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1、Common vocabularyProduction1. importance 重要2. employment 僱用3. interdependent 互相依賴4. consumer goods消費物品5. capital goods資本物品6. relationship關係7. tertiary production第三級生產8. secondary production 第二級生產9. primary production 第一級生產10. nature天然11. flow chart流程圖12. finished goods製成品13. raw materials原料14. satis

2、fy wants滿足慾望15. resources資源16. income收入17. stages階段18. services服務19. process過程20. To provide services提供服務21. To extract natural resources開發天然資源的生產活動22. To turn raw materials into semi-finished or finished goods把原料轉變為半製成品或製成品Division of labour1. craftsmanship工藝技術2. risk of unemployment失業危機3. monotono

3、us單調4. dull沉悶5. shift system輪班制6. mechanization機械化7. save time節省時間8. raise living standard提高生活水平9. training訓練10. task工序11. practice makes perfect熟能生巧12. specialize專門13. regional地區14. suitable worker專業人員15. complex複雜16. simple簡單17. raise productivity提高生產力18. financial centre金融中心19. tourist destinatio

4、n旅遊景點20. open-door policy門戶開放政策21. division of labour分工Factors of production1. bear the risk承擔風險2. organization組織3. entrepreneurship企業精神4. employer僱主5. management管理6. retire退休7. effort勞力8. labour勞動力9. gift from nature大自然的禮物10. man-made人造11. machinery機器12. sunshine陽光13. land土地14. factors因素Expansion o

5、f a firm1. fixed factors固定要素2. variable factors可變要素3. short run短期生產4. diminishing returns報酬遞減5. rent租金6. interest利息7. economies of scale規模經濟8. average cost平均成本9. wage收入10. large scale production大規模生產11. full capacity最高產量12. experts專家13. work efficiently有效率地工作14. coordinate協調15. discount折扣16. optimal

6、 scale最佳規模17. minimum最低Integration of wards1. diversification多元化2. steady supply穩定供應3. competitors into partnership競爭者成為合作伙伴4. specific benefits特定利益5. conglomerate integration集團合併6. related product相關產品7. lateral integration側向合併8. common benefits共同好處9. backward integration後向合併10. horizontal integrati

7、on橫向合併11. forward integration前向合併12. vertical integration縱向合併13. combine結合Consumption and market1. waste浪費2. cheat欺騙3. misleading誤導4. promotion 推廣5. entertainment娛樂6. persuasive誘導性7. informative資訊性8. successful成功9. famous brand name名牌10. durable耐用11. quality質素12. quantity demanded需求量13. afford負擔14.

8、medium of exchange交易媒介15. satisfaction滿足感16. stable supply穩定供應17. homogeneous質同18. differentiated相異19. monopolistic competition壟斷性競爭20. oligopoly寡頭壟斷21. dominant支配者22. cut-throat competition割喉式競爭23. ownership擁有者24. franchise專業權25. non-price competition非價格競爭26. copyright版權27. monopoly壟斷28. close-subs

9、titute接近代替品Trade and Financial centre1. value-added增值2. entrepot倉庫3. convenient transport交通方便4. import入口5. source來源6. domestic export本地出口7. trade balance貿易差額8. visible trade有形貿易9. surplus盈餘10. deficit赤字11. tourism旅遊業12. favourable balance順差13. hotel酒店14. create jobs創造職業15. sight-seeing觀光16. accept deposits接受存款17. interest利息18. note-issuing bank發鈔銀行19. investor投資者20. stock exchange股票交易21. raise capital集資22. shareholders股東23. earning dividend賺取股息24. capital gain資產交易25. stable environment穩定環境26. exchange control外匯管制27. telecommunication network資訊網絡28. government policy政府政策



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