Unit4 Seeing the doctor[29].doc

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1、Unit4 Seeing the doctor设计题目Story time (Period 1)执教日期教学目标1. 能正确理解,掌握对话内容,并能朗读,表演对话;2. 能初步正确听、说、读词组:check, dentist, anything, bedtime, brush ones teeth, drink water, eat sweets, have a rest, take medicine, fever, headache, toothache;3. 初步掌握句型Whats wrong with.? . Have/has a . What should .do? Why does/

2、do .have a.? 并在真实情景中加以运用;4. 学生能了解一些保持身体健康的方式;5. 通过情景的设置和对话表演,激发学生在生活中乐于使用英语的兴趣。教学重点1. 能正确理解,掌握对话内容,并能朗读,表演对话;2. 初步掌握句型Whats wrong with.? . Have/has a . What should .do? Why does/do .have a.? 在真实情景中加以运用。教学难点1. 初步掌握句型Whats wrong with.? . have/has a . What should .do? Why does/do .have a.? 在真实情景中加以运用;2

3、. 能初步正确听说读词组:check, dentist, anything, bedtime, brush ones teeth, drink water, eat sweets, have a rest, take medicine, fever, headache, toothache。教学策略1. 利用图片、多媒体课件教单词,音、形、义相结合,便于学生理解和记忆; 2. 通过联系生活实际,交流讨论等方法,帮助学生理解故事内容,体会人物性格。教学过程(可续页)教学步骤所用时间教 师 活 动Step1 warm up Step2Pre-readingStep3while-reading St

4、ep4Post reading5515151.Free talkGood morning boys and girls, What day is it today? Whats the weather like today? How are you today? 2.Lets play a game! When you see the words, please say it loudly, when you see the smile face, please say “yeah”.【设计意图】通过互问互答,引出话题,再通过游戏,复习器官类的单词,为下文教授疾病做铺垫。1. Lets gue

5、ss Oh, this is my student Wang Bing, he has a cold, so he cant go to school today. Look at the picture, where is he now? (引出hospital). So in the hospital, he will see the doctor. So today , we will learn unit 4 Seeing the doctor (read 带读)2. Lets learn if you are doctor, how to ask?Ss:Whats the matte

6、r? Whats wrong with you? 3. Look and sayLook at the pictures and say their illness.(引出ache 这个后缀)T 讲解 headache toothache,并板书。4. Look and guessT: Lets play a game! Look at the pictures and guess, whats wrong with them?【设计意图】学生在主动探索中获得解决问题的方法,主动习得语言。学生通过问答,引出新知,循序渐进,词不离句。Learn Part One1. Watch and choo

7、seWang Bing is ill, he cant go to school, Su Hai is ill , she cant go to school too. Please watch and choose, whats wrong with Su Hai? 2.Listen and findLets listen and find. What do Su Hai and doctor say?Ss: I have a headache.I feel coldLet me check.You have a fever. (教读check 和neck)3 Try to say If y

8、ou are ill, what will you say to the doctor? (边说边做动作)you can say with your actions. (贴词条 I have/I feel)4.Think and sayIf you are the doctor, what is your advice for Su Hai? You should/shouldnt.(贴词条)5.Read and underline. Read and tell me , what should Su Hai do? You should have a rest, take some medi

9、cine, drink some warm water.(拓展cold water贴词贴,带读)6.Lets read part one7. Lets discuss How to prevent colds? You should have some fruits, vegetables, do some sports.【设计意图】在教师的带领下学习课文第一部分,通过仔细观察图片掌握相关信息,为阅读文本做好铺垫。观看动画片、听录音,整体感知理解文本内容。Learn Part Two1. Try to ask Look at the pictures and try to ask some q

10、uestions according to the key words.(根据What,how,where 等关键词提问)2. Learn by yourselvesTasks:1、自学新单词,并圈出来。 2、朗读课文,找到问题的答案。 3、根据看病三步曲,完成病例卡。3. Ask and answer1)whom does Mike go to see?He goes to see the dentist.(教dentist den/tist)2) Why does he have a toothache?Eat lots of sweets, brush his teeth once a

11、day.3. Try to thinkHow many times should Mike brush his teeth every day?(read again)4. Finish the medical record5. Read part two【设计意图】根据看病三部曲。学生自学part two部分,学习Mike的部分,了解病情,学会给出建议,并从中渗透良好习惯的养成。1. Think and write看板书,完成Su Hai和Mike的诊断书!2. Happy reading (you can choose one part to read or act)3. lets act

12、Besides Wang Bing, Su Hai and Mike, maybe there are some other patients in the hospital. Now works i pairs, one is a doctor, the other is a patient, lets make a dialogue! You can use the words and sentences on the screen and Bb.【设计意图】通过跟读、分角色朗读和填空等多种形式正确理解并掌握对话内容。3. Discussion and affective So, to h

13、ave a healthy life, what should/shouldnt we do?You should have a good habit, brush two times one day.【设计意图】学生互动,创设开放性的问题进行自由交流和讨论,并适当渗透情感教育。作业设计1. Copy the new words 3 times, and recite the story;2. Make a new dialogue about illness;3. Preview Fun time and Cartoon time.板书设计Unit 4 Seeing the doctorInquiry Whats wrong with you? diagnosis I have a/an.headache/toothache I feel. Advice You should. You shouldnt 教学反思



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