活动的设计注重学生学习能力的培养。通过看动画找主旨,读课文找关键词以及划出目标短语等活动来培养学生的阅读能力;朗读的训练和复述的活动设计都可以有针对性地训练学生的语言素质和语言输出的能力,为进一步的学习进行语言铺垫,为能力提升打好基础。



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