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1、基于核心素养的 “三线五步”课堂教学设计教案教学内容: Unit 2 After school教学目标:1. Students will be able to learn the words: Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday2. Students will be able to understand and use the sentences: What day is it today? Its3. Students will be able to understand the general meaning of the story time.教学重

2、、难点 1. Students will be able to understand the general meaning of the story time. 2. Students will be able to understand and use the sentences: What day is it today? ItsWhat subjects do you like?基于“三线”的课前思考以话题为主线: 本单元在第一单元的基础上,围绕“一个星期有哪些课程”这一话题继续对询问的句型进行学习。“What day is it today? Its Wednesday. / Wha

3、t about Saturday? We dont have any lessons on Saturday./ What lessons do you have? I have Chinese and Maths.”这些句型都是在第一单元的基础上进行的拓展练习。本单元学习的内容非常贴近学生的生活实际,操练起来也比较方便。重点是让学生在学会星期的英语表达Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday的基础上能够用have,has谈论他们的课程或其它活动。本课中,教师可以以“同学们,大家知道一周七天怎么用英语来表示吗?

4、”这个话题引入单词的学习。本课单词的学习占了第二单元单词学习的绝大部分,乍一看可能比较多,但学起来还是有规律的,周一到周日这七个单词,每个末尾都是day,学生在学习时只需要记住它们的前缀就好了,以交际为明线: 由于本课相对较长,教师可以按照课文中划分的1,2,3,4四个小部分循序渐进地进行教学。用“What day is it today?Its Wednesday./What about Saturday? We dont have any lessons on Saturday./ What lessons do you have? I have Chinese and Maths.”这些

5、句型来开展对话,进行简单的英语交流,为了让学生能够活学活用,教师可以将它们分成小组进行对话练习。培养学生运用英语进行交流的能力和乐于与人交流、合作的能力。 以发展为隐线: 本单元学习的内容非常贴近学生的生活实际,操练起来也比较方便。重点是让学生在学会星期的英语表达Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday的基础上能够用have,has谈论他们的课程或其它活动。用“What day is it today?Its Wednesday./What about Saturday? We dont have any le

6、ssons on Saturday./ What lessons do you have? I have Chinese and Maths.”这些句型来开展对话,进行简单的英语交流,培养学生运用英语进行交流的能力和乐于与人交流、合作的能力。在此过程中,培养教师和学生的亲切感情,让学生在交流活动中增进彼此的了解。也为第三单元学习用英语描述自己的一天作很好的铺垫。 彰显“五步”的课中实践教学调整学法指导关键点拨一、话题导入Step 1 Greeting and warm up1. Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to see you! S: Nic

7、e to see you too. 2. Warming upT: Hello, boys and girls, do you like PE?S: Yes. T: What do you like doing at a PE lesson? Do you like running? S: Yes, I do. T: What about you? Do you like football? S: Yes, I do. T: When do you play football? After school?( show the title: After school)S: Yes.T: Lets

8、 learn a rhyme: Lets learn S: OK. We learn: Monday ( Mon. ) Tuesday ( Tues. ) Wednesday (Wed. ) Thursday ( Thur. ) Friday ( Fri. ) Saturday ( Sat. ) Sunday ( Sun. )二、走进文本Step 2 PresentationTeach the new words: (Write the new words on the blackboard. Read the new words Monday. )(The teacher shows ano

9、ther picture and let students guess what they are. Then, let one student write on the blackboard. )(The teacher shows these new words together and students read them after the teacher.)T: What day is it today? 彰显“五步”的课中实践教学调整学法指导关键点拨Ss: Its Monday.T: Do you like Monday?S1: Yes, I do/ No, I dontT: Ho

10、w many lessons do you have on Monday?S2: I have six lessons on Monday.T: What are they?S3: They are.三、情境模拟Step 3 Practise Make a new songLets go and play table tennis!Sorry, I have a.today.Come and play table tennis.Sorry, I have a.today.What about Su Yang?She has a . too.Lets play table tennis on .

11、Thats great.四、 语言提炼Step 4 SummaryReview the words and phrases in new sentences, and try to make them new song. Lets play football on Monday. Lets play basketball on Tuesday. Lets fly kites on Wednesday. Lets play table tennis on Thursday. Lets go skating on Friday. Lets go swimming on Saturday. Lets have a picnic on Sunday. Lets play and play.五、交际延学Step 5 Homework 1. Copy the new words four times. 2. Read Story Time twice.


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