课题:Lesson 6 Betty's Clothes.doc

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《课题:Lesson 6 Betty's Clothes.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《课题:Lesson 6 Betty's Clothes.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课题:Lesson 6: Bettys Clothes教学内容:冀教版英语四年级上册Lesson 6教学目标: 1.学生能听懂和理解这个简单的故事。2.学生能理解句型:I cant wear shorts to the party. I can wear the shorts on Monday.I like the skirt. 3.学生能用自己的语言分角色表演这个故事。情感态度与价值观:激发孩子们学习的爱好及好奇心,提高学生自学的能力,培养学生的英语表达能力。 教学重、难点:学生能就故事进行提问和回答;学生能用自己的语言分角色表演这个故事。 难点:1、进行角色扮演。2、能根据故事情节的阐述

2、,自己在真实情景中加以运用。教学准备:录音机和磁带、图片头饰、课件教学过程:Step 1巧设情景,激趣引思问候复习Greet the students with phrases they know, play the audiotape and sing the song: days of the week For example:T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today?S: Fine, thanks.Today is my first time to meet you. Lets sing a song to celebrate.play th

3、e audiotape and sing the song: days of the weekT: What do you hear in the song?S: Days of the week.T: Yes, there are seven days of the week in the song. T: What day is today? Tuesday is my favourite. Do you know why?Lets see. A new friend comes to see me. T: Look at the picture. There is a pretty gi

4、rl in the picture. Whats her name?S: Her name is Betty.T: Yes, her name is Betty. Say hello to Betty.S: Hello, Betty!T: Betty has a lot of nice clothes. Do you have any clothes? What clothes do you have?S: I haveThis class we are going to learn Lesson6: Bettys Clothes. First lets look and say.【设计意图:

5、通过复习以上知识,为学生接下来的学习做铺垫。】Step 2自主互动 探究新知Today is Saturday. There is a party. Betty will go to a party today, but she doesnt know what clothes she will wear, please give your suggestion to Betty.Betty, you can wear _. Its/ theyre _.Play the audiotape Listen to the audiotape with the question: What clot

6、hes will Betty wear?1.Read the storyBetty is very happy. She can go to the party. Do you want to go to the party? You must pass the three rounds. Round 1 Read picture 1-2 answer the question. What can Betty wear on Monday?Round 2Read and judge ( picture 3 to picture 6 )Read picture 7 to 8 together.P

7、lay the audiotape as the students follow in their books. Play the audiotape, first time the students just listen. Second time, ask the students read follow the audiotape.Read after the tape. 【设计意图:通过一系列读的活动从而促进学生语言实际运用能力的提高,让学生掌握活生生的有效语言。】 2. Lets chant to relax. 3. Round 3 I am a little dub actor.(

8、 我是小小配音演员)4. Round 4 Talk and act.小组内进行练习,然后教师分发衣服头饰,上前表演给大家看。对每个组给予不同的评价。【设计意图:诱导学生的学习动机,让他们在实际的操练中掌握语言,最后学习表演故事,使学生进一步体验了成功的乐趣。】Step 3: SummaryWhat do you learn from the story? which clothes do you want to be? Why? Fill the blanks.Betty can wear _ on Monday. Betty can wear _ on Tuesday. Betty can

9、wear _ on Wednesday.Betty can wear _ on Thursday.Betty can wear _ on Friday.【设计意图:本环节主要帮助学生梳理一下文章大意,使学生加强对文章的理解,同时使学生进一步体验了成功的乐趣。】Step 4: Class closingHomework1. Listen and read the story.2. Mid-Autumn Festival is coming, what clothes will you wear?板书设计:Lesson 6:Bettys Clothes 课后反思:这节课的设计思路是自然导入新授表演延伸这样进行的,在授课过程中本着以学生为主体,教师主导的理念,多给学生发挥的空间,以继续激发学生的学习兴趣为出发点,同时尽量都以原声输入为主,培养学生正确的发音以及英语语感的形成,故事课尽量让学生学习故事的同时对本单元所学知识进行复习,同时对新知识进行学习,并且进行拓展和延伸,培养学生们正确的情感态度价值观。课堂上学生表现很好,积极参与课堂活动,学生练习时间把握不够完美,下次故事课应该对时间的把握更加准确一些,也许效果会更好。



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