绘本阅读与主教材相融合 语言与语音共发展.docx

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1、绘本阅读与主教材相融合 语言与语音共发展 Unit 6 Whose dress is this? Sound time&Rhyme time苏州工业园区翰林小学 洪瑜婷一、教材分析本课是译林版教材四年级下册第六单元Whose dress is this?第三课时,本节课让孩子们了解在单词中发短元音/I /的情况,能听辨、思考、处理单词中的每一个音,提升孩子的阅读能力。二、学情分析 经过前5个单元的英语学习,孩子们有了一些语音知识方面的储备,孩子们在前5个单元已学习了字母a,a-e,e,ee,e-e,i-e的发音。三、教学目标语言知识:在单词中发短元音的情况/I/:pig、jig、hill等。语

2、言技能:能见词能读,听音能写.语言运用:能在阅读中拼读含有i字母的词。语音意识:能掌握音素的辨别,拆分和组合,培养孩子的音素意识。情感态度:能用积极的心态学习。学习策略:通过拼读法、歌曲教学法、思维导图法和任务型教学法,掌握short I的发音规律。四、教学重点、难点重点:音素的辨别、分离和组合难点:音素的组合拼读发音、听音写词五、教学方法拼读法、歌曲教学法、思维导图法、习得教学法、任务型教学法六、教学准备1. 学生:预习了解本课要学习的语言知识。2. 教师:准备课件、个人任务单和小组任务单。七、教学过程Step1 Warm-up and lead in1.Dance and say the

3、words.T:Children,at the beginning of the class,lets dance and say out the words you see,ok?T:phonics songReady,go.【教学意图:欢快的phonics song调动孩子们的学习热情】2.ReviewT:Well done.Lets review what we have learnt before.So a says. when the letter i meets the letter e, it will help the letter i says . 【教学意图:复习前五个单元

4、学过的语音知识,为接下来的语音活动做好铺垫】3.Lead-inT:Look ,what happened NOW?The letter e is missing.But how to pronounce the letter i now?【教学意图:以旧带新,引导学生思考】Step2 PresentationTask1 Learn to pronounceT:Lets watch a video about the sound of the letter i. T:So can you try to say the sound of the letter i?【教学意图:让学生观看外国老师教此

5、发音的视频,指导孩子发音技巧】Task2 Learn to distinguishT:Children,listen,can you hear i sound in_?(bag/desk/English/Chinese/pig/jig)If you can ,you can say “yes yes yes”,if you cant hear i in the word,you say “no no no”.Clear?【教学意图:通过听辨单词中I的发音,掌握音素的辨别】Task 3 Learn to read1.Read from the coverT:So look,children.Pi

6、g jigs is the title of a picture book.Do you want to read this picture-book?Look at the book on your desk.You have got it,right?T:Fisrt,Look at the cover, whats the title of this picture-book ?Ss: PIG JIGS.T:Follow me,P-I-G,PIG,J-I-G,JIGT:Great.How many letter I can you see?S:Two.T:What does“jig”mea

7、n?Can you guess from this picture?T: From the title ,what else do you konw?T:Yes,the story is about a pig, a big pig.T:And look whats on his head? S:A wig.T:Look,this is wig.T:Can you act”pig jigs”now?2.Read the story and finish the story mapT:Now this time please read the story by yourself.Try to f

8、inish this story map. T:So tell me whats the title of the story?S:Pig jigs.T:Who are the characters ? S:A big pig.Whats the setting? S:On a hill.What does the pig do on the hill? S:Jigs on a hill.What are the problems? First,Slips on a wig.Then,slips ang flips.Last,Hits his hips.T:Whats the solution

9、? What does the pig do?S:Sits still on the hill.3.Retell the story by the story map in groupsT:Now please retell the story by the story map.Do it in groups. 【教学意图:通过引导孩子从绘本封面学会预测、填写storymap学会阅读技巧】Task4 Sound timeListening activity T:Children,please take out this work sheet on your desk.Now please li

10、sten and try to write the words,ok?T:Now lets check. Please open your books.T:Lets read after the vedio.【教学意图:通过听音写词,培养孩子的音素意识】Task5 Rhyme timeT:Children ,its time for rhyme, Please listen carefully, then tell me the words with i sounds/i/.T:Lets read together.T:I made a new rhyme, can you try to re

11、ad? Please tell me the words with letter i sounds/I/.T:Lets read together.T:Can you make a new rhyme in groups ?【教学意图:利用教材上的Rhyme time,培养孩子们见词能读,听音能辨能力,同时利用老师改编的Rhyme引导孩子发散思维,结合已有的学习经验在小组内共同创编Rhyme,培养学生的合作创编能力】Step3 Conclusion and homeworkT:So today we have learnt the sound of letter I and we know t

12、he words with i sounds/I/.Lets s read together.T:I believe you can find more words with letter i sounds/I/.After class, please design a mind map like this,ok? So this is your homework.Dont forget share the story with your parents,ok? T:Class is over,goodbye,children.【教学意图:利用思维导图帮助孩子梳理总结本课所学,并布置思维导图作业,引导学生去思考,去发现,去解决问题】



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