听说课教学案例 .docx

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1、A teaching plan forUnit 7 How do you make a banana shake?I. Teaching content: Unit 7-Section- A 2a-2c, p42(2ndPeriod)II. Teaching aims:1. Knowledge & Skills: Vocabulary: watermelon, yogurt, honey Key structures:a. What do we need?b. How many/ muchdo we need? Students learn to use the target language

2、 to talk about eating habits and how they prepare for some dishes or a party.2. Process & Approaches: Brainstorming Cooperation Communicative Approach and Task-based teaching method3. Emotions & Attitude:Students learn to have a healthy lifestyle and try to do more things by themselves in their dail

3、y life.III. Teaching aids:CAI, some real objectsIV. ProceduresStep 1Warming-upPlay a game with the students.(设计目的:解除一天最后一节课的疲乏感,以轻松愉快的氛围开启课堂,复现上节描述步骤的关键词。)Step 2 Lead-in1. Brainstorm.2. Teach some new words.(设计目的:以竞赛和头脑风暴形式复习和学习食物类词汇,活跃课堂,帮助学生构筑词汇进行联想学习的策略。)Step 3Presentation1. Use the words above t

4、o present countable nouns and uncountable nouns. Present the structureHow many/much?2. Help the students get to know how to express the amount of uncountable things.3. Pairwork. Talk about their eating habits.(设计目的:以学生的真实体验和生活为教学素材,引导学生用目标语言获取信息,在运用中感悟语言的功能和结构。)Step 4 Listeninga. Pre-listeningHave a

5、 free talk about the picture in 2a. Have the students fill in the chart without listening to the tape.(设计目的:对教材内容进行了调整,将教材中的2a的听力练习改为让学生直接填写,因为学生通过前面的读图等各项活动,可以不听对话而预测出答案,同时可以培养学生做听力前进行预测的习惯。)b. While-listeningHave the students fill in the chart in 2b.c. Post-listeningCheck the answers and get the s

6、tudents to read it along with the tape. Get the students to talk about their favorite fruit salad.(设计目的:听前让学生进行读图、预测等充分预热,降低听力难度,帮助形成良好的学习习惯,从而提高听的能力。让学生同步跟读,使学生在语音语调和语速上得到训练。)Step 5 Classroom ActivityInvite some teachers to a class party. Have the students prepare the food for the party. Ask them t

7、o make shopping lists. Choose a best one.(让学生综合运用目标语完成一件任务,体验成功,学会生活。)Step 6 SummaryAsk the Ss to sum up the lesson.Step 7 HomeworkYoure having a picnic with your classmates. Have a talk with them and write a shopping list for it.V. Designing Evaluation:本单元的教学内容和食物烹调紧密相关,我力求体现语言课的特征,而不能上成活动课。本课时的内容为

8、食物类可数名词不可数名词的运用,内容单薄,话题有限,但不可数名词的表达是难点。我们整节课以谈论饮食为主线,以词、词的结构、句型、用目标语获取信息并完成任务,在层层递进的教学活动中,让学生感知、归纳和运用目标语。在突破难点的环节,我通过不限定学生思维的信息交流活动来发现问题、解决问题。在整节课中,从词汇来源和结构呈现均采用与学生的交流过程中获得的信息为素材,让学生在用中学,学了后再用。活动形式以pair work 和group work为主,通过学生之间的合作,扩大学生的参与面,增强各层面学生的信心。在课堂评价中除了教师评价,还有学生互评,体现了教学评价的多元化。在教学中注重学习策略形成的引导,如利用头脑风暴活动,形成联想归类词汇记忆策略。利用图片和信息交流处理不可数名词量的表达,训练学生观察、自行归纳并运用的学习策略。


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