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1、试卷类型:B(人教版)20212022学年度第二学期期中调研试题(卷)七年级英语考前须知:1 .本试卷共8页,总分值120分,时间120分钟,学生直接在试题上答卷;下2.答卷前请将装订线内的工程填写清楚。题号第一局部 第二局部总分InIVVVIVDVIIX得分第一局部(听力共30分)得分评卷人I.听对话,选答案(共15小题,计20分)第一节:听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍。请根据每段对话的内容和后面的 问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。(共10小题,计10分)()1.A. Tigers.()2.A. The drums.()3.A. To the library.()4

2、.A. Reading a book.()5.A. By bus.()6. A. Because they are funny.()7.A. Do his homework.()8.A. Fifteen kilometers.()9.A. Sports shoes.()10. A. At 7: 10 p. m.()1.A. Tigers.()2.A. The drums.()3.A. To the library.()4.A. Reading a book.()5.A. By bus.()6. A. Because they are funny.()7.A. Do his homework.(

3、)8.A. Fifteen kilometers.()9.A. Sports shoes.()10. A. At 7: 10 p. m.B. Elephants.B. Basketball.B. To the store.B. Making a card.B. By subway.B. Because they are cute.B. Watch TV.B. I hree kilometers.B. A T-shirt.B. At 7- 20 p. m.C. Giraffes.C. Soccer.C. To thezoo.C. Making soup.C. On foot.C. Because

4、 they are small.C. Listen to music.C. Five kilometers.C. A hat.C. At 7- 40 p. m.第二节:听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几道小题,请根据每段对话的内容,从所给的问题和三 个选项中选出最恰当的一项,每段对话读两遍。(共5小题,计10分)听第11段对话,回答第11、12小题。C. School rules.()11. Whal are they talking about?A. Family rules.B. The classmates.()12. What is Lucys schooPs dining hall li

5、ke?A. New.B. Big.C. Old.七年级英语期中调研试题B -人教版-1 (共8页)78. Can you eat in the classroomMust you arrive at school on time79. What time/When do you usually arrive at school(答案不唯一,符合题意即可)80. 书面表达(共1题,计15分)参考范文:Hi,Fin Jim. Look! This is my family. Ifs seven o,clock in the evening. Lets see what we are doing.

6、My grandpa and rny lather are playing chess in the living room. My grandma is watching TV on the sofa. My mother is listening to music on her bed. My sister is talking to her friend on the phone. She is in her bedroom. Where is my brother? He is playing with toys on the floor. What about me? I am do

7、ing my homework in my room. Everyone is busy.评分标准:第一档(15分):符合题意要求,表达完整,条理清楚,语句通顺,语言正确无误。第二档(914分):符合题意要求,表达基本完整,条理较清楚,语句较通顺,语言基本无误。第三档(48分):基本符合题意要求,表达基本完整,条理较清楚,语句较通顺,语言有局部 错误。第四档(13分):不符合题意要求,表达不清楚,逻辑关系混乱,语言错误很多.听力材料I .听对话,选答案第一节:听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍,谙根据每段对话的内容和后面的 问题,从所给的三个选项中,选出最恰当的一项。1. M :L

8、ets see giraffes lirst,OK?W : Good idea. IeCs go right now.Q: What animals does the boy want to see first?2. M:I can play soccer and basketball. What about you,Lisa?W : I like music. I can play the drums.Q : What can Lisa pluy ?3. W:Oo you want to go to the library with me this Sunday,Frank?M : Soun

9、ds boring. 1 v/ant io go to the zoo.Q:Where does Frank want to go;M:Hi, lina. Is youi brother reading a book now?W:No,lie is making a card.Q: Whats Tinas brother doing now?4. W want to go to the zoo. Can you go with me?M :Sure. We can take a bus there.Q : How can they get to the zoo?5. M: Why do you

10、 like cats,Lucy?W : Because they are kind of cute.七年级英语期中调研试题B答案一人牧版-2(共3页)听第12段对话,回答第13至15小题。)13. Who is writing a letter?得分评卷人A. Anna.B.Jenny.)14. Where is Tony?A. In London.B.In America.)15. What is Jennys father doing?A. Watching TV.B.Drinking tea.n.听独白,填信息(共5小题,计io分)C. Mike.C. In China.C. Washi

11、ng his car.此题你将听到一段独白,读两遍,请根据独白内容,用所听到的单词或短语完成以下各题(每 空限填一个单词)。16. This is a zoo.17. The are from South Africa.18. The elephants are and the tigers are scary.19. There are under the tree.20. The koalas for 20 hours a day.得分评卷入第二局部(笔试共90分)HI .完形填空(共20小题,计20分)第一节:阅读下面一篇短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各小题的四个选 项

12、中选出一个最正确答案,使短文连贯完整。(共10小题,计10分)Look at the woman in the picture. Her name is Milanonna. Believe (相信)it or not, she is 68 years old. 21 does she keep young? Lets learn about 22 life.Ifs seven oclock 23 the morning. Milanonna goes to the kitchen after she gets up. Shes drinking a glass of water. uThe

13、24 thing I must do in the morning is to drink some water,n says Milanonna. Then she takes some exercise before breakfast. Milanonna never 25 too much in the morning. She usually has 26 egg,a glass of milk ,some fmit and a piece of bread for breakfast. After that,she goes to work.Milanonna is an arti

14、st (艺术家).People like 27 pictures of her. She is always wearing cool clothes in those 28 Sometimes she is busy, but she can always 29 home at 6: 00 pm every day. Every night, she does yoga(瑜伽)for about half an hour. She says doing yoga is very relaxing, 30 she likes to do it. She really lives a healt

15、hy life.21. )21. A. WhereB. WhenC. WhatD. How22. )22. A. IB. myC. sheD. her七年级英语期中调研试题B -人教版-2 (共8页)()23. A. forB. atC.inD. on()24. A. firstB. oneC.secondD. two()25. A. saysB eatsC. sayD. eat()26. A. aB. anC. theD./()27. A. takeB. spellC. takingD. spelling()28. A. pictureB. picturesC. houseD. houses()29. A. getB. getsC. gettingD. to get()30. A. orB. butC. soD. because第二节:阅读下面一篇短文,理解大意,从所给的四个选项中选出一个



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