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1、abandon v. 放弃,中止;抛弃。 例:Abandoned dogs often turn into handsome and horny men after being taken in by kind boys. 被善良小受捡回家的弃犬通常会变身为饥渴帅小攻。 abate v. 减弱;趋缓。 例:The panic purchase of H doujinshi shows no sign of abating. 对8CJ同人志的疯狂抢购丝毫没有减缓的趋势。 abbreviate v. 缩写;缩短,删节。 例:Because of explicit H scenes, her BL

2、novel had to be abreviated before it hit the market. 她的小说太不CJ,导致部分内容在出书前被河蟹鸟。 abduct v. 绑架。 例:Kojis brothers abducted Izumi in order to break up the love birds. 晃司的哥哥们棒打鸳鸯,绑架了泉。 aberration n. 反常的事或举动。 例:In a moment of aberration, he almost agreed to let the younger man move in with him. 他一时糊涂,差点答应让那

3、小子搬进来一起住。 abhor v. 憎恶,憎恨。 例:Thou shall abhor the ignorant and self-centered lolis. 汝当憎恶无知自大的LOLI。 abide v. 容忍,遵守;居留,逗留。 例:Thou shall not abide the authors laziness. 汝不可忍耐作者的懒惰。 abnormal adj. 不正常的。 例:Theres nothing abnormal about girls who enjoy watching two men getting it on. 女孩子爱看俩爷们搅基也没啥不正常。 aboli

4、sh v. (依法)废除? 例:The restrictions on BL novels and mangas had been abolished a long time ago. 禁BL小说漫画的规定早就被废除了。 abort v. 中止;流产,堕胎。 例:He is very weak from last weeks abortion. 他上周刚小产,身子虚得很。 abrasion n. 磨损;擦伤。 例:It seems that they played it rough last night, there are some abrasions on his wrist. 两人昨晚打

5、得火热,他的手腕都被磨伤了。 abrupt adj. 突然的;粗鲁的,无礼的。 例:He penetrated him abruptly. 他毫无预警地贯穿了他。 absence n. 缺席;不存在,缺乏。 例:It was the absence of normal body contact which made me aware of whats going on. 他们竭力躲避身体接触,反而让我嗅到了JQ的味道。 absolute adj. 完全的,纯粹的;绝对的;专制的。 例:His knees grew weak from the absolute pleasure brought

6、by the other man. 那男人带来的欢愉让他膝盖发软。 absolve v. 免责,赦免。 例:No one can absolve him from his sins, for his forbidden love is firm and strong. 这份禁断之爱坚如磐石,没人能赦免他的罪。 absorb v. 吸收;获取;吞并。 例:Male fox demons can absorb energy from men, too. 公狐狸精也能从男人那儿吸取精气。 abstract adj. 抽象的;抽象派的。 n. 摘要;抽象派作品。 v. 摘录,总结。 例:Some au

7、thors use a lot of abstract adjectives in their works, I had to read the story twice to know what the characters are doing. 有些作者抽象形容词用得太多,我得看两遍才能弄明白人物都在干嘛。 absurd adj. 愚蠢的;荒谬的。 例:Hey Harry, check it out! Some muggles think you and Malfoy fit for each other! How absurd! 嘿,哈利!有群麻瓜觉得你和马尔福很般配!真奇怪! acqui

8、escev. (勉强)同意,(不情愿地)默许。 例:Lowering his head and biting his lip, he acquiesced the other mans plea to bed with him. 低着头,咬着唇,他勉强应允了男人的求欢。 acquire v. 得到,获得。 例:After she became a slasher, she acuired a good knowledge of male physiology. 成为腐女之后,她学到了不少男性生理学的知识。 acquit v. 宣判无罪。 例:The judge acquitted him of

9、 sodomy. 法官免除了他插菊花的罪名。 adept adj. 擅长的,精通的。 例:As much as you may dislike him, youve got to admit, he is very adept at the art of potion brewing. 不管多不喜欢他,你得承认,制作魔药他可是技艺精湛。 adequate adj. 足够的,适当的。 例:Is your stock adequate for the Harmonic Era? 你的库存能撑过河蟹时期么? adhere v. 紧紧粘着;坚持;遵守。 例:Shindo adheres to Yuki

10、 like a remora adheres to a shark. 新堂粘由贵,就像鮣鱼粘鲨鱼。 adjacent adj. 邻近的。 例:There are many scary places adjacent to XQ, where even slashers fear to tread. XQ附近雷区多,连腐女也望而却步。(英有俗语“where angels fear to tread”) adjourn v. 暂停(会议、审讯等),延期。 例:The midnight meetings will be adjourned until the Harmonic Era is over

11、. 河蟹时期,午夜场暂时休场。adjust v. 调整;适应。 例:The new generation of Vibrater Vital products can automaticly adjust to your needs. 新一代的非它不可牌震动器可以根据您的需要,自动调节形状及大小。 administer v. 管理;给予。 例:XQ peoples anger outburst administered a strong blow to HYs reputation and popularity. XQ民愤激昂有如火山爆发,大大打击了HY的名声和人气。 admire v. 钦佩

12、;欣赏。 例:Dean took his time to adminre himself in the rearview mirror, and then gave a whistle: Aint you a handsome looking guy! 迪恩对着后视镜臭美了好一会儿,吹口哨道:“你可真是个帅小伙!” admit v. 承认;认同;准许进入。 例:They were both too stubborn to admit that they love each other. 他俩一样固执,都不肯承认自己爱着对方。 admonish v. 告诫,警告。 例:The author was admonished for not updating her work. 该作者因为挖坑不填而受到警告。 adolescent n. 青少年。 adj. 青春期的。 例:In ancient Greek, wise and respectable mens favour for adolescent boys was highly praised. 在古希腊,智慧而尊贵的男人对年轻男孩的宠爱是被赞赏的。 adopt v. 领养;采取;选择。 例:If you are a clumsy but good looking single da


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