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1、上网利弊的英语演讲稿范文篇一:英语演讲稿-电脑的利弊The computer plays the vital role in ours life, the computer may help us to handle very many matters: The data computation, the study en terta inment, the office automati on, the con trol producti on,draws money automatically, Ion g-dista neecorresp ondenceThe computern ews

2、 fastdevelopme ntpromoted itspopularization.Nowbesides the personal computing which findsat everywhere, each kind of portable portable computer also arises at the historic mome nt.The computer is playi ng the very major role in ours life.Cannot have in us whe n questi on, we may access the net the c

3、on sult material, some quite big data may use the computer to calculate We may learn very many knowledge in thecomputerThe computer also has many is bad, if to the eleme ntary stude nt, I wants to say plays the computer the questi on. Now the family econo mical level enhan ced, the eleme ntary stude

4、 nt vision dropped actually, this is plays the computer the fault.The adva ntage very are also many, for example chats, said the topic and so on some ben eficial games can cause eleme ntary stude nts after school life to be more in terest ing. But cannot sink con fuses in the computer games. Some re

5、al matter mea nt, a child,For computer games in hypothesized duty battle, own jumped from an upper story. Therefore, plays the computer not to be able to fall, after on the one hand which falls to does not have the adva ntage.The high tech product in creases day by day,Computer thesehigh tech produc

6、t,Has brought many convenientlyto thepeople,Might also bring the misfort une to the people.Today I want to schoolmates said,That is regard ing yours visio n.Ma ny children just were giving birth to,Eye all well,May perhaps be because watches the television,Playsthe computer,Each one hasall take n to

7、 bring with the eyeglasses. On our class,Some 70% schoolmate are almost the n earsighted ness,My eye also very is origi nally good,May march in to the higher grades,Also starts to drop.This police hasshow nus,Plays thecomputer,May,Watches the televisi on,No reas on why no t.However,lf you want to ha

8、ve a pair of beautiful health eye,A nythi ng must have a limit.If your eye for a long timeintelevisi onandun dercomputeraccompa nyin g,I believed,That cannot have the good result.Some in flue nces on our study and life:There is no doubt that computer ben efit people greatly.With computers, the home

9、will be a library ,an office and an en tertai nment cen ter.Alltra nsacti ons,from banking to shopp ing,will beperformed electronicallyand allinformation,from trainschedules to discount price goods, will be obtained by clicki ng on the modem.3. In additi on to provid ing us many of the facilities an

10、dservices we now must travel to obta in, we can com muni cate directly with other homes and with information centres worldwide .4. we can get access to interestingknowledge and the latestdata we n eed .5. we can keep up with the time6. make friend with all over the world and chat with them on lines

11、at times.In a word , computer will play more and more important part in politics, economy, medicine, and other walks of modern life in an information age. computer will be indispensable to people s life.篇二:网络利弊的英语对话A:With the developme nt of the scie nee and tech no logy, thecomputer has been becomi

12、ng the necessity for people in the 21st Cen tury. Follow ing, n etwork is of close link with our life, bringing us in comparable convenience on our life and work. Through the network, we can search for useful material and get to know the current events , and it broadens our horizon and makes us more

13、 in formative.B:But, at present, there are too manygameson the Internet,and some of them are not of good quality eve n contain some un healthy content like viole nee and so on. Duo to the lack of recognizingsociety and self-protectionawareness,somestude nts get addicted in the games and on li ne dat

14、 ing.A : Playing online gamesis not all bad if you treat the game properly, for it can fulfillstudents entertainingrequests aswell as practice their response ability. Besides, when you play computer games after a Ion g-time work, it can relieve your pressure and makeyou feel relaxed. A: With the net

15、work in the work, people can com muni cate with others, and they ca n eve n have a video meeti ng in stead of gett ing together with workmates, so work becomes more efficie nt.B:Si nee people are able to do lots of things inIn ter net,com muni cati ons among people in the reality become less and les

16、s.Many people especially somejuveniles are addicted to the virtual world and then refuse to take part in activities in our reality life. So it s a serious social phenomenon which should be pay atte ntio n by all of us.A:In my free time, shopping on Taobao has becomemy habit.My clothes, shoes, mobile phone and so on were bought from theIntern et. On li ne shopp ing is v



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