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1、The Black Humor in Catch-22Bian LipingAbstract: Catch-22 is a typical representative book of black humor. It was born in a special context: People began to doubt and deny their own traditional values, and were eager to find spiritual relief from the literature of satire and humor. Joseph Heller, the

2、 author of this novel, described in a symbolic way of many ridiculous images. In this novel, many words, phrases and dialogue are confusing, duplicate, suspicious and contradicting. “Catch 22”, through the whole novel, is a magic weapon of officers to govern and make fun of soldiers under the capita

3、list system, which like a net is always bound the little people and makes them be trapped in it.The paper mainly analyzed black humor in Catch-22 through several aspects, including deepen the theme of black humor, depicting characters, arrangement structure and language use. In a word, Catch -22 is

4、one of the most important works of black humor and the readers are made to have a better understanding of the novel Catch-22 by the paper.Key Words:Black Humor; Absurd; Catch 22; Ridiculous 毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明原创性声明本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布

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7、日导师签名: 日期: 年 月 日浅谈第二十二条军规中的黑色幽默边丽萍【摘要】 第二十二条军规是一部典型的黑色幽默的代表作,它诞生于特殊的时代背景:人们开始怀疑并否定自己的传统价值观念,渴望讽刺、幽默的文学作品中寻找精神上的解脱。小说的作者约瑟夫海勒用象征的手法描绘了一幅幅荒谬的图像。小说中有许多单词、短语以及对话是迷惑的、重复的、怀疑的和矛盾的。贯穿全文的“第二十二条军规”总是束缚着那些小人物,像一张网把他们困在其中,成为资本主义制度下军规管辖和捉弄士兵的法宝。本文主要通过主题的深化、人物的塑造、结构的安排以及语言的运用方面分析了第二十二条军规中的黑色幽默。总而言之,第二十二条军规是黑色幽默作

8、品中最重要的一部。本文旨在帮助读者更好的理解第二十二条军规这部小说。【关键词】 黑色幽默; 悖论; 第二十二条军规; 荒谬 1The Black Humor in Catch-221. IntroductionCatch-22, published in 1961, because its powerful flogging to the war, the capitalist free enterprise competition and the American decadent way of life, making Joseph Heller became a well-known w

9、riter of literary. Catch-22 is a farce full of irony and black humor. Black humor as an artistic technique most commonly appear in two types of literary form: the antiwar-novel and the theater of the absurd. This means of artistic sometimes is considered morbid (sick), because it contains an alterna

10、tive and critical attitude of its own to modern society. As many of his contemporary novels of the United States after World War, Catch-22 was born in a particular period of history, the cold war between the superpowers has prompted by the optimism accompanied the post-World War II economic prosperi

11、ty lost. An absurd feeling of life rooted in the living circumstances of ordinary people. The destruction of rational normal order has almost become a common phenomenon in society. In the 1950s, American life has been fundamentally polluted and destructed the hysteria McCarthy by anti-communist, on

12、this point in Chapter 21 of the Catch-22, it has related to this. United States civil rights movement and the Vietnam War have further exacerbated the turbulent situation, moreover, more and more people began to doubt everything and lose faith to everything. In addition, due to the development and b

13、reakthroughs of new science and technology, it gives the people a sense of gaining in strength. But it deprives the last mysterious of the life itself, and makes more and more people alienate from human nature. All of these have fundamentally shaken the firm belief of the people to God and the unive

14、rse, people no longer looking for spiritual solace from Christianity. Catch-22 was born in this special context: God and Christianity increasingly lost cornerstone function which in the past been widely recognized and play the role of the moral and spirit. Therefore, it is an absurd fiction on irrat

15、ional theme.2. Literature ReviewCatch-22 not only takes a household name in the United States but also its inception has a vast audience in the world. Critics concern Catch-22 mainly in three aspects: artistic techniques, characters and themes. Among them, the black humor of the novel, the anti-hero and absurd theme in the novel are repeated, excavated, and novel structure and language features are also involved. In 1961, Catch-22 has been published lead to a sensation in the literary worl



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